Flowering gone bad...any ideas? PICS


Active Member
Miracle grow organic choice potting soil
No idea the pH of my tap water
Fox farm nutes, grow big every day, tiger bloom and grow big combo every other day.
Flowering time: 24 days...
Had a nat fly infestation for about a month, been putting sand on the top soil but it gets washed down into it with every watering causing the nat flies to re-infest. I've been flowering under CFLs, a little over 200 watts until my 150 watt HPS comes today... hopefully that'll bring them back to life... Okay, so i think it might be nute lockup due to the fact that there's so much acidic sand in the soil. Maybe the pH of my soil has gone up causing the lock up... other's also might say it's a potassium deficiency... thought i'd ask the friendly people at roll it up. :)

Thanks in advance.

PS, this all happend over night, this is day 2, been using nothing but water since


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I have good ventilation, temps never get above 80 except in the morning because i have a blanket over my grow box at night to keep any unwanted light out... it's 2/3 of the plants in my box doing this, those are both of them, my third one couldn't be happier...


Well-Known Member
I am nowhere nearly experienced enough to advice you to do anything other than try to get in a good flush, using something like RO water. It really looks like a lock-out, but that's based only on the photos and descriptions I've seen.


Well-Known Member
"Fox farm nutes, grow big every day, tiger bloom and grow big combo every other day."

that doesn't sound right, definately shouldnt be feeding everyday


Active Member
it's advised to use the grow big every watering... i water often because my plants are in smaller pots, so the soil tends to be a little on the dry side every morning... I might be going a little too crazy with the Tiger bloom... but my plants aren't showing any signs of nute burn right? no yellowing whatsoever

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
it's advised to use the grow big every watering... i water often because my plants are in smaller pots, so the soil tends to be a little on the dry side every morning... I might be going a little too crazy with the Tiger bloom... but my plants aren't showing any signs of nute burn right? no yellowing whatsoever
Are the tips of your leaves crispy/burnt?
Way to much nutes, flush water with ph'd water with 30ml H2o2 and pray to god they don't die!

That honestly doesn't look like something that would happen overnight.

:peace: ~~TLB

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Like the Sealady said, it's a lockout, what are the N-P-Ks of your products?
What size container and how big is the plant?

:peace: ~~TLB


Active Member
everyday bigbloom- earthworm castings & bat guano... .01 -.3 -.7
tiger bloom 2 - 8 - 4
the leaf tips are really narrow, the serations on the leaves are now folded completely under the leaf so you can't see them... believe it or not i was showing my friend the night before how great they were doing, the next morning they looked like they do now... where can i find the h202? hydro lime? the pots are actually perfect size for the plants, they are a foot and a half tall to 2ft... the pot is 6 or 7 inches tall and 6 to 7 inches wide at the top, narrows down to a 5 by 5 inch bottom... i'm sorry i can't be more help about the pot, but like i said my third one is doing great, the only difference is i gave it a good shot of nitrogen the night before the other two wilted...

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
You can get the H2O2 anywhere really, its just hydrogen peroxide. Get the brown bottle.....it should say it's 3% h2o2.

Just go flush it and then when you water add the h202. . . .see if it comes back to life and then go back to nutes at a little under 1/2 strength.

Whats the strain?

:peace: ~~TLB


Active Member
how much h202 should i put in a gallon of water? it's an unknown strain, my friend who's been growing for a long time gave them to me, at first i thought they were random bagseed but he must have bread a male plant and harvested the seeds because these 3 have the same genetics, he said it was really good though... any thought's on the strain or is it too early into flowering?

anybody else think it's powdery mildew? what could be the cause of that and how can i kill it lol

Also, hydrogen peroxide? doesn't really seem like something that should be given to a plant? At this point i'll definitely give it a try if you advocate its use...


Well-Known Member
It's a super oxygenator/oxidizer. Essentially water with an extra oxygen molecule (I sure in fuck hope I've got that right, or my chem prof friend shall truly laugh his ass off at me). It's used in aquaria for fish that are extremely stressed. It can quickly bring O2 to the region (roots).

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
how much h202 should i put in a gallon of water? it's an unknown strain, my friend who's been growing for a long time gave them to me, at first i thought they were random bagseed but he must have bread a male plant and harvested the seeds because these 3 have the same genetics, he said it was really good though... any thought's on the strain or is it too early into flowering?

anybody else think it's powdery mildew? what could be the cause of that and how can i kill it lol

Also, hydrogen peroxide? doesn't really seem like something that should be given to a plant? At this point i'll definitely give it a try if you advocate its use...
Yes I am a firm believer!!! Like SM said it has an extra Oxygen molecule..oxygen in it self is very unstable, it gives the plant oxygen and breaks nutes down so that they are readily available. . .i feel it does the same thing as it does for us, gets rid of the bad and makes the boo boos feel better!! And it promotes positive bacteria while killing the bad!!

nice, i'm on my way out to buy some at the moment... what's the ratio for use?
The Hydrogen Peroxide you probably come back with will be 3%, you will want to put in 30ml per gallon.

Oh and don't use it to often, to much is bad and will kill everything.:mrgreen:

:peace: ~~TLB


Active Member
Thanks again for your help, waffles and seamaiden... hopefully my plants will pull through, i'm going to give them the peroxide tomorrow... what do you think is a good dose, normal amount of water once a week with this mixture?

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Thanks again for your help, waffles and seamaiden... hopefully my plants will pull through, i'm going to give them the peroxide tomorrow... what do you think is a good dose, normal amount of water once a week with this mixture?
I would water with that solution every 3rd watering. You should be fine. After the a week you will know. . .

:peace: ~~TLB


Active Member
... it's going to be one hell of a week, been stressing about them... i'll be sure to keep everyone updated. definitely going to give the peroxide a try first thing tomorrow, wish me luck :) thanks again for all your help, couldn't have done it without you all.