When to harvest! expertise opinion please!, getting mixed information regarding this.


Growing has so many factors, lights, water, soil, air, temps etc etc the list goes on and on and yes strain also has a major part BUT you can maximise the kinda high you want by harvesting at the right time not too soon nor too late.


Growing has so many factors, lights, water, soil, air, temps etc etc the list goes on and on and yes strain also has a major part BUT you can maximise the kinda high you want by harvesting at the right time not too soon nor too late.
Sorry bud but I really don't agree with that.
So what you're trying to say is that if I grow the same exact strain cloned from the same mother that I'm going to get a different high from how I finish it? Not true. The potency can fluctuate a little bit but the high is going to be the same no matter what.


Sorry bud but I really don't agree with that.
So what you're trying to say is that if I grow the same exact strain cloned from the same mother that I'm going to get a different high from how I finish it? Not true. The potency can fluctuate a little bit but the high is going to be the same no matter what.
No the clone will have the exact same properties.
All in saying Is you change any factor and it will differ the plant, the,sane goes,with when you harvest, it may not even make a notable diff but either way the diff will be there


Sorry bud but I really don't agree with that.
So what you're trying to say is that if I grow the same exact strain cloned from the same mother that I'm going to get a different high from how I finish it? Not true. The potency can fluctuate a little bit but the high is going to be the same no matter what.
I'm not going to troll or hate bro, you are more experienced than Lil newb me so I won't argue ha.
But I just though it was commen sence as no two plants are the exact same unless you clone but even then if you change something you will get a different end result right?


Well-Known Member
I havent mentioned how long ive been growing..
I wonder why i didnt feelthe meed to do so;) ...and ok, ill keep running my trap. All 4 of em lol..i gavea lot of good info in this thread. You just gotta unscramble my jacked text

And no even clonesare not exactky the same. Yourgenetics are constantly changingg..google epigenetics for instance
I had to getrid of my master kush mom last year. I loved that plant but the clones she threw were going downhill for me. Still flowered 50-53 days, same bud strucyture for the most part, started stretching slightky but tje biggest dif was flavor noteven bad just saying it was altered and not to my preference.


I havent mentioned how long ive been growing..
I wonder why i didnt feelthe meed to do so;) ...and ok, ill keep running my trap. All 4 of em lol..i gavea lot of good info in this thread. You just gotta unscramble my jacked text

And no even clonesare not exactky the same. Yourgenetics are constantly changingg..google epigenetics for instance
I had to getrid of my master kush mom last year. I loved that plant but the clones she threw were going downhill for me. Still flowered 50-53 days, same bud strucyture for the most part, started stretching slightky but tje biggest dif was flavor noteven bad just saying it was altered and not to my preference.
Maybe that's cause of inbreeding? I heard after numerous generations and crops a plant will start to go bad and loose stability or something along those lines?


Well-Known Member
Not inbred off takingclones

But thats alsonot how it works, more myths.
An example, i grow alot of landrace sativas, mostky mex...i was on some islands off nexico talking to a farmer who said the whole field was the same strain and what his family had grown for generations. The buds crawled along the ground like vines and propogated themself cloning themself, and budding year round. The stuffwas crazy dank.
Thereare so many amazing landraces. Every sour d, diesel chem strain etc comesfrom a sour mexican landrace. Except the real thing is like thebest garlicy chemdawg. Super potent. Not anyissues of being inbred


Well-Known Member
OK man, do what u do. Keep spreading the vast amount of knowledge you have. Less competition for me in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Not inbred off takingclones

But thats alsonot how it works, more myths.
An example, i grow alot of landrace sativas, mostky mex...i was on some islands off nexico talking to a farmer who said the whole field was the same strain and what his family had grown for generations. The buds crawled along the ground like vines and propogated themself cloning themself, and budding year round. The stuffwas crazy dank.
Thereare so many amazing landraces. Every sour d, diesel chem strain etc comesfrom a sour mexican landrace. Except the real thing is like thebest garlicy chemdawg. Super potent. Not anyissues of being inbred
damn wish I could get a hold of some of that mexican stuff that grows like vines and clones it's self. Damn.


Not inbred off takingclones

But thats alsonot how it works, more myths.
An example, i grow alot of landrace sativas, mostky mex...i was on some islands off nexico talking to a farmer who said the whole field was the same strain and what his family had grown for generations. The buds crawled along the ground like vines and propogated themself cloning themself, and budding year round. The stuffwas crazy dank.
Thereare so many amazing landraces. Every sour d, diesel chem strain etc comesfrom a sour mexican landrace. Except the real thing is like thebest garlicy chemdawg. Super potent. Not anyissues of being inbred
So your saying once my Og kush x Sour d is big enough I can take clones forever? Without having to worry about crappy genetics? Really short on seeds, wish my autos hermied could of really used the beans


Well-Known Member
So your saying once my Og kush x Sour d is big enough I can take clones forever? Without having to worry about crappy genetics? Really short on seeds, wish my autos hermied could of really used the beans
u don't want hermie seeds, they are prone to hermie themselves except on rare occasions. But you can take clones of plants for a long time, as long as you can keep it alive. You can even reveg that plant and keep it that way.


I havent mentioned how long ive been growing..
I wonder why i didnt feelthe meed to do so;) ...and ok, ill keep running my trap. All 4 of em lol..i gavea lot of good info in this thread. You just gotta unscramble my jacked text

And no even clonesare not exactky the same. Yourgenetics are constantly changingg..google epigenetics for instance
I had to getrid of my master kush mom last year. I loved that plant but the clones she threw were going downhill for me. Still flowered 50-53 days, same bud strucyture for the most part, started stretching slightky but tje biggest dif was flavor noteven bad just saying it was altered and not to my preference.
Just a bunch more trap running and beating around the bush. What was my terrible information and what the right information come on bud set my terrible info straight. This thread was started by some on asking when to harvest. That's what I answered. You haven't told me anything that suggest I gave terrible information answering that question. Thats because you can't your just a big mouth that's trying to start shit. Prove me wrong or shut the hell up and go start shit somewhere eles. The only reason I said how long I've been growing is because your going by my profile saying new member. News flash the means I just joined the site. And no you haven't given any good info like you say you did what so ever. The crap you just spewed above is garbage. The reason for your strains decline was completly something you did wrong not the strain. Nice try but that is all truely terrible info and way off topic.


I'm not going to troll or hate bro, you are more experienced than Lil newb me so I won't argue ha.
But I just though it was commen sence as no two plants are the exact same unless you clone but even then if you change something you will get a different end result right?
Well you had part of it right in your first post on this page but backwards. That things change lights,soil,temps so on. True. The only thing that doesn't change is the genetics from a mother plant unless there was some kind of grower error to cause it. In a perfect world perfect grow room same mother plant nothing should ever change unless you make the change yourself. Now in the above post your on track. Of course if you change nutrient lines, use different grow light bulbs with different light spectrums, run the room at different temperatures with the same clones from tbe same mother plant yes it will be different but thats changes you made not the strain itself.
OK what ever I ansewred the question that was asked to began with in this thread if anyone still thinks I gave terrible information to answer that question and I'm wrong prove it don't go way off topic with some other BS.


OK man, do what u do. Keep spreading the vast amount of knowledge you have. Less competition for me in the long run.
You do realize your profile is public and I can see every post you've ever made. Really? really? Your gonna run your no nothing mouth at me with all that beginner s*** that you've been asking and postin wow man you are u******** real. Boy I had some really good laughs at your expense I could still be reading them and laughing right now. Man thats better than watching comedy. Well hope you have better luck on your second grow there buddy. You r a joke. Competition for you why you gotta be out of your f****** mind. Newbie now that's TRUE,!!!


Well-Known Member
You guys should get your info from some other guys, look for people
You do realize your profile is public and I can see every post you've ever made. Really? really? Your gonna run your no nothing mouth at me with all that beginner s*** that you've been asking and postin wow man you are u******** real. Boy I had some really good laughs at your expense I could still be reading them and laughing right now. Man thats better than watching comedy. Well hope you have better luck on your second grow there buddy. You r a joke. Competition for you why you gotta be out of your f****** mind. Newbie now that's TRUE,!!!
Stop talking so much shit to this guy man, you have been spewing BS through this thread to. You think u know it all
Just a bunch more trap running and beating around the bush. What was my terrible information and what the right information come on bud set my terrible info straight. This thread was started by some on asking when to harvest. That's what I answered. You haven't told me anything that suggest I gave terrible information answering that question. Thats because you can't your just a big mouth that's trying to start shit. Prove me wrong or shut the hell up and go start shit somewhere eles. The only reason I said how long I've been growing is because your going by my profile saying new member. News flash the means I just joined the site. And no you haven't given any good info like you say you did what so ever. The crap you just spewed above is garbage. The reason for your strains decline was completly something you did wrong not the strain. Nice try but that is all truely terrible info and way off topic.
Prove who wrong you want me to?

Peace and may your garden flourish,


Well-Known Member
trichomes are not to only thing to take into account when harvesting. Once again, the plant has to be filled out and ready looking. Google some pics. Most and in some cases all pistils recede, especially at the top of the main colas. Once this happens you are at the beginning of your harvest window, but as I stated earlier if you wait a little longer you will be rewarded.