MY FIRST GROW (hydro closet setup)


New Member
No problem Doc. Just helping out a fellow new grower. I will keep checking up on your thread to make sure things are going smoothly.

Happy smoking man.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I try not to mess with success and hand watering has worked so well for me that I have stuck with it. Only half an hour of work every 2 or 3 days. No sweat. I know a lot of growers on here like the automatic systems but I feel like I have better control with hand watering and if you have a watering can with a long spout it makes it really easy (Trying to fit an entire milk gallon jug in between the plants to pour in the pots is a pain when the plants get big and bushy). Plus I'm a nerd and like to test the runoff from each plant individually and experiment with different things. So I think you're doing right by getting at least one grow under your belt with hand watering. Getting on a regular schedule of watering every three, maybe four, days would be best for plants your size. Once you switch to flower your plants will get way more thirsty and require watering every other day. Let that coco get pretty dry before you water again, but when you do water soak the hell out of them. I pour until my pots are flooded up to the brim and a heavy amount runs out the bottom. That's all the advice I can think of right now. You should check out all the coco grow journals you can like mine, pigpen's, tetra hyc's. :peace:

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
I am actually excited that i will be hand watering with coco, what does that make it, still hydro?? i mean i am adding all the nutes, so technically that is still hydro??? lol anyhow thanks again mared i will be reading your whole grow i have just been very busy with work and hanging out with my friends a lot, not much time left for RIU... :-|

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I am actually excited that i will be hand watering with coco, what does that make it, still hydro?? i mean i am adding all the nutes, so technically that is still hydro???
That is a good question. Looking at my roots after harvest, they look like soil roots - long white strands spiraling around the coco in the pots. But I use a hydroponic setup for cloning so I can tell you that roots which are exposed to long periods of water (hydroponics) are different. They look almost like a web with many smaller roots growing out of the bigger roots. To be honest, it doesn't really matter to me if I am growing hydro or not because the term "hydro" is often misused. It does not necessarily mean superior buds. In fact, hydro buds are said to lack some of the flavor that soil-grown can produce. The advantage is greater yield and faster growth. Coco is supposed to have the advantages of both soil and hydro. I think it's true:mrgreen:

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Day 30

Here is what my plants are looking like atm, the pic with the tape measure is the height of one of the 4 plants that are almost exactly the same height. then there is the transplanted one(#2) and the one i cut up for no good reason(#7). and also #1 has a loop that i put in the stem when it was a seedling so now it sits low with the other 2. :joint:

(personally i think they are beginning to look better than a couple days ago when i thought it was looking very bad, these plants are very thirsty, i just watered them)


Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
When would be a good time to top my plants? like do i top them then let them veg another 2 weeks or do i top them then start them into flower???? All help is appreciated highly!! :joint:

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Day 31

So here is a couple pics of plant #7 (the over nuted one that i trimmed way too much, and also already fimmed)

and some pics of #1 (the plant that i put a loop in when it was very young to make it the same height as the seeds that were a week younger)

The one pic of the plants when they were younger has the looped one dead center and its pretty cool to see what it ended up as !! lol


Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Not running out so to say but i want bushy plants with lots of budding sites so that i can get a good harvest from my t5 lights, my dad would trip if i brought in a big hps and cut holes lol.

This is my first grow so i dont know what the plants are gonna do under a t5 during flower, they might just get bushy anyhow and topping may be unnecessary. im not really sure... thanks for all the help with my pms guys!

I just topped and am going to smoke another bowl and have a photo sesh with the tops of my plants. :hump:

More pics to come!

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Ok i topped some and left some normal...

Plant #1 = No Topping
Plant #2 = No Topping
Plant #3 = FIM
Plant #4 = FIM
Plant #5 = Reg Topping
Plant #6 = Reg Topping
Plant #7 = FIM

Pictures are in order left to right of which plant, the pics of #7 are on the post with pictures right before this one.


Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Late night trimm job on #4...

My theory is that the bottom growth will get excellent penetration and i will have replacement fan leave plus more bud sites higher on the plant resulting in better buds.... Im a newb but im going to do some experimenting now that my plants are on the right path. so stay tuned, lol! :hump:


Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Day 32

Cloned my plants hardcore, didnt get count will follow up with that tomarrow.

Plants look barren on some, and bushy on others, i did that on purpose for the most part. im too tired to explain here is some pics.... :hump:



Active Member
i would not cut any fan leaves were i u. a few is ok, but too many will results in thin buds.