New to medical, bought from Aphria


I have been self medicating with pot for 42 years now. In the past 5 years (won't go on about all medical issues) I have been in a lot of pain. I decided to wade into medical pot.
The LP I was assigned is Aphria.

I don't know if this is the norm but what I got was not very impressive!

First I hear Aphria irradiates their product. Ack.
At present they do not have compassion pricing.

I purchased 3 strains:

Churchill (Nordle)
Iroquois (Shark Shock)
Belle (Purple Kush)

I will start with the Belle. I opened the container and all I could smell was mould. It was a very dark uniform colour, (don't know if it was supposed to be monochromatic or not) kinda boring.
I then busted up a bunch and rolled a joint (I vapourize but for me the true test is smoking) and it tasted like the inside of a buzzards asshole (perception)!!! It would not stay lit for love nor money and left top of my tongue burning, oh and I had to snap the ash off (I assume do to non existent flushing). It did what it was supposed to do medically but that was the only thing it did.

Not impressed in the least.

Next is Iroquois. No mould smell at all, smell was light but nice. Looked good, nice red hairs.
Same thing when smoking though. Same not lit/buzzard/mouth burn (a tiny bit less)/snap off.

Last was Churchill, looked somewhat like the Iroquois but less hairs and somewhat monochromatic again, no smell at all really, no mould. Same not lit/buzzard/mouth burn (a tiny bit less)/snap off.

Both did what they were supposed to do medically and that was it.

Overall I was not impressed at all. Street stuff may not be as strong but it sure is a lot cleaner!

My card is only good for three months and I will surely be switching LP's when the time comes.

If anyone has any recommendations as who is the best (no irradiation, good flush and compassion pricing) LP I am all ears ;-)


Well-Known Member
Welcome oldgrumpster....well you're certainly not the first patient to be unimpressed with lp meds. You say you were assigned Aphria? Can you explain? You should have been able to choose whichever producer you wanted.


Well-Known Member
then its buyer beware in that case. You have a choice of Compassion Club's, Dispensaries or black market.
Welcome oldgrumpster....well you're certainly not the first patient to be unimpressed with lp meds. You say you were assigned Aphria? Can you explain? You should have been able to choose whichever producer you wanted.
Thanks for the welcome!
Yes, pretty easy to explain. I am ignorant and stupid. I did some cursory reading up on the medical scene and somehow got the idea that one doctor one LP and you had to switch doctors to get a different LP. I also did not think that these LP's would be producing such nasty product. If they are bad there is plenty of competition out there, why grow good stuff but do not finish the job.
I guess after 42 years of black market I had some preconceived notions.


Well-Known Member
And changing LPs to try something different will be a nightmare. Can you tell me how long it took from the time your doc signed the papers until your were able to order? Would you share what it cost? Shipping? Why is your script so short?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Welcome Old Grumpster...the LP system is th weed they sell. Go Black market or CC if you can't grow. LP weed is Schwagg at it's worst mostly.
But welcome to our little club here ...good to have you aboard.
And changing LPs to try something different will be a nightmare. Can you tell me how long it took from the time your doc signed the papers until your were able to order? Would you share what it cost? Shipping? Why is your script so short?
Oh great, of course it will be a nightmare, anything to do with the government is a nightmare! I will have shift into ultra weasel mode. It was about 48hrs from when I saw the doc to when I was able to order from Aphria. Ordered same day arrived via courier 2 days later. I got:

Belle (Purple Kush)
THC: 10.4% | CBD: <0.05%
Iroquois (Shark Shock)
THC: 6.75% | CBD: 4.28%
Churchill (Nordle)
THC: 5.41% | CBD: 7.70%

Price was $7.20 a gram, got 10 grams of each. Total $216 plus $28.08. Total $244.08
Shipping was free, free if you buy 30 grams or more at one time.
Have not a clue why only its only 3 months but may make it easier to switch LP's at that time, well one can hope!
Welcome Old Grumpster...the LP system is th weed they sell. Go Black market or CC if you can't grow. LP weed is Schwagg at it's worst mostly.
But welcome to our little club here ...good to have you aboard.
Thanks for the welcome!
Yes I am learning that quickly! I am usually the type to dive in first then sort things out.
Maybe not the best way but it is my way ;-)


Well-Known Member
You probably got the 3 worst strains from them. I'm with Aphria too and can only order 2 strains from them, strawberry cough and mango. The rest are pure garbage. Even at that I have to cure the bud for a week before I smoke it.


Well-Known Member
MedReleaf has been good so far..5$ strains all the time but only a couple at a time..the rest are between 7.50-15$/g. I've tried six strains so far and I have nothing bad to say. I haven't ordered anything over 7.50/g. They don't irradiate and its always clean.


Well-Known Member
That's just fucking wrong. You should be able to use it when it arrives...having to cure for a week is unacceptable.
agreed...if you need to use it right have to wait longer.
i would weigh it before you cure it and see if there's any loss. if there is, I'd call to talk to a manager & tell them about the well as having to cure it.
it should be ready to use before it goes out the door!
@OldGrumpster go back to least you'll get better prices and you can look and smell before you "take someone's word for it" by seeing the info on the net...
After 4 decades the thought of not looking over my shoulder to medicate myself feels like a welcome release, I don't need to hide anymore:hump:. I also like the idea of knowing the THC and CBD content (I personally don't know any black market peops that do that). I am getting to old to play the sick bird game (ill eagle) anymore!
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