Post your tomatoes

Yea those are pretty hot. Ate a few whole. Bad idea @racerboy71

looks like i'm going to have a fuck ton of them, and just have the one plant too.. gonna have to find something good to make with them...
the plant is chuck full of fruit, and it's only round one on them too..i was reading online that they can go pretty late into the season, getting shut down pretty much only be the first frost..
my cucumber and squash plants look to be about finished for the year.. might get a few more here and there, but that's about a wrap for them.. can't really complain, got tons and tons of cucs and squash as well..

here's tonight's haul..

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does anyone happen to know anything about these peppers??

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I grew those a few year back.
They are pretty hot for their little size.
The plant grew and knocked out peppers until the first frost.

@racerboy71 those all look good... my cucumbers are kind of holding in there but a lot of them were weird with nipple like things on the end, like the ones in the photo below. I think the constant rains flushed a lot of minerals etc. out of the soil and it's probably some sort of deficiency.

I've been eating tomatoes, giving them away to friends, family and neighbors and can still barely keep up, but not really enough or flawless enough to take to market. Also I'm having to let them finish ripening on the table so whatever critters that are eating my garden don't get them.

I have 4 tomato plants right now: Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, Homestead, and German Johnson (1 of each). The German Johnson and Brandywine are doing great and around 3 feet tall.. other 2 are about 2 feet and not setting as many fruit but thats because they're at the top of a slope.. all planted on 4/20. In zone 7.

German Johnsons:


What strain is that?
@racerboy71 those all look good... my cucumbers are kind of holding in there but a lot of them were weird with nipple like things on the end, like the ones in the photo below. I think the constant rains flushed a lot of minerals etc. out of the soil and it's probably some sort of deficiency.

I've been eating tomatoes, giving them away to friends, family and neighbors and can still barely keep up, but not really enough or flawless enough to take to market. Also I'm having to let them finish ripening on the table so whatever critters that are eating my garden don't get them.

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i do the same once in awhile, i'll pick one or two that aren't ready yet, and just put them in the window sill till their ready.
i do the same once in awhile, i'll pick one or two that aren't ready yet, and just put them in the window sill till their ready.

I really can't tell the difference between finishing up on the table and finishing up on the vine. Some people are really adamant about leaving them on the vine, normally I would leave them longer if I didn't have critter problems this year. From what I understand sunlight isn't a major factor in the ripening process and our kitchen doesn't get a lot of sunlight because of shade trees.

How I understand it is that in the dark, tomatoes release ethylene gas which ripens them. Not exactly sure how they do it, but I think the big commercial operations might pick them really green, ship them all over hell and then spray them with ethylene to ripen them.
I really can't tell the difference between finishing up on the table and finishing up on the vine. Some people are really adamant about leaving them on the vine, normally I would leave them longer if I didn't have critter problems this year. From what I understand sunlight isn't a major factor in the ripening process and our kitchen doesn't get a lot of sunlight because of shade trees.

How I understand it is that in the dark, tomatoes release ethylene gas which ripens them. Not exactly sure how they do it, but I think the big commercial operations might pick them really green, ship them all over hell and then spray them with ethylene to ripen them.

yeah, i saw a dirty jobs type show, i forget exactly what show it was, and what fruit they were picking, but they did exactly what you're saying.. picked early, then they put them in some huge room and filled the room with ethylene gas, and the fruit / veggies came out ripe.. was pretty crazy..
yeah, i saw a dirty jobs type show, i forget exactly what show it was, and what fruit they were picking, but they did exactly what you're saying.. picked early, then they put them in some huge room and filled the room with ethylene gas, and the fruit / veggies came out ripe.. was pretty crazy..

Besides all the pesticides, what I really dislike about the grocery store tomatoes and peppers is that wax like coating they put on them.
Hey Dave! Those "flawed" ones are catching on in farmers markets and super markets. I dont remember where I saw it but a supermarket made a flawed section in the produce section. They sold for slightly cheaper but sold out way faster. Before they would just toss them out.
Hey Dave! Those "flawed" ones are catching on in farmers markets and super markets. I dont remember where I saw it but a supermarket made a flawed section in the produce section. They sold for slightly cheaper but sold out way faster. Before they would just toss them out.

I can see people buying them up for canning and making sauces etc. if they're cheaper, especially cheaper than everyone else. I've pretty much written off selling veggies this year but I might take some tomatoes in if I get a bunch more ripe at the same time, most of my plants are still loaded down with green tomatoes. I still need to make a bunch of sauce though myself and freeze it for the winter. Eating the homemade sauce to me is as euphoric as hitting a bowl of tasty weed.
my cucumber and squash plants look to be about finished for the year.. might get a few more here and there, but that's about a wrap for them.. can't really complain, got tons and tons of cucs and squash as well..

here's tonight's haul..

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does anyone happen to know anything about these peppers??

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They look like what I planted cascabella peppers. About 2"long & will eventually turn red. They are very hot I tried one while yellow. Thought I planted Gypsy peppers & after I took that first bite. Very hot! Lol