The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
looking fucking nice that mate you been watering every day bro how much they been having each daily ?
i wanted to change my setup from 15 litre pots to 5 next run and put 16 under each light but i got a holiday planned in 6 weeks for a long weekend so i think im gonna have to keep my setup the same for next run so i can go away for couple days last time i left bro in law in charge he didnt do too good
Cheers man they on a litre a day with a tad bit if run off I'll have to wait and see what yields like first before I can say owt but son far so good man I think the daily watering helps a lot and keeps salt to a minimum as your kind of flushing out everyday normally with canna I get a lot of white residue around the pots this run there's hardly any


Well-Known Member
What's the cheapest ounces go with u lads out of curiosity?
That price isn't entirely accurate man.

In Ireland (where I am anyway) you'll get bang on 2g for €50, but anytime I'm back in England the prices seem to jump up and down.

Depends who you know though. met a random guy at the weekend and he gets 2.5-2.8g for €50.

Either way though, the weed is still fuckloads cheaper than over here. like £120 is what my uk mate pays per oz of cheese/ amnesia haze etc.

ps. good to see this thread is still going, didn't expect such a massive thread when I made it!


Well-Known Member
ozs down here are 160-260, bags are 1.7-2.4g for £20, no-one does quarters and very rare they will do halves, boxes are 7k
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Well-Known Member
picked up some strawberry kush today, more kushy than strawberry but there is the faintest of hints of it in there somewhere

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i was talking to.a mate who's sitting on boxes n he's not willing to drop to 160 on 10. He'll sit n wait til there's nowt about and i mean he's got boxes.

I've tried tellin him the charvers will do 10 n boxes at 160-170 but he's not arsed. More worried he'll get caught with keys


Well-Known Member
learn to smoke a pure joint and enjoy it, it's the best way.
my mate smoked for over a ten stretch but he still enjoys a joint, my other mate couldn't give up baccy in joints and slowly but surely ended up back on the cigs.

good luck lad, you're not gonna be fun for the next cpl weeks lol


Well-Known Member
learn to smoke a pure joint and enjoy it, it's the best way.
my mate smoked for over a ten stretch but he still enjoys a joint, my other mate couldn't give up baccy in joints and slowly but surely ended up back on the cigs.

good luck lad, you're not gonna be fun for the next cpl weeks lol
thats the plan G, pure joints and if i do manage it im gonna get me a volcano in 8-9wks, have wanted one for ages but could never justify the cost but gonna treat meself if i can get of the cancer sticks, feeling quite confident tho tbh.

me chest has been proper rough for months now n went to the docs about it a few weeks ago, they reckon i got fucking asthma back?!? i aint had that since i was a kid, so yeah gonna stop the cigs.


Well-Known Member
went to the docs today about giving up the cigs, wouldnt put me on champix in case i top meself lol got patch's n some nicotine mouthspray, gonna go for it from 2mora but thought id give the mouthspray a bash aint had a cig in 6hr now! go me! lol
I was on they champix tablets in 2010 and for the 9 months I was taking them I stayed off the fags, as soon as I stopped taking the pills the cravings came back and within a month I was back on the smokes.
I just told my doc I had tried every other method like the gum, patches and sprays and none worked so he gave me the champix without much hassle.


Well-Known Member
I was on they champix tablets in 2010 and for the 9 months I was taking them I stayed off the fags, as soon as I stopped taking the pills the cravings came back and within a month I was back on the smokes.
I just told my doc I had tried every other method like the gum, patches and sprays and none worked so he gave me the champix without much hassle.
i got a long mental health history mate so that why they said that the champix aint for me lol

this spray is pretty good tho, taste like shit n burns ya mouth but you dont fancy a fag for a good while after a few sprays, plus i got patch's which im gonna start 2mora just thought id give this spray a try, gonna go for me 1st 24hr without a smoke 2mora in 21yrs lol