Is Hillary Good Or Bad For Canna?

I'm no fan of Trump, let that be known. Although I'd vote for him twice before ever even considering a vote for the Clinton establishment. Hate Trump and his wealth all you will, but he didn't get to where he is on the backs of the American People or claiming to be a "not for profit charity" ...

I'm no Hillary fan, but I'd have to give her the nod if those were the options. To me Trump embodies what is wrong with this country. A handful of uber wealthy folks that have hijacked DC so that they can have more more more. Then again, the Clinton's kinda fit that profile too. lol

Trump flat out scares me though. I shudder to think of what that guy is capable of if given that sort of power.
I'm no fan of Trump, let that be known. Although I'd vote for him twice before ever even considering a vote for the Clinton establishment. Hate Trump and his wealth all you will, but he didn't get to where he is on the backs of the American People or claiming to be a "not for profit charity" ...

Let me ask you...

Who's your horse right now?

What do you think of Bernie?
I agree with you both. But I hate Trump more

There was a time in my youth and when I appreciated his perspective, and I bought and read his first book, "the art of the deal"

That was a long time ago and I've lived and seen firsthand how his perspective ultimately hurts others.

He's also easily the most internationally embarrassing.
I'm no Hillary fan, but I'd have to give her the nod if those were the options. To me Trump embodies what is wrong with this country. A handful of uber wealthy folks that have hijacked DC so that they can have more more more. Then again, the Clinton's kinda fit that profile too. lol

Trump flat out scares me though. I shudder to think of what that guy is capable of if given that sort of power.

He is a proven leader and executive with decades of experience. That's how he became so stinking wealthy.

Hillary? I don't think an Ambassador or their security team will be voting for her ...
Hillary? I don't think an Ambassador or their security team will be voting for her ...

I'm not thinking everyone was brainwashed by Fox's Benghazi campaign, so prolly a lot of them would vote. I'd feel better with her finger on the nuclear trigger. And I hate her
Let me ask you...

Who's your horse right now?

What do you think of Bernie?

Honestly Rand with Bernie as a VP would bring me out to the polls. I do not believe the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street were that far apart ideologically, they just cannot see that through the smoke screens of the D & R establishments. They could start a true third party with a chance. Most first world nations are not funneled into a two party bought and paid for choice.
I'm not thinking everyone was brainwashed by Fox's Benghazi campaign, so prolly a lot of them would vote. I'd feel better with her finger on the nuclear trigger. And I hate her

I can guarantee you these dudes won't!

One thing though, the AG isn't expressly assigned by the President. Appointing an Attorney General still requires Senate Confirmation/Approval. Same goes for many federal agencies DEA, FDA, etc. Appointing people to those agencies typically requires Senate approval. As far as I understand the President has limited authority over the decisions of Federal agencies.

Clinton supports making Cannabis SII, which is an unsettling bullshit pseudo-compromise. The AG arguably does have other things to be concerned with though and the whole Cannabis thing is a clusterfuck of a situation unfortunately. The best bet is arguably state level medical, decriminalization and legalization initiatives and encourage local law enforcement to pursue matters more worthy of their attention. We could maybe fix it through Congress if we actually had a President on our side for legalization (not some Schedule II bullshit). Otherwise, considering all the States with medical cannabis laws and mounting evidence of benefits the Federal government will have to catch up eventually.

And hyroot, if you're a simpleton who can't contrive deeper meaning from a statement (especially one potentially taken out of context) I guess I can see how someone might find that silly at face value. But if you think about it what he is saying is that there is a quite a disparity there considering people with student debt have invested in their futures/careers. He isn't speaking in an overtly financial sense but is merely trying to highlight how 8 or 10% is a ridiculous rate to be paying for your education, which should arguably allow you to be able to afford a mortgage in the 1st place as well as benefit society as a whole.

Even if you wanted to be ultra-technical, student loans come from the government. The government charges higher interest rates for PLUS loans which are for graduate students, and the origination fee is also a greater percentage of the loan. The rates change every year so you may be accruing more interest on your loans from last year than you are this year or depending when they were disbursed. However, unlike a bank the government has more authority when it comes to getting their money back if the agreement fails and someone doesn't pay. The government can actually garnish your wages and seize your other property to get the money back.

The govt cannot sieze property over school loans. Thats the most asenine thing ive ever heard. If school loans are not paid. The debt is bought by a collection agency. That agency cannot file any liens against you.. I still owe $10,000 on school loans. Never been garnished. They actually beg me fir the money. It can be reported to your trw. But its illegal to hold school debt against you when appllying for any type if loan.

Now if you owed money on the home a lien can be filed. If you owe back taxes a lien can be filed. Or even if you owe your gardner, pool man or and repair money they can file a mechanics lien on your property. Any liens on your property whi ever buys said property at a sherriffs auction (sale after forclosure) would have to pay the liens too.

When it comes to real estate. State law supercedes federal law because real estate law varies so much from state to state. Its not the same in each state. So your point there is invalid.

The statement makes perfect sense. Interest is so high on student loans. Because a good amount never get paid back. Where in home loans they can take your property.. thats the difference. Thats not the first time bernie has made asenine statements like that.

Take some accounting classes and real estate classes. Fyi theres about a 1000 new tax laws every week.

Also filing any type of bankruptacty does not get rid of school loan debt. Those are there for life.

Please stop copy and pasting wikepedia. Captain google
The govt cannot sieze property over school loans. Thats the most asenine thing ive ever heard. If school loans are not paid. The debt is bought by a collection agency. That agency cannot file any liens against you.. I still owe $10,000 on school loans. Never been garnished. They actually beg me fir the money. It can be reported to your trw. But its illegal to hold school debt against you when appllying for any type if loan.

Now if you owed money on the home a lien can be filed. If you owe back taxes a lien can be filed. Or even if you owe your gardner, pool man or and repair money they can file a mechanics lien on your property. Any liens on your property whi ever buys said property at a sherriffs auction (sale after forclosure) would have to pay the liens too.

When it comes to real estate. State law supercedes federal law because real estate law varies so much from state to state. Its not the same in each state. So your point there is invalid.

The statement makes perfect sense. Interest is so high on student loans. Because a good amount never get paid back. Where in home loans they can take your property.. thats the difference. Thats not the first time bernie has made asenine statements like that.

Take some accounting classes and real estate classes. Fyi theres about a 1000 new tax laws every week.

Also filing any type of bankruptacty does not get rid of school loan debt. Those are there for life.

Please stop copy and pasting wikepedia. Captain google

I have an employee getting garnished for student loans right now. I'm not sure if its govt backed though.
That would be cool. He's such a distant third if you assume Carson shits his pants and folds
I'm no Hillary fan, but I'd have to give her the nod if those were the options. To me Trump embodies what is wrong with this country. A handful of uber wealthy folks that have hijacked DC so that they can have more more more. Then again, the Clinton's kinda fit that profile too. lol

Trump flat out scares me though. I shudder to think of what that guy is capable of if given that sort of power.

I picture Trump as Ellis in Diehard, him talking to Hans Gruber is like Trump " negotiating" with Putin.
I have an employee getting garnished for student loans right now. I'm not sure if its govt backed though.

You should " fire" her and pay cash for two weeks n rehire her..prolly buy her 6 months of not getting raped by these greedy bastards.
Like I said, all about the question asked. The one you posted was bernie v hillary, I was more referring to people seem to prefer him in a head to head against Trump. It can't really be bernie v hillary in a general unless he ran as independent so while the poll I quoted was strictly hypotheticall assuming he gets hillary out of the way it still is a measurable show of support. Assign what value to it you will, I am just hoping it is a sign people consider him the most logical path

Was more or less just highlighting that he isn't as distant in the polls as some would like to believe
I'm no fan of Trump, let that be known. Although I'd vote for him twice before ever even considering a vote for the Clinton establishment. Hate Trump and his wealth all you will, but he didn't get to where he is on the backs of the American People or claiming to be a "not for profit charity" ...

He was born into wealth and went to a Ivy League school. He's not some man of the people that pulled himself out of poverty. He is the poster child for the arrogant rich that think they're entitled anything they want no matter the cost to anyone else.