
I just gave them there first feed 1 is fine and the other looks like nute burn I think I just got my 600 hps running and holding 25.5 - 26.2 Celsius anyone any idea what it could be


phil k

Well-Known Member
what are you using for water also? is the water sitting for a long period? and is the water being oxygenated before watering?


Tap water left for 24 hours I'm growing in canna coco professional plus I'm using biobizz grow should I be adding anything else

phil k

Well-Known Member
no .. you need to oxygenate the water.. your loosing oxygen leaving it sit that long.. but on top of that how often are you feeding? the plants really young and small you should be using 1/4-1/2 recommended dose once a week.. say monday feed bcuzz.. wednesday or thursday when the soil is finally dry and the plant needs water you water clean fresh water no chemicals at all.. water you yourself would drink.. then feed again the following monday.

phil k

Well-Known Member
the burn look your seeing can be two possibly three things one .. no oxygen... two very light chem burn... or three your ph is off... but if your ph was off you would see a few other issues.. which you don't so its more than likely lack of oxygen in the water or over feeding starting to set in.


What do u suggest? I gave them 1ml grow to a litre and a half of water on the bottle it says to give 2-4ml to a litre also how can I add oxygen to my water

phil k

Well-Known Member
the stem is not a issue purple stems don't mean shit I'm so sick of hearing that.. your looking and reading way too far into shit.

all you do is get a fish tank air pump with a air stone and oxygenate while you let it sit overnight.. thats it.. the oxygen levels get boosted and your good.
as for the feed the 1ml per liter sounds strong to me but its been so long since I've used them i may be wrong .. regardless use that feed on monday thats it.. any other water should be clean fresh water you would drink. after a week or so you can slowly start upping the chemical shouldn't ever require more than recommended strength once a week in veg if you do you will know it.. but until then keep with light feeds. chances are you won't bump into deficiencies 90% of issues with smaller or soil grows revolve around oxygen, over feeding and ph

phil k

Well-Known Member
That's from a pH fluctuation..some plants are naturally purple some are not. Are they purple stripes?
no its not from PH flux.. purple stems are so normal and common in genetics that people get that wrong all the time.. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT YOUR STEM!

so there due a water today should I give them just water Or add biobizz and rhizotonic
what are you talking about they are due for water? the soil is freaking soaked why would you water?


Because the soil was dry and the pots were light and coco was dry a couple inches down so gave them water was I right to do so

phil k

Well-Known Member
i wouldn't water those solo cups for about 3-4 days.. your soil will go DRY literally fucking dry before each water. if your still holding moister your just keeping the roots in soaking wet soil. what the heck good does a plant sitting in soaking wet soil do?
what does your root system do? your roots naturally SEEKS AND SPREAD IN SEARCH OF FOOD AND WATER... if the soils staying soaking wet and not fully drying out.. why would the roots expand to search for food and water.. they won't they sit.. and your plants grow like shit and super slow because they don't have a need to do anything other be lazy "welfare roots" not doing shit for your overall system because they don't have to.. they sit and do nothing because your making them lazy.

phil k

Well-Known Member
it also slows nutrient uptake to your system because your roots aren't properly growing so your plant does the lime thing when its been sitting in wet soil a long time

phil k

Well-Known Member
you gotta understand and get to the point where the soil is actually dry..jamming water or food down your plants throat is doing nothing but killingit...