The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Power is set to go off again. Will it be safe with my light when it comes back on? I've noticed it clicks when it try's to fire back up if it's been switched off and on. I know they won't come back on until they've cooled down but it's not a fire hazard is it if it keeps trying to come back on clicking away? I'm going to be out when it's going to go off.....


Well-Known Member
Should only click like that when turned off and turned straight back on again. By the time ur power comes back on the light will have cooled down and come on no probs.
My leccy has ran out a few times when I've come home from work, I just top it up, leccy comes back on and sometimes don't even pop my head into the grow to check but never had any probs


Well-Known Member
Should only click like that when turned off and turned straight back on again. By the time ur power comes back on the light will have cooled down and come on no probs.
My leccy has ran out a few times when I've come home from work, I just top it up, leccy comes back on and sometimes don't even pop my head into the grow to check but never had any probs
Could be anywhere from 1 - 30 mins it's off for.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
they're up in arms about the climate change and levels of something or other in the air being to blame for the flash flooding. Was on the local news last night they'll be taking the gov to court over emissions if divvy cameron green lights the 3rd runway at heathrow.

imagine trying to grow in cumbria. maybe topdog is actually proxied and growing in north Korea under Kim Wrong Un's regime and that's why his leccy's on the fritz