nanners or nah please help


Active Member
Hahahahhaha I read and read and research Til my eyes fall out of my head. I guess I'll blame it on my ADHD. I can just imagine the looks I get when I finally drop my phone and roll over to sleep. We might be in the same boat if this shit goes south on me. Hahah

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Active Member
Mine is just for personal. I go through about 2.5 g per day. I pay too much for what I can grow myself. Once I make a half decent harvest on about 3 plants, ill buy seeds and do them 12-12 from seed so I can have a perpetuating grow when I'm not in a hurry for it. Mines is slightly less time consuming as it's soil and my conditions are very stable as opposed to a hydro grow. But I make up for the time saved by researching my face off.

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Active Member
I'm not even sure. I know the smoke was decent but they are all from that same bag. That's all I know. Here's my two best growing, others are slowly catching up.

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Well-Known Member
geez those are sum big fat indica leaves.... try letting the one on top dry out till ur cup is really light (like dry soil) that will cause ur roots to chase the water to the drain holes faster... and also perk up the leaves.... do u have drain holes?


Active Member
They are 24 right now. I was thinking the same. The top looks a bit more like a hybrid compared to some. Her issue is that she doesn't have enough room . Her roots are collecting in the bottom. I'm transplanting tonight, hoping that will perk her up a little. I'll show you all of what I have vegging when I get a new pic.

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Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
So, you grew from bagseed and you had a chick with a dick ruin your whole grow? That my friend has happened to me so many times I cant begin to count. My opinion is not too popular but im saying it anyway. I have spent lots of time and effort germinating bagseed with marvelous results and growing it to completion and its been some of the tastiest smoke that I have ever had hands down. However female plants typically do not produce male flowers unless they go hermie but there is another phenomenon that people either don't know about or tend to overlook. Some female plants will put out a seed or three here and there and its actually pretty normal. The plant gets its signal to die and in a last ditch effort to pro create it will put out some seeds that are fertile and female and lots of times without a male flower. Now does this happen all the time ? No ! The problem with all of this is that I have noticed and {Im speaking for me only} is that when you get a plant that throws seeds and that plant was a hermie the new seeds will most likely have a pre disposition to doing the same thing. They will be female but they will also tend to follow the parent plants trait. Sometimes a plant will not necessarily be a hermie but put out a random male flower or a couple , they will open up and pollinate the branch that they were on and any nearby branches and those will also be seeded and female. When buds become very ripe and mature they will sometimes also put out lots of bananas , they will be small and pale in color there may be many or few but they are absolutely harmless at the stage that they start to show up. Don't worry my guy, Im sure its nothing to lose sleep over sounds as if it may be a localized incident if at all


Well-Known Member
thanks jimmy really appreciate that.... come to find out my self pollenation may not have been as bad as i thought on my last grow ... sure i had a few calyx bursting from seed pressure but i think that a large amount of what i found in my calyxs where OVULES , I NEVER KNEW ANYTHING ABOUT gonna keep a close eye on them and check them everyday... ive heard about nanners sprouting late in flower and not being a threat but with 4 weeks of flower not approaching till this friday on a 10 week strain thats still way to muuch time for me to feel comfortable with it... one of my plants is halfway almost 4 weeks on a 50 day strain so i will get a sneak peak of the results atleast a couple weeks sooner
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Well-Known Member
That's a nanner. If you found it open then it probably released pollen. You will most likely have a seeded harvest.


Well-Known Member
yeaa lol cant catch a break.... guess we see what happens if i dont start packing on some weight in a week or two imma trash the crop