Do you even grow bro?


Well-Known Member
No I do not. Not right now. But I have a whole bunch of those cool colored Ball jars they are putting out.

I live in a non friendly state that has just instituted MMj. They don't allow sick people to grow even... Gotta buy it from the approved vendors. Plus I have a new kid.

New kid+new laws= moving to another state.

But in 93 or something I had a Phototron (lol) in my closet while going to school in DC. Linc, the handyman (with a taste for the needle) busted a valve under my sink which sprayed copious amounts of water into the general vicinity of the Phototron. He and Jack the landlord (awesome landlord) had to pull up the carpet. I was away the whole time. But they placed the Phototron just perfectly back where it belonged despite having to move it. And they apologized.

But I used to. For about 20 years. I am looking forward to setting again this fall. But I really don't want to be a pot hermit. It got to be a grind. You know what I mean. Like milk cows. The wife does not have a green thumb and it's going to be years before our investment in the kid pays off.

We talk about this in regard to his future. Used to keeping secrets. But I don't see that for him. I foresee a much closer relationship where I either eliminate it (unlikely) or just treat it like the most natural thing in the world.


Well-Known Member
No I do not. Not right now. But I have a whole bunch of those cool colored Ball jars they are putting out.

I live in a non friendly state that has just instituted MMj. They don't allow sick people to grow even... Gotta buy it from the approved vendors. Plus I have a new kid..
Lol, Sounds like my state but fuck the law I ain't paying for weed I smoke too much. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I had a phototron back in 1989.

I just got back into growing again after a hiatus. After a bad pull I realized my bulb was shit. Bought a Sylvania, thanks simon and things are back to normal now.

As soon as my garage is finished I am going to build myself a 10' x 6' flowering room and get myself a dual ark set up.


Well-Known Member
@Yessica... Like large hands? Check out these babies. Nimble, too. I'd take you home and make you a nice, four course dinner, play you a romantic violin sonata and lie by telling you I wrote it inspired by your beauty. Your panties would fly right off your body, wouldn't know what hit you ;)

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Some girls like cock hands with many penetrators!
Btw today is...
