12/12 from seed harvest help

Alex rios

Hello i have recently planted 2bag seeds from mids and i was wondering if i could turn them into some loud or atleast better than it was i have 1 1200 lumen cfl one 1700 lumen cfl one 2000 lumen cfl and one 1600lumen cfl all in the 2700k spctrum i was wondering if anyone knew how much yeild per plant i can expect?


Well-Known Member
Its totally hypothetical. Any answer is a total guess as there are multiple variables. It could be a great heavy yielder but there wasn't enough light, it was stressed, bad nute schedule, temps, not topped or trained, container size, etc... Need more info to even hazard a guess. From seedling into 12/12 it wouldn't be much.


Well-Known Member
Can't determine strain characteristics from bag since bagseed comes from numerous sources anyways. You should shoot at least 150w ( minimum ) for any plant growth.

What medium , nutes , water etc. plus pics.


Active Member
As a general rule of thumb, you get 1 gram for every watt of light if done correctly. You can increase that with nutes & some sun. Bag seeds can be scary... Pics help lots.

Alex rios

Guys im sorry but my phones not posting pics for some reason but th plant are about 4 days old look very healthy to me temperature is about 83.2 humidity 30% i use a soil with .14%nitrogen .11 potassium the rest i dont know till tomorrow but ill will be sure to add photos asap!


Well-Known Member
The tinfoil isnt helping them imo, Pick up some panda film. Youre going to need more light than that if you expect any type of yield.

You get what you put into it.

Alex rios

Lmao you caught my ass! But i might do the hvac thing fr but i do wanna start i nice indoor grow when i get older but dont hate didnt you smoke when u were 17?