My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
No power for 3 weeks, what did you do ??
Sit around with you thumb up your @ss ??
Wonder what all the growers did around there, buy a generator at any price I bet.


Well-Known Member
I did a lot of couch hoping! it sucked and it was fucking hot!!! I worked a whole lot basicly cause there was not much else to do... katrina is why I have all my equip!! going out for a haircut, Ill be back in a couple of hours to weigh all my shit!!!!!

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
I SAID 81/2 OZ'S...but who know' hard to say from a cant tell you how hard or is so it very hard to guess..but ya that's just my..guess but who am plantDOC

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I don't know if any of you guys have seen this ??
YouTube - GRASS - The History of Marijuana - part 1
Real good.

Look at this guy in the federal study, the doctor got him stoned off his ass, I want a 55gal drum of that drink.
Its at time index 7:45, part 4.
Right after Sonny Bono,LOL
YouTube - GRASS - The History of Marijuana - part 4

I watched all of em. My favorite is the kids who get high and decide to open glass soda bottles by breaking the tops off. Then they're drinking them with blood running all over their faces. I almost fell out of my chair laughing.


Well-Known Member
Durring the year that florida got hit 2 hurricanes hit within 30 miles of my house both times first time no school or power for 2 weeks second time only a week. It sucked but we did have a generator. I would be willing to bet the worst thing about Katrina was the smell. Imagine what the supwerdome had to smell like probly makes u gag a little


Well-Known Member
Ok the weights are in!!!

I weighed all this up on my tripple beam, just to much for my lil digi!

ok plant one, I refered to as abused

9 days curing -- 122.0 grams

plant two I called spice

8 days curing -- 130.5

and plant three, I called cheese (because of smell not genetics)

19 hours curing --194.5 grams

total from first grow of 3 plants 447.0 grams!

Ok so I know the weights will shrink a bit but I am super surprised at the weights even with that in mind! The cheese is smelling incredible and got me and 3 heavy smoking freinds VERY high while we where weighing it up. and long lasting! Even tasted great when the other plants had a grassy taste first hours into cure. one proud rookie! Cant wait to this again!

kiss-assI kiss the ass of riu and the tlb for getting me here!! I play a good robot!



Well-Known Member
thats fucking amazing man so thats almost exactly a pound!!!! God you are going to be high forever but noing hothouse it will be gone by this weekend =)


Well-Known Member
Well guys we are busy alwayse talking about how to grow the green. But whats every 1s faverat way to smoke it. Im a bong man cant. put some ice in the JB and im good to go. Tetra sounds like a joint man to me