Americans will start being microchipped in 3 years


Well-Known Member
I know right?


I fucking love Canada. But we are 'Emerica's hat. We're buddies, I think.

And if it came down to fisticuffs, I would have to admit that I'd put my money on Team USA.

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But who would want to fight us anyways? Ask us nice and we'll give you whatever you want....hahahah
If America was"taken over" the new owners would just move the border north another 150-200miles.
I love Canada !! As a fisherman/hunter it's da shit! The farmers are great to us outta towners too!

Funny pics!


Well-Known Member
So, you're admitting that your meme was bullshit, ya fucking retard? No such thing as a Ford 2500.

BTW, F250 doesn't mean 2500 pounds. You are a stoopid fucking idiot. Ya got any more words of wisdom, idiot fucking hoser. My 9 year old is laughing at you.
Oooooh - happy FATHERS DAY!

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Yessica you think so you place your money on Team usa lets here between folklore and fairy tales and of course the american sniper lol
Rob furlong Canadian Craig Harrison British army hold the record for longest kill shot thems the truth , with china investing billions of dollars one would think if usa even thought of coming here shit would hit the fan much sooner
you ever wonder why USA has not went up against a nation with similiar power how about Iran , russia , china they get there ass handed to them on a plate don't kid your self .. If anything other countries learned from usa recent invasions is there actually weak very weak indeed there ground troops are bunch of hill billies they need black water to really make a impact yup paid mercenaries
Its proven fact if usa was to go up against china or russia things might not look so pretty again media will do what ever it can but the truth is they get there ass kicked
USA is not a super power anymore them days are over ..
They just cannot admit it
shit i your to place bets make it a sure bet like the chinese womens army kicking americans ass in combat they wouldnt know what the fuck hit em would be like a pitbull going up against sheep no contest .. fighting a country that has fought thousands of more wars against usa that has lost pretty much every war but in the end fucked up another country in one way or another



Well-Known Member
Yessica you think so you place your money on Team usa lets here between folklore and fairy tales and of course the american sniper lol
Rob furlong Canadian Craig Harrison British army hold the record for longest kill shot thems the truth , with china investing billions of dollars one would think if usa even thought of coming here shit would hit the fan much sooner
you ever wonder why USA has not went up against a nation with similiar power how about Iran , russia , china they get there ass handed to them on a plate don't kid your self .. If anything other countries learned from usa recent invasions is there actually weak very weak indeed there ground troops are bunch of hill billies they need black water to really make a impact yup paid mercenaries
Its proven fact if usa was to go up against china or russia things might not look so pretty again media will do what ever it can but the truth is they get there ass kicked
USA is not a super power anymore them days are over ..
They just cannot admit it
shit i your to place bets make it a sure bet like the chinese womens army kicking americans ass in combat they wouldnt know what the fuck hit em

I wonder why you think after calling me "the village bicycle" or whatever I would ever read anything YOU write ever again?

Have fun sucking dick,'re dead to me.


Well-Known Member
Yessica you think so you place your money on Team usa lets here between folklore and fairy tales and of course the american sniper lol
Rob furlong Canadian Craig Harrison British army hold the record for longest kill shot thems the truth , with china investing billions of dollars one would think if usa even thought of coming here shit would hit the fan much sooner
you ever wonder why USA has not went up against a nation with similiar power how about Iran , russia , china they get there ass handed to them on a plate don't kid your self .. If anything other countries learned from usa recent invasions is there actually weak very weak indeed there ground troops are bunch of hill billies they need black water to really make a impact yup paid mercenaries
Its proven fact if usa was to go up against china or russia things might not look so pretty again media will do what ever it can but the truth is they get there ass kicked
USA is not a super power anymore them days are over ..
They just cannot admit it
shit i your to place bets make it a sure bet like the chinese womens army kicking americans ass in combat they wouldnt know what the fuck hit em

How do you think the USA would do against Canada, ya stoopid fucking hoser?


bud bootlegger
duh F 250 2500 pound F 350 3500 pound but again something you would not be aware of buy the way i own one do you ??? shit i want to do something or buy something i just buy it .. curious Do you drive ??? and if so what lol how many people you know that will spend 30k on axles tires and rims :) i am Canadian
I right off more shit in one year then most people make in a year..
that is the truth there kiddo....
once people understand how to play the game like the rich and famous life is actually wicked stress free learn about RIV and RIM might be good start to freedom and being able to do anything you want .. have a nice day
when your truck is taller than your house, you might be a canadia


Well-Known Member
Hey stupid fuck tell me how would it work out for you not well history proves it no last time you tried you got your ass kicked don't forget you would be messing with the Queen so with that said again you probably lose just like all your wars

It's time to admit it: America sucks at war. The last time we decisively defeated our enemies was 1945. Korea was a draw, Vietnam a defeat, the first Gulf War only a qualified success—Saddam Hussein stayed in power considerably longer than George H. W. Bush—Afghanistan and Iraq epic disasters for American foreign policy. The United States has more firepower at its fingertips than any empire in history but seems unable to translate all that might into anything that could be called victory.

Considering the United States spends more than $500 billion a year on war, almost as much as the rest of the world put together, we don't seem to be getting much bang for our military buck. If any other government program cost as much as the Pentagon with as little to show for it, Americans across the political spectrum would be up in arms. Instead, they mouth "Thank you for your service" and shrug at the size of the military budget.

This is not to say we don't win battles. In Afghanistan right after 9/11 I watched the US crush the Taliban in record time as a news cameraman. When I arrived in the country, the Taliban controlled all the cities and most of the countryside; the Northern Alliance, outnumbered and outgunned, ruled mere slivers of land. All us journos figured the war would be a long hard slog, at least four to six months, even with American help.

And then, we began to hear the pounding of B-52 strikes. A handful of Special Forces soldiers had secretly infiltrated across the Uzbek border. Dressed like mujahideen, riding Arabian stallions toward Taliban front lines, these trained spotters called in precise air strikes on enemies tanks and trenches. Northern Alliance commanders would point out the targets, the spotters would aim their lasers, the B-52s would aim, and, like magic, the Taliban's ancient Russian tanks would be transformed into heaps of blazing metal. Taliban soldiers soon abandoned their trenches and melted away. Barely a month after bombing began, the Northern Alliance marched into Kabul. Victory came so much faster than any of us expected.

Or did it? Fourteen years later, the American war in Afghanistan looks like a disaster. The country's government and people despise us, the Taliban once again control much of the country, and more heroin is exported than ever before. Afghanistan has become America's longest war, that early "victory" a mirage.
What article did you steal that wall of text from?

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
So here are five straightforward lessons—none acceptable in what passes for discussion and debate in this country—that could be drawn from that last half century of every kind of American warfare:

1. No matter how you define American-style war or its goals, it doesn’t work. Ever.

2. No matter how you pose the problems of our world, it doesn’t solve them. Never.

3. No matter how often you cite the use of military force to “stabilize” or “protect” or “liberate” countries or regions, it is a destabilizing force.

4. No matter how regularly you praise the American way of war and its “warriors,” the US military is incapable of winning its wars.

5. No matter how often American presidents claim that the US military is “the finest fighting force in history,” the evidence is in: it isn’t.

And here’s a bonus lesson: if as a polity we were to take these five no-brainers to heart and stop fighting endless wars, which drain us of national treasure, we would also have a long-term solution to the Veterans Administration health-care crisis. It’s not the sort of thing said in our world, but the VA is in a crisis of financing and caregiving that, in the present context, cannot be solved, no matter whom you hire or fire. The only long-term solution would be to stop fighting losing wars that the American people will pay for decades into the future, as the cost in broken bodies and broken lives is translated into medical care and dumped on the VA.

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Canadian beer sucks it's actually worse than American beer that's pretty fucking bad. bongsmilie
let me guess you tried one Canadian beer and assumed all Canadian beer sucked, you guys are famous for coors light and bud weiser, both terrible beers compared to our famous moose head and molson canadian

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Similarly, the NSA’s surveillance regime, another form of global intervention by Washington, has—experts are convinced—done little or nothing to protect Americans from terror attacks. It has, however, done a great deal to damage the interests of America’s tech corporations and to increase suspicion and anger over Washington’s policies even among allies. And by the way, congratulations are due on one of the latest military moves of the Obama administration, the sending of US military teams and drones into Nigeria and neighboring countries to help rescue those girls kidnapped by the extremist group Boko Haram. The rescue was a remarkable success… oops, didn’t happen (and we don’t even know yet what the blowback will be).

3. American-style war is a destabilizing force. Just look at the effects of American war in the twenty-first century. It’s clear, for instance, that the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 unleashed a brutal, bloody, Sunni-Shiite civil war across the region (as well as the Arab Spring, one might argue). One result of that invasion and the subsequent occupation, as well as of the wars and civil wars that followed: the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Syrians and Lebanese, while major areas of Syria and some parts of Iraq have fallen into the hands of armed supporters of Al Qaeda or, in one major case, a group that didn’t find that organization extreme enough. A significant part of the oil heartlands of the planet is, that is, being destabilized.

Meanwhile, the US war in Afghanistan and the CIA’s drone assassination campaign in the tribal borderlands of neighboring Pakistan have destabilized that country, which now has its own fierce Taliban movement. The 2011 US intervention in Libya initially seemed like a triumph, as had the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan before it. Libyan autocrat Muammar Qaddafi was overthrown and the rebels swept into power. Like Afghanistan and Iraq, however, Libya is now a basket case, riven by competing militias and ambitious generals, largely ungovernable, and an open wound for the region. Arms from Qaddafi’s looted arsenals have made their way into the hands of Islamist rebels and jihadist extremists from the Sinai Peninsula to Mali, from Northern Africa tonorthern Nigeria, where Boko Haram is entrenched. It is even possible, as Nick Turse has done, to trace the growing US military presence in Africa to the destabilization of parts of that continent.
4. The US military can’t win its wars. This is so obvious (though seldom said) that it hardly has to be explained. The US military has not won a serious engagement since World War II: the results of wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq ranged from stalemate to defeat and disaster. With the exception of a couple of campaigns against essentially no one (in Grenada and Panama), nothing, including the “Global War on Terror,” would qualify as a success on its own terms, no less anyone else’s. This was true, strategically speaking, despite the fact that, in all these wars, the United States controlled the air space, the seas (where relevant) and just about any field of battle where the enemy might be met. Its firepower was overwhelming and its ability to lose in small-scale combat just about nil.

It would be folly to imagine that this record represents the historical norm. It doesn’t. It might be more relevant to suggest that the sorts of imperial wars and wars of pacification the United States has fought in recent times, often against poorly armed, minimally trained, minority insurgencies (or terror outfits), are simply unwinnable. They seem to generate their own resistance. Their brutalities and even their “victories” simply act as recruitment posters for the enemy.
ho really are the fuck ups of the world ????