Cassandra's Grow


Active Member
Oh, I sprayed her with 60% water 40% milk because two of her leafs had mildew and wasn't sure how to get the dried milk off so I left it.
It's supposed to help the plant if anything right?
And haha okay I will :bigjoint:

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Go buy some distilled water to spray it w and never do that again..... Fukn clown lol
No need for the abuse mate
Take it easy on the guy and remember you was exactly same shoes as him when you first started.
@Hkid427 I'm in grow six now, I have not much experience but if you need to ask anything feel free I can help from my experience I will, if not I'll lead you the right way

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
This is herbies afghani at week 5.
If you look my bud size you'll know in no pro lolDSC_0141.JPGAnd
Painkillerby Dr underground DSC_0143.JPGThis is my best so far as a growerand it's at week 4 flowering

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Are u defoliating her? If so. No good!!! That will stunt her and buds won't develop right. Just ma 2 cents
Yh I do.
Each to their own mate soon I'll figure something out, I honestly can't help but nip em lol.
I did less with painkiller and hopefully I'll do less with the other Painkiller I have in veg. And they are stressless no angry marks yet but I think it's to do with not feeding em very well or much the buds size.

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Hope fully others will comment on this,
and what are you feeding?
The blotches on your leafs and redish leaf stem.
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Well-Known Member
@Labs Dexter if thats 5 weeks flower you got something wrong goin on there. Maybe its just proof of what good defoliating really does ( none ) I dunno.

To the OP, that doesnt look too bad, I wouldn't recommend you spray them with anything, milk or otherwise. It looks like you have a little touch of nutrient splash along the bottoms but it's not drastic.
Try to remember that its just a weed, and sometimes the best thing we can do for them is just let them be to do their thing.
Resist the urge to give too much nutes. It otherwise looks healthy right now and doesnt appear to need much of anything shoved at her.
Good luck.

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Lol nah its just the plant, I'd like to see your herbies afghani grow mate it ridiculously hard.
And yeah defoiliated or not the point is you guys are taking the piss instead of actually giving him advice. I don't know much but certainly can maturely help and the guy asked for a pic of my plants lmao. Do I'm not showing off because I haven't got much to show off for but I've been asked to. So why not give the man advice properly instead of
Because she is a weed. Duh
Go buy some distilled water to spray it w and never do that again..... Fukn clown lol
I allways defoiliated it's a bad habit but hey ho and I do get mixed results so far Painkiller is the best results avoiding my usual deffs and everything is growing as normal to honest. But would not advice it unless your good at it
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Well-Known Member
Lol nah its just the plant, I'd like to see your herbies afghani grow mate it ridiculously hard.
And yeah defoiliated or not the point is you guys are taking the piss instead of actually giving him advice. I don't know much but certainly can maturely help and the guy asked for a pic of my plants lmao. Do I'm not showing off because I haven't got much to show off for but I've been asked to. So why not give the man advice properly instead of

I allways defoiliated it's a bad habit but hey ho and I do get mixed results so far Painkiller is the best results avoiding my usual deffs and everything is growing as normal to honest. But would not advice it unless your good at it
I'm gonna say your friendly advice is complete shit..... My angry rude advice is right on....

We all do dumb shit if dude can't handle being called a clown for spraying his plant w milk he's too fukn soft

Enigmatic Ways

Well-Known Member
Lol nah its just the plant, I'd like to see your herbies afghani grow mate it ridiculously hard.
And yeah defoiliated or not the point is you guys are taking the piss instead of actually giving him advice. I don't know much but certainly can maturely help and the guy asked for a pic of my plants lmao. Do I'm not showing off because I haven't got much to show off for but I've been asked to. So why not give the man advice properly instead of

I allways defoiliated it's a bad habit but hey ho and I do get mixed results so far Painkiller is the best results avoiding my usual deffs and everything is growing as normal to honest. But would not advice it unless your good at it
THAT'S YOUR SIXTH GROW!!! You know what the problem with you is you don't know how to take good advice AND USE IT!!! You to god damn sensitive to everything, so I think your pride gets in the way or something....If you want to be able to take care of that new baby your having {off growing cannabis} you need to listen up real quick!

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
I do listen and pay attention but you guys need to give advice instead of digging at people, my problem is defoliating okay what tips do you have (already heard it's bad) give me some advice instead of absolute bullshit

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Show me a pic of you 6th grow
if my pride really got in the way I would post my shitty plants lmao.. Just had to point that out