Into the Ground or a pot?

Green Side

Active Member
I plan on doing my first grow this year, and I've never seen a clear guide saying exactly how to do outdoor growing, so I assumed people planted their babies in the ACTUAL ground. But after looking through more and more threads...I'm starting to think people put them in pots. Which is it? Thank you! =D

Edit: After looking thoroughly some more, I see people do both. Ignore this thread. =P


Well-Known Member
lol i am using grow bags this year, i usually don't but im growing in a swamp and the soil is waaay too moist for planting in the ground, usually if the soil is dry enough i say plant in the ground, better drainage, stronger plants, and much harder to find. once the tap root gets a few feet deep it won't need water in all but the driest climates, bags offer the ability to move plants to avoid detection and can keep you an extra foot or two above ground if it is nessesary.


Well-Known Member
If your gonna grow outside dont waste your time with pots you will never get as big and hearty of plants. Simple man till the dirt add peatmoss perlite and bark, plant babies and bam! 6ft plus plants that look down on you...............In Sept!


Well-Known Member
Burlap sac's filled with soil. Nothing beats them.
Easy to transport, Burlap acts like a wick, Roots grow right threw utalizing the water from the ground,


Well-Known Member
I like to use both containers and in ground. In my area mold and PM is a big hazard late in season...I move my container plants indoors overnight when it gets very humid and when I force flowering, I can control humidity and resulting bud blight much easier by keeping the containers inside in controlled environment,,,,these container plants are almost a surefire, never fail way for me to harvest lots of sticky buds when I want to.
My inground plants are sort of a bonus because it is much more difficult to guarantee a decent harvest...they can't be moved out of storms with shearing winds and damaging hail...that sucks big time...I have had many plants flattened by bad storms... my war against mold begins in late Aug/early Sept...I have very little control over my in ground plants, so as a result luck plays a much bigger role in my harvests.
But on a good year....mama mia!