The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
thinking about it its the only crop u can completely control the flowering cycle of, eg tomatoes u just have to wait, seems even madder to grow autos outside really, if u got bins that is


Well-Known Member
Well if I was a bit more experienced I'd take the advice of pulling them down. If they aren't going to be as good quality then it's not as much of a loss if I fuck up. Practicing some LST on them now. Want to see decent smoke as soon as possible but I'm not in a rush. If I'd of known before I started I I'd of just chucked one in with every grow until they had gone. They should all be done at the start January and I'll be starting my new seeds before then so it's not that long really.

Last I'll say about autos in here until they're done then lol.


Well-Known Member
depending on ya space m8 id be starting the fem seeds now cos they will at least take 8 weeks untill ya can flip them and if u got the same auto ak as me m8 not worth a wank lol just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Also zedd mentioned about time, most people I know reckon it's going be legal to grow it soon. Only thing I've read is that police aren't targeting small personal grows? But the articles on that were from like July. Can't find anything recent about it , anyone heard anything official?


Well-Known Member
depending on ya space m8 id be starting the fem seeds now cos they will at least take 8 weeks untill ya can flip them and if u got the same auto ak as me m8 not worth a wank lol just my 2 cents
Was going to start them mid-late December, I got 80x80x160cm tent, will be 5 10L pots in there already.


Well-Known Member
Well I did have 4 but wanted to use this last feeebie up. Will have to see how it looks if I've no where to put nevseedlings for a week or two they'll have to wait. I'd read the general rule was 1sq foot per plant.


Well-Known Member
ministry of justice needs to make 20 billion in cuts including reduce police force and resources, police chiefs are more focused on violent crime and it costs a lot to bust a grow and if u got 9 plants is slap on the wrist from the courts so they not going after lil home grows imo but im not complacent


Well-Known Member
Well it's obvious it would be better in the long run. But it always looks good in the media and they always over hype on busts. I think non smokers are beginning to realise now that it's not as big of a deal as what's been made out.

Some kid from round here got caught this week with about an oz n half in his car bagged in 8s and qs with 500 quid on him and they have wrote in the paper "large amount of cannabis and cash" haha. Ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Well it's obvious it would be better in the long run. But it always looks good in the media and they always over hype on busts. I think non smokers are beginning to realise now that it's not as big of a deal as what's been made out.

Some kid from round here got caught this week with about an oz n half in his car bagged in 8s and qs with 500 quid on him and they have wrote in the paper "large amount of cannabis and cash" haha. Ridiculous.
lol my post office has more weed in it than that


Well-Known Member
7.4g better than nothing mate u smoked any yet? A lad i know does autos all the time in the past year hes hit me with one that outstunk everything but the flavour just wasnt there but it fuckin stunknmynwhole house out over powered the cheese ffs