is it easy to breed autos ?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering, is it easy or like 1 in a million chance you get an auto the first time when starting breeding.

Easy ?
Impossible ?


Well-Known Member
if its a stable auto you are breeding then they will be auto ...... if youre making your own auto .... then you would have to breed the trait in over generations
I made them my accident, and im not sure which seeds i used but i know my last few orders from a seed bank i bought them from.

I,v got 3 fully flowering females and 5 reg seeds left.

Im a bit stuck as to what to do, so im flowering these, smoking them, chilling on the sofa watching movies then i have to decide wtf im going to do with these 5 last seeds .... i tell no lie.

What shall i do with these 5 seeds ? i as thinking of planting them all at the same time and seeing what i get.


Well-Known Member
auto x photo they should be photo
auto x auto they should be auto
nothing is certain when breeding but if i had to put a number on it .... i would say 99%+ chance would be the outcome in both cases


Well-Known Member
auto x photo they should be photo
auto x auto they should be auto
nothing is certain when breeding but if i had to put a number on it .... i would say 99%+ chance would be the outcome in both cases
they were both photos no lie, i can get my seedbank order form to show u probly.

infact i'll go look now.

edit: iv emailed herbies to get my last orders, crazy right ? 5 precious seeds left.
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Well-Known Member
they were both photos no lie, i can get my seedbank order form to show u probly.

infact i'll go look now.

edit: iv emailed herbies to get my last orders, crazy right ? 5 precious seeds left.
flowered on 24/0 ? or did you have a dark period ?
some photo's will flower on 16/8 - 18/6 iranian comes to mind and guerrilla gold from what ive read.... what strains did you breed and did the parents auto as well ?


Well-Known Member
Not impossible.
Last summer I pollenated a pyramid white widow auto with a kc brains mind bender (photo). He was dropping pollen by the 2nd or 3rd week of August.
This spring I started 9 seeds in tiny cups under some cfl's. I took the first 2 females and 2 males and then settled on 1 male a few days later. I let the male fully pollenate both females knowing the yields would be tiny. I did repot the 3 plants one time into about 1 litre pots. These plants never got more than 16hrs of light because they were with my outdoor photo starts for the season and to avoid flowering problems I match my light to what the sun will be doing. So I didn't know for sure if these were even auto's. So I let the 2 girls flower and grow seeds and chopped them once I could easily just pick off nice dark seeds, this was around the end of june. I kept the seeds from each lady separate and labeled them. The seeded smoke was put to the test and a clear cut winner in flavor and potency was found.

On August 10 I threw 8 of the new winning seeds into 2 3g buckets (4 in each) and went away on a 10 day vacation. These were left outside hidden in my backyard. I got home on the 24th and found 7 seedlings, the 8th actually popped up a few days later. After a few days I chose the best tall and short one in each pot not including the late sprouting runt. I can't say for sure when they sprouted but I am going with Aug 15 as guesstimate. On Sept 18 I found some balls in 1 pot and some pistils in the other go figure a tall male and shorter female. So they are still both outside toughing it out. Again I can't say these are Auto's yet since it is flowering time anyway.

In a related project I started 4 of the same seeds inside under 24hr cfl's on Sept 10 and then started 2 purchased auto's on Sept 15. Yesterday I found a bunch of pistils on 1 of my crosses which to me is an auto!!!!! That's pistils at 21 days. The other 3 crosses got put outside and the keeper got repotted to a 1G pot. So there are 3 plants insided under 240 watts of cfl. The 2 purchased seeds will get the most love. The male outside will be used to make some more seeds from the 3 females inside.

When I chopped those first 2 seeded girls I checked the root ball and both tap roots went off on an angle which is an auto trait. I also chose the smallest seeds because the original auto seeds were quite small.

Pheww sorry for the long post.


Well-Known Member
i crossed a kc brains kc45 male with a positronics purple haze #1 and about half showed semi auto / short season traits ......... ill plant some auto's and some of the haze crosses and work the lights down as the auto's finish i try to have the semi's flowering and when they finish have the normal photo's flipped


Well-Known Member
It works like this, Autoflowering is either codominant or recessive or somewhere in between. I have no idea if there are variations in this. But when you cross an auto to a photo you will get this:

A = Autoflower
a = Photo

AA x aa =

a a

A Aa Aa

A Aa Aa

Results of that line = Aa exclusively.

From there you can F2 them and it will create a 25% photo, 25% auto and 50% both ratio. The autos will obviously show themselves under veg light and from there you can work with what you've got. The plants that autoflower will all remain autoflowering until they meet another plant that's got photo genes. You can work the line as you see fit. Or you can take one of the better plants that doesn't auto and self it to see if it produces any auto offspring... or you can... you get the point.

Just making something autoflower is easy. Making it good is hard.

By the 3rd generation you will have completely autoflowering plants.

1 = Aa
2 = AA, aa, Aa
3 = AA or aa or Aa or a mix depending on what plants you choose but the ones that are autoflowering will stand out and be easy to select (duh).


Well-Known Member
flowered on 24/0 ? or did you have a dark period ?
some photo's will flower on 16/8 - 18/6 iranian comes to mind and guerrilla gold from what ive read.... what strains did you breed and did the parents auto as well ?
24/0 for 2-3 weeks then they started flowering then i changed to 18/6 under my hps. the parents didn't auto.

iv got my email from herbies so i know which seeds they are.


Well-Known Member
they were both photos no lie, i can get my seedbank order form to show u probly.

infact i'll go look now.

edit: iv emailed herbies to get my last orders, crazy right ? 5 precious seeds left.
If they were rootbound they can start to flower. That's probably what happened.


Well-Known Member
its not rootbound because it started flowering in this well before it had chance to, and its not even rootbound now at this stage.

Im lost to why this happened under 24/0. do fucking idea.


Well-Known Member
Its easy to make a line autoflower, it's hard to make it good.

its not rootbound because it started flowering in this well before it had chance to, and its not even rootbound now at this stage.

Im lost to why this happened under 24/0. do fucking idea.
parents were photo and this was an auto? parents had auto in there genes and when they reproduced it was expressed because of recombination, This plant will produce more autos, its siblings (uncracked beans from the same group) stand a 1/4 chance of being autos if I crunched my numbers correctly.