The Dark Secret of LED lighting

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Here is a good video i found you what if LEd companies increased the power to a unit science is showing that when they do that things go way out of wack :)



Well-Known Member
Red+blue units are really only good for short vegging plants or shade loving plants like lettuces. It's not possible to get enough power for taller plants in red+blue alone without oversaturating the canopy. There have been multiple studies (frequently posted here) showing that red+blue lighting works fine at very low lighting levels, but you need a wideband lamp to add more power without saturating the top canopy with "the best colors".

Keep in mind there are multiple reasons people are using leds now. The older reason is being able to tailor the spectrum.. Now, white leds are straight up more efficient versions of white light. Efficiency is king now, not spectrum. Spectrum is important for what the shape of the plant will be like, but efficiency is how much light power you get per watt in.
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Well-Known Member
this is an old video. Back when area 51 just came out with panels when they partnered with fero. Getting them made by ever grow. Before cobs, before anyone was using white leds. Flyhi was rocking the mag 357 panels.the only white light was induction and CMH. Biscuit was still on here then and green Santa was enduroxx and psuagro and chaz actually grew plants. Greengenes was tags420. Raser and gas tanker were the DIY geniuses on here. Everyone was stoked on cidly apollos lol. Splifferous wasn't even on here yet. Oh how time flies.

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Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
this is an old video. Back when area 51 just came out with panels when they partnered with fero. Getting them made by ever grow. Before cobs, before anyone was using white leds. Flyhi was rocking the mag 357 panels.the only white light was induction and CMH. Biscuit was still on here then and green Santa was enduroxx and psuagro and chaz actually grew plants. Greengenes was tags420. Raser and gas tanker were the DIY geniuses on here. Everyone was stoked on cidly apollos lol. Splifferous wasn't even on here yet. Oh how time flies.
Hey, what about Bob?


Well-Known Member
Here is a good video i found you what if LEd companies increased the power to a unit science is showing that when they do that things go way out of wack :)

You must love doing the reach around. Again nice try you found a video from an induction lighting compnay. Can you please take the time to really do some research about leds before you post anything.


Well-Known Member
You must love doing the reach around. Again nice try you found a video from an induction lighting compnay. Can you please take the time to really do some research about leds before you post anything.
that video is 5 years old. At the time it was accurate. Inda gro has even made upgrades since then as well as led.


Well-Known Member
that video is 5 years old. At the time it was accurate. Inda gro has even made upgrades since then as well as led.
I know but this guy is trying his best to down LEDs and I already got a bad rep for the Mars leds which do work but fail REAL talk.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
No i am not trying to down LED lighting not at all but lets face it honestly people are preaching it like a fucking religion haha when in fact many other lights also grow plants as for your bad rep for what smashing a mars LED unit only thing you proved is its well build after what 200 hammer beats to it and you hardly put a dent in it hahaha
Mars LED units works there is no denying it tons of journals with some decent results
there is lots of hype in LED
and lots of false info like saying a unit is all USA parts There are several colors used in LED's that are not made in the US. It's like a company "claiming" they use Cree diodes, which in some cases they are. Fact is, Cree only makes about 2 of the colors used in say a 7 band array. So the first question to a company using Cree should be, ok so what do you use for the other 6 colors outside of white?

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Also people are using the efficiency all to often and throwing th e CRI out the window and again people are being mis lead just like a religion
tell me something same strain 70 CRI LED and 100 CRI the sun one grown inside one grown outside who would win in size and yield ?? see what i am getting at CRI is very important but again people sluff that under the table and opt to its more efficient make sense ???

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
This comes to my next valid question has anyone actually tested leds at certain wattages i mean not sure exactly what actual power used 70 percent of led wattage i? for the longetivity its under driven hence the longer life hrs ..
Has there been tests where a person clocks the LED and test CRI / umol etc see what its getting does it increase or diminish is there a shift somewhere does or lowers wattages and does same tests ???


Well-Known Member
All of the issues in the video have been addressed here many times. There are diodes that can get the job done, but mostly what we talk about here are COBs. I don't think that watt for watt anything can beat a COB running at 130 LPW or more at 80 CRI.

90 CRI would be ideal but there's a 20% loss in light at that CRI so we settle for 70 or 80.


Well-Known Member
COBs in the community (and so far in retail) aren't described by their potential. If we run a COB at 50 watts, it's a 50 watts COB.