EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Trijico putting bible verses in their sights. Rifle companies stamping bible verses on their rifles. Christians killing Muslims in the Central African Republic and even cannibalizing them. Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda, The National Liberation Front of Tripura in India, The Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland in India, Hutaree Christian Militia here in the U.S., Robert Doggart was arrested by the FBI for plotting anti Muslim terror attacks in New York, the Army of God, Eastern Lightning, The Phineas Priesthood, Adam Everett Livix was arrested in Israel for plotting to blow up Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem...
ezekiel bread..in the frozen section..


Well-Known Member
Let's do some quick math. We'll take the upper limit of how many ISIS fighters there are: 257,900. Now let's take how many Muslims there are in the world: 1,570,000,000. That means ISIS represents 0.01634% of Islam. So explain to me how we're to judge Islam based on the actions of less than a tenth of percent of their practicing members?

That's like judging Christianity on what Anders Brevik did.
pinny? is that you?


Well-Known Member
Let's do some quick math. We'll take the upper limit of how many ISIS fighters there are: 257,900. Now let's take how many Muslims there are in the world: 1,570,000,000. That means ISIS represents 0.01634% of Islam. So explain to me how we're to judge Islam based on the actions of less than a tenth of percent of their practicing members?

That's like judging Christianity on what Anders Brevik did.
Well said. But... talking points, so you sound smart in the 'right' crowd.


Well-Known Member
So, we must judge ISIS's current evil deeds based on what happened with Christianity hundreds if not thousands of years ago?

Right now, ISIS is seeking out and killing Christians, not the other way around.

And if you havent noticed, ISIS is just the most recent popular muslim extremist group on the block. Show me the out of control christian groups that are doing things today.
right now isis is seeking out and killing any group they can, which doesn't subscribe to their radical nature, which is just about everyone.

and just why doesn't he arab emirate army embrace this war?

because war monger rightie is a fucking idiot, is why..the joke, once again, is on us..the american people!

bernie believes we should be focused on folks here at home and leave the mongrels to their own devices..once we no longer play the game, there won't be one. the AE will be forced to take charge and lose their lives, not ours.

talk to a mom or dad whose son or daughter never came home..chances are they're a rightie..ask them if it was worth it.

when no one shows at the party; it ends.

rightie loves the party..they make tons of money from the spilled blood of brave US men and women..they sit in their bat caves getting fat and looking like the pervs they are behind closed doors..shooting their load.
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Well-Known Member
So, we must judge ISIS's current evil deeds based on what happened with Christianity hundreds if not thousands of years ago?

Right now, ISIS is seeking out and killing Christians, not the other way around.

And if you havent noticed, ISIS is just the most recent popular muslim extremist group on the block. Show me the out of control christian groups that are doing things today.
There are oodles of crazy fucking Christian groups in Africa. Has the central African Genocide somehow escaped your attention.

The Lord's Resistance Army, operating in Uganda, Sudan, the Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, want to rule Uganda according to the 10 Commandments has killed thousands of people.

Jesus, there are countless memes about their leader Joseph Kony.

Aryan Nations is a white supremacist (self described White Christian Separatist) religious organization originally based in Hayden Lake, Idaho. Richard Girnt Butler founded the group in the 1970s, as an arm of the Christian Identity organization Church of Jesus Christ–Christian. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has called Aryan Nations a "terrorist threat", and the RAND Corporation has called it the "first truly nationwide terrorist network" in the US.

Muslims don't own crazy bro.


Well-Known Member
awesome article..my final jeopardy answer, alex..what is no debate skill?:lol:

what's even funnier, she never saw bernie coming and thought she nailed it (just like with obama)..secrets out..no prep, plus she's a moderate republican..and frankly, i wouldn't vote for someone who's not willing to put in the work in order to prepare.

this is no longer politics as usual..our country has changed FOREVER and will not go back!..know why? because 'we the people' are willing to do the prep ourselves which is all too apparent with the numbers that show to bernie's speeches.

i can't make this any clearer..enough is enough..the line in the sand has been drawn..years ago the oligarchy/MOP did not predict one thing in their scheme (income inequality took 20 years to complete, this was not made overnight)..the social network and the people that leverage it.

Why Is DNC Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz Afraid of Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley Debating Hillary Clinton?

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Well-Known Member
awesome article..my final jeopardy answer, alex..what is no debate skill?:lol:

what's even funnier, she never saw bernie coming and thought she nailed it (just like with obama)..secrets out..no prep, plus she's a moderate republican..and frankly, i wouldn't vote for someone who's not willing to put in the work in order to prepare.

this is no longer politics as usual..our country has changed FOREVER and will not go back!..know why? because 'we the people' are willing to do the prep ourselves which is all too apparent with the numbers that show to bernie's speeches.

i can't make this any clearer..enough is enough..the line in the sand has been drawn..years ago the oligarchy/MOP did not predict one thing in their scheme (income inequality took 20 years to complete, this was not made overnight)..the social network and the people that leverage it.

Why Is DNC Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz Afraid of Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley Debating Hillary Clinton?

Because they're all terrified that Bernie Sanders will sound like the only one in the room who's making any sense to the average American. And they're right.

Time to throw all the corrupt bums out and vote in a whole new agenda based on Bernie's platform. If currently seated representatives at all levels don't want to be agents of change for the betterment of the ninety percent, they can certainly be voted out- or recalled.


Well-Known Member
Because they're all terrified that Bernie Sanders will sound like the only one in the room who's making any sense to the average American. And they're right.

Time to throw all the corrupt bums out and vote in a whole new agenda based on Bernie's platform. If currently seated representatives at all levels don't want to be agents of change for the betterment of the ninety percent, they can certainly be voted out- or recalled.
correct-a-mundo! part of the change must occur from within both houses and as fringe as tea is; they're starting to get mr. c corp is not their friend..they only thing they have in common is their hate for racial equality (and anything that's different from them) and that's how mr. c corp controls them..ohhhhhhhhhh, does mr. c corp love the internal strife..it's part of their agenda to control 'we the people'.

when there is 'in-fighting' everyone's too busy to notice what's going on around them..honestly, we are almost too late..it's now or never..bernie is right about that.


Well-Known Member