Original Sensible Seed Company.

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Just to clarify, what I explained was that the company is dishonest because of its decision to choose growers outside of how they originally agreed to not because they didn't choose me. They could have stated that the best out of who posted would be chosen and I'd have been fine with the out come. They didn't. Now I'm going to any and all forums associated with growing marijuana and explaining my experience.
Expect this to happen at the other sites.
Ahh that's the problem I'm having then. SeeI thought that they did since I found a bunch of posts with complaints on seed companies here. My apologies there guy.
Except you don't have an actual problem with a Seedbank
The problems people write about in this section are
Not getting their orders

Your problem is about a contest grass city put on that doesn't belong here
Except you don't have an actual problem with a Seedbank
The problems people write about in this section are
Not getting their orders

Your problem is about a contest grass city put on that doesn't belong here
No it was a test grow thread dtarted by Original Sensible Seed Company. My problem is just as valid as any other as you said it is a problem after saying it wasn't.
Just to clarify, what I explained was that the company is dishonest because of its decision to choose growers outside of how they originally agreed to not because they didn't choose me. They could have stated that the best out of who posted would be chosen and I'd have been fine with the out come. They didn't. Now I'm going to any and all forums associated with growing marijuana and explaining my experience.
Listen up OP, you've gone beyond saying they were dishonest vis. the test grower criteria; you have implied that they have dishonest business practices such as intentionally selling expired seed, fraudulently mislabeling seed, etc. You are perilously close to slander and libel, legally actionable charges. You're butthurt, we get it. Practice and try out for the team next year
No it was a test grow thread dtarted by Original Sensible Seed Company. My problem is just as valid as any other as you said it is a problem after saying it wasn't.
No your problem is not valid
You're upset with a contest from grass city that involves a Seedbank your problem is that you were not picked

This thread area is designed for people who have problems with Seedbank orders , money transactions , delivery problems, germination issues , or good reviews of good stealth packaging , how fast it took , how clean their websites are

Now your problem doesn't belong here
I'm sure you can understand this I wrote it pretty clear
Listen up OP, you've gone beyond saying they were dishonest vis. the test grower criteria; you have implied that they have dishonest business practices such as intentionally selling expired seed, fraudulently mislabeling seed, etc. You are perilously close to slander and libel, legally actionable charges. You're butthurt, we get it. Practice and try out for the team next year
No I'm not. I have the ability to prove what I'm saying. If you read what I said you would notice I was simply pointing out possible outcomes from dealing with a dishonest seed company.
No it was a test grow thread dtarted by Original Sensible Seed Company. My problem is just as valid as any other as you said it is a problem after saying it wasn't.
Since when did not getting chosen to test free seeds warrant such an attack on a company? They are simply looking for experienced and qualified growers to give their seeds a good run. Imagine giving away these seeds to someone lile you? Imagine if a seed didn't pop. You be all like Original Sensi Seeds is dishonest cause they away free tester seeds that don't pop like they said they would.

Honestly man. You really need to get a grip. At least your semi-nice about it all tho.

You should apologize for wasting everyone's time here. And to the seed company.
Listen up OP, you've gone beyond saying they were dishonest vis. the test grower criteria; you have implied that they have dishonest business practices such as intentionally selling expired seed, fraudulently mislabeling seed, etc. You are perilously close to slander and libel, legally actionable charges. You're butthurt, we get it. Practice and try out for the team next year
Real close to slander and liable.
Since when did not getting chosen to test free seeds warrant such an attack on a company? They are simply looking for experienced and qualified growers to give their seeds a good run. Imagine giving away these seeds to someone lile you? Imagine if a seed didn't pop. You be all like Original Sensi Seeds is dishonest cause they away free tester seeds that don't pop like they said they would.

Honestly man. You really need to get a grip. At least your semi-nice about it all tho.

You should apologize for wasting everyone's time here. And to the seed company.
I don't have any reason to be hostile to anyone here. OSSC will continue to have a business. Just here to inform others.
  • to express (something) in an indirect way : to suggest (something) without saying or showing it plainly

  • : to include or involve (something) as a natural or necessary part or result

im·plied, im·ply·ing

  1. transitive verb
  2. 1 obsolete : enfold, entwine

  3. 2 : to involve or indicate by inference, association, or necessary consequence rather than by direct statement <rights imply obligations>

  4. 3 : to contain potentially

  5. 4 : to express indirectly <his silence implied consent>
I don't have any reason to be hostile to anyone here. OSSC will continue to have a business. Just here to inform others.
Of what? Best I can tell. You're the only one that thinks something is wrong here. Everyone else like. Well dude didn't get picked for free tester seeds. Better luck next time yet, you tell it like someone stole from you. No. They just chose someone else and were very polite letting you know that. Unbelievable bro.
I have actually talked to an attorney about libel defamation. It becomes the accusers burden to prove that there were damages sustained. Everything I have said is honest since I have proof. There for this is not slander or harmful to their reputation. Especially since some of you have stated that they don't even have a good rep to begin with.
  • to express (something) in an indirect way : to suggest (something) without saying or showing it plainly

  • : to include or involve (something) as a natural or necessary part or result

im·plied, im·ply·ing

  1. transitive verb
  2. 1 obsolete : enfold, entwine

  3. 2 : to involve or indicate by inference, association, or necessary consequence rather than by direct statement <rights imply obligations>

  4. 3 : to contain potentially

  5. 4 : to express indirectly <his silence implied consent>
Even though I never implied anything, I don't see a lawsuit in my future lol.
I have actually talked to an attorney about libel defamation. It becomes the accusers burden to prove that there were damages sustained. Everything I have said is honest since I have proof. There for this is not slander or harmful to their reputation. Especially since some of you have stated that they don't even have a good rep to begin with.
Ask your attorney again, and honestly tell him/her about your threat to go on every cannabis site and tell them about this. Further, the Co doesn't have to prove damages, they have to show your malicious intent, aptly demonstrated here
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