AllDayToker's Adventure of Greener Living - HPS Perpetual Closet Grow

Lovely country RP.

The 8balls look to be set up nicely ADT. Good luck!


Thanks JD! Just trying to do what I can. The net could be filled a little thicker but it's still decently full.

After a few runs wouldn't mind trying out a new strain along side these. Will have to find something that will fit the veg and flower schedules.
Yo yo yo

Wassup my brotha? thought I'd slip over and say howdy! hope those girls are doing good for you, maybe you'll give an update soon?

You know I live vicariously through you and your grow ;)

Well howdy howdy rosey, how you doin?

I'm doing well, little hung over this morning, and going to go out again tonight, rough haha.

The girls are looking great, pistils poppin eveywhere. I'll try to get an update up as soon as I can.

Can't wait till you can get back on the grow wagon. Seems like it's been forever since your last girl!
Well howdy howdy rosey, how you doin?

I'm doing well, little hung over this morning, and going to go out again tonight, rough haha.

The girls are looking great, pistils poppin eveywhere. I'll try to get an update up as soon as I can.

Can't wait till you can get back on the grow wagon. Seems like it's been forever since your last girl!
I'm good, good...trying to get over this crazy ass flu like cold I've had and keep the puppies from taking over the

Like they say, the hair of the beast that bit ya will fix ya ;) I am looking forward to seeing your ladies again.

I know man, I know...I thought we'd be growing by now but the security problem isn't going away anytime soon. I've been trying to find us something else but unless you get out and ride, it's really hard to find what we're wanting and he's been working a ton of overtime lately so there's not much time when he's off.

I really miss growing my ganja!!!

We did start 12 tomato plants a week ago, got to transplant to bigger pots this weekend, the soil here stinks so we're doing containers all the way.
Alright friends, got an updated pic for ya. The screen is 6 1/2' long so had to take a couple pictures to get it all in there. I let the HPS get a little close so the plant on the right side underneath it got bleached a little, I moved it up a couple days ago so color should come back soon. All three are looking great though. I expect them to finish the second to third week of June.

Stay Green!!
Well I'm glad to see I still got some friends on here watching! Going to have to go check out your thread and see what's going on.

I'll be starting a new thread once things start going again (I stopped updating a couple of weeks ago other than the shatter run). Ran into some problems. I tried switching from Aero over to Hempy Buckets thinking they would be less hassle and I was way wrong. Turns out I can't do simple things, lol.

Just turned into a pain in the ass having to drag the buckets into the bath tub just so I could water. With Aero I just fill the rez and wait a week. Not sure why I decided to switch other than just wanting to try something new. Oh well tried hated it now going back to what I know.
Here are a couple close ups of the 8ball going right now. I think they are about half way into flower at the current moment.

The second set of pictures are of one of the two COB LED lights I built for my veg area. Just need to pick up some chains to get them hung. They'll be replacing my two T5 fixtures I have in there currently.

DIY COB LED fixture, one of two

A big shout out to @SupraSPL I could of not built these lights without him and he still continues to teach me the ins and outs of LED lighting. Thanks a lot mane!!!
They look sticky, Man!!! What are the genetics of the 8 ball?

They are super sticky, high hash production on the trim, real potent smoke.

What I have found is that 8Ball kush is basically Barneys Farms spin on Hindu Kush. Without a doubt a very heavily indica dominant strain, bushy, thick foliage, short. High resin production and dense medium sized buds, straight afghan strain basically. I love it. Would like to try some other strains just not at the current moment. Would like to say I've mastered a strain and I'm not quite there with this one.
Glad to see you rocking it ADT. The new LED work looks
like it is blazing. Kudos.

Way too busy at work to properly represent, but wishing you well.


Thanks JD!! I just appreciate you stopping by still, we can chat when you have free time. :)

Yeah everything is runnin smooth and the new light build was a lot of fun and also going to be super beneficial.
Just some update pics of the 8ball. Thinkin' they still have 3 to 4 weeks to go. The plant on the far right is getting some color back. I had the HPS too close so they got bleeched a little bit. Everything else is nice and green, even getting some nice harvest colors in my leaves that I've only seen in the 8ball kush picture they use to have for when they sold the seeds. Just some purpling in the fan leaves. Looks great. On the left LED side you can see some purple.

The first three pictures are going left to right in my closest, the left side had my Chinese made COB LED lights, the right side has my HPS.

Random closeups

Happy growing people!
Haven't posted any new pics of the 8ball, will have to get some in a little bit here. They will be finishing up soon.

Also picked up some Breeders Boutique gear, so I got a couple DOG femd seeds and some Deep Psychosis seeds in paper towels, I'll get them in some rapid rooter cubes as soon as they crack.

I've been wanting to run their stuff since I saw frenchy do a hash run with their Pinot Noir. Can't wait to see how these flower out.

Edit: My bad I was thinking Cannabis Aficionado
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Think you'll find something you like in those deep psychosis...

Never grown a mostly SatIva hybrid before so I am excited. Depending the sex on the three I'll be keeping the best female, then I'll keep a good male and collect pollen for future use. Seems like a good strain from their site.