How high are you... RIGHT NOW?


Well-Known Member
no! i watered them with sugar. i knew i should have reworded that. i'm at 45 feet 9 inches. i'm soaring!!!!!!!!!!

Al Capone

Well-Known Member
I'm back and at like .05 I just woke up, cloudy at most, took me 1 attempt to login cus i 4got pass.

gotta get my day started i have a flight today, so this is a good morning and see you all in 2 days :)


Well-Known Member
dam im really faded right now i'd say at an 8 and just leaning back on my seat enjoying the high on rollitup


Well-Known Member
I wish I could just grow 150 pounds of the craziest white widow, then just send a pound to all of you guys in need. Makes me feel sad when some of you guys are in need, and then others have so much. Rollitup should start a charity, for the needy : ) would be a good deed, and possibly taxable!! lol