Bagseed+Recoverying all fluoro[1st Grow]


New Member
Okay so i have a question and a few pointers and an answer lol.

What is the ph of your water?

A tip would be to make sure that ph isnt above 7, i think that having it a little too low is better than having it a little too high.

Also, i think you should water one more day between your current schedule, like, if you water every two days, maybe let them go for another day and a half a couple of times and see if those leaves dont perk up a little. it may also be the cause of the wrinkles, and make sure if you give them anything other than water, do it in moderation, these plants can sometimes take untill flowering before you can have a solid nutrient schedule. Otherwise your looking pretty damn good.

And as for sexing with 12 12 and switching back. Well i personally wouldnt do this, it will make the plants flowering hormones pump out and then when you switch it back they havenothing to do so they scramble and somehow become hermaphoraditic. Being male and female.

Just give them time, a love and pay attention, its always good to stay on top of your grow, but the best bet is trial and error, and always have too much of a good thing can be a bad thing running through the back of your head. Things will seem almost too easy once you understand your plants. They are like Girlfreinds homie, they can like you or love you but if you scare them with too much commitment they will go running. Slow and steady captain.


Well-Known Member
yo Thanks for the input!, I really am not sure what the ph of my water is...I try and use mostly RO but i cant always get enough so i use a some tap, found out recently where i live its really bad, I need ph up/down, and a drip ph tester, i dont think the probe ones work for just water.

The ph of my soil is raising too, was like 6.5-7 and now its like 7.5-8.


Well-Known Member
yo Thanks for the input!, I really am not sure what the ph of my water is...I try and use mostly RO but i cant always get enough so i use a some tap, found out recently where i live its really bad, I need ph up/down, and a drip ph tester, i dont think the probe ones work for just water.

The ph of my soil is raising too, was like 6.5-7 and now its like 7.5-8.


Well-Known Member
yo Thanks for the input!, I really am not sure what the ph of my water is...I try and use mostly RO but i cant always get enough so i use a some tap, found out recently where i live its really bad, I need ph up/down, and a drip ph tester, i dont think the probe ones work for just water.

The ph of my soil is raising too, was like 6.5-7 and now its like 7.5-8.


Well-Known Member
yo Thanks for the input!, I really am not sure what the ph of my water is...I try and use mostly RO but i cant always get enough so i use a some tap, found out recently where i live its really bad, I need ph up/down, and a drip ph tester, i dont think the probe ones work for just water.

The ph of my soil is raising too, was like 6.5-7 and now its like 7.5-8.


Well-Known Member
yo Thanks for the input!, I really am not sure what the ph of my water is...I try and use mostly RO but i cant always get enough so i use a some tap, found out recently where i live its really bad, I need ph up/down, and a drip ph tester, i dont think the probe ones work for just water.

The ph of my soil is raising too, was like 6.5-7 and now its like 7.5-8.


Well-Known Member
6-a is lookin a bunch better but now 6-b has got some funky rotting or sumthin near the top nodes. Its like shriveling, hope it dosent spread.
1 is lookin really good too.

ooh sumthin else i forgot to mention before, I water about every 3 days, or when ever it gets really dry.



New Member
Okay well if your ph is too low, then i would suggest using some lemon juice, for 99 cents, you can ph about 10 gallons, id say to make a gallon of 7.5 ph into a gallon of 6.8 ph water squirt about a teaspoon of lemon juice in there. It will up the acidity a little bit, i have almost never gotten the wrong ph using lemon juice, so even without a ph meter its still a pretty general rule, just a few drops here or a squirt here, and your ph should be okay. And do you have a soil moisture probe? If so, when the soil reads in the red all the way to the bottom, give it a half a day then water.

Oh yeah, and make sure there is a fan blowing straightt onto the plants 24/7. They hate stagnant rooms.


New Member
Yes they do sir, its all i have used since i bought my soil, i picked one up from the hydro store for 6 dollars. And it hasnt failed me yet, usually just check the ph about 5 times in a row after wiping the two probes off with a napkin or something.

The way that they work is they measure the electrical current between the two probes, and think about when you made that lemon powered lightbulb in 5th grade, the acidity has a higher current than the alkaline side of things, so yes they definatly work considering that water is a conducter, and adding or taking away acidity away will change the charge of the water, making it show up on the meter.

Glad to help bro.


Well-Known Member
ur PH is fine. I think U may want to let ur soil dry out and only water every 2 days, and feed them nutrients once per week.

I can tell U right now that most of the mutations and deformities that u see are more than likely due to genetics...but thats the problem with bagseeds.

Id recommend U switch to 12/12 soon. CFL's have very poor penetration, also U may wanna consider LST'ing them if u cant raise the lights any higher.

oh and dude above had it backwards, lemon juice actually lowers the PH, and in order to raise the PH U will need to add baking soda.


edit: oh I almost forgot. I have done the 12/12 to determine sex, and then put the plants back in veg, thats actually a favorite method of mine, along with taking clones 9 weeks into flowering, revegging and then cloning, and breeding.

it works fine. it doesnt stress the plant at all, take it from a breeder - bad genetics are what produce hermies, like in femenised seeds or in bagseeds..not the lights. and very rarely does the environment stress a plant..unless its too much physical stress like heat stress, nute problems, too much bending etc..but these plants can take a lot of beating before they hermie due to environmental factors

and U dont want a fan blowing DIRECTLY onto the plants bcuz it may cause wind burn, it would be best to have a fan blowing INDIRECTLY in the room, maybe have the wind bounce off a wall and then onto the plants, but never directly onto the plants.

itd be ok to have a fan blowing directly onto the LIGHTs but thats a different story

:peace: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks spittin!:joint:Super cool u do the 12/12 to sex thing, i was thnkin it'd work.
Im probly gona add more light soon, that'll prolly be when i 12/12.
Oh and what exactly is LST'in?


New Member
ur PH is fine. I think U may want to let ur soil dry out and only water every 2 days, and feed them nutrients once per week.

I can tell U right now that most of the mutations and deformities that u see are more than likely due to genetics...but thats the problem with bagseeds.

Id recommend U switch to 12/12 soon. CFL's have very poor penetration, also U may wanna consider LST'ing them if u cant raise the lights any higher.

oh and dude above had it backwards, lemon juice actually lowers the PH, and in order to raise the PH U will need to add baking soda.


edit: oh I almost forgot. I have done the 12/12 to determine sex, and then put the plants back in veg, thats actually a favorite method of mine, along with taking clones 9 weeks into flowering, revegging and then cloning, and breeding.

it works fine. it doesnt stress the plant at all, take it from a breeder - bad genetics are what produce hermies, like in femenised seeds or in bagseeds..not the lights. and very rarely does the environment stress a plant..unless its too much physical stress like heat stress, nute problems, too much bending etc..but these plants can take a lot of beating before they hermie due to environmental factors

and U dont want a fan blowing DIRECTLY onto the plants bcuz it may cause wind burn, it would be best to have a fan blowing INDIRECTLY in the room, maybe have the wind bounce off a wall and then onto the plants, but never directly onto the plants.

itd be ok to have a fan blowing directly onto the LIGHTs but thats a different story

:peace: :peace:

I respect your outlook and everything... But what i said is absolutly right, and when i say ph up. I mean down, so whatever. The genetics determine things like yeild and node space... Not wrinkled over watered un ph'd leaves. These are the keys to findng the happy medium of a plant, yes you can nut every week... But thats up to whenever and whatever nutes he is using.

Lie i said good info, only it wasnt needed because what i said will truley help the guy.. Dont beleive me? Read my journal, page two... That looks familiar doesnt it.


Well-Known Member
qUICk upDaTE!

Transplanted #1, and made that reflector thing with mylar because when I transplanted there were roots showing at the top from where some dirt fell off, proly shoulda put it deeper some but it'll proly be fine with that thing.
And I took out the rest of the node from where i fimed 6b, only because its one of those 3 noded ones and i thought it would be cool to have 3 main tops.

What yall think?


Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
qUICk upDaTE!

Transplanted #1, and made that reflector thing with mylar because when I transplanted there were roots showing at the top from where some dirt fell off, proly shoulda put it deeper some but it'll proly be fine with that thing.
And I took out the rest of the node from where i fimed 6b, only because its one of those 3 noded ones and i thought it would be cool to have 3 main tops.

What yall think?

This is what i like to see! good stuff man.. i like that you took out the rest of the fimm that should work out well for you, imo! :joint: Keep blazin on perp man!!


Well-Known Member
the one looks sick. the #1. looks like u dont have ventilation. wats the temp in there??
good to have u ganjaman!!:joint:

temp is usealy around 82-85*F, but if it gets hot like 90*.

I think its ventilated pretty good, good exhaust, lotsa passive intake, and a fan mounted to one of the doors so when its closed it circulates air around inside.

And when it was in its first soil it was over nuted pretty bad.