Original Sensible Seed Company.

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Seriously dudes. We need to get with sensible and offer up our extremely incredible testing services for free. Get some free tester seeds. What y'all think? Like 5 or 6 of us. See how we weigh up against GC. OP? lol.

Think about it. I dunno tho. I got a job. Not sure I wanna devote time to it. I'm game if it would.......
Okay I just wanna end all the drama. The 4 people that are having a problem with me please pm me your issues. This should be about OSSC being dishonest. If you want to bash me further make your own thread.
We don't have any issue with you except your density and inability to admit you are wrong, as well as falsely accusing a company of being dishonest when they have been upfront and respectful to you every step of the way.

You say you're here to inform people of dishonesty, but all you're showing is that you are in fact the dishonest part of the situation. And really hate not getting your way to the point of delusionally believing that this company wronged you, when if fact, you did not follow their directions, meet their criteria(even though they said you did to be nice ), and you aren't good enough of a grower to show off the potential of their genetics. It wasn't a competitions for free beans, it was a breeder looking for testers.

How old are you op? I put my money on the 18-21 range?

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Actually it was supposed to be on a first come first serve basis. That's why I'm stating that they are dishonest.
No it was not. That was part of the equation. They said they would start as soon as the first 10 "QUALIFIED" growers with "COMPLETED" grow journals on gc.

You fit neither of those qualifications.

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Also the pics taken were right before chop and yeah I made an error with the lighting when I took the pic but I didn't know it would matter eventually, I posted some dryed nug shots in the organic bud shots thread that do look better. The plants were awesome lemon pinesol goodness. I can't wait for the next one. Someone told Loki it would be something purple.
The vault does and so does bodhi, so....
I have a feeling whatever your business you are in is failing. Otherwise you would be too busy running the business and/or chasing puttie to make such an issue out of this. I personally? Plan my seed purchase. Don't get me wrong I try FreeBSD, but at the end of the day I want what I want. I might try testers those from sensible. Just because. But, I ain't putting a lot of effort in stuff unless......... It was a freeb. They have giveaways here too. Your rep is forever tarnished tho. Unless you own up to being a bad ass troll with this funny garbage. :bigjoint:

It is and what's wrong with it?

I grew 3 of them.
I'm sorry, but that doesn't look like what it could/should have been.

Mine, that were pulled way early, due to paranoia looked way different.

I'm sorry, but mine didn't do the AxT justice, and they were more dense and had better structure than that. Mine were sub par to those in the comparison thread here at riu. Yours, I'm sorry but are less than mine.

I can understand the frustration, I can also understand why you were not included.

Really, it's nothing to get worked up over. Maybe spend more time reading and learning for your next run instead of wasting time on an issue that is over and not worth the effort.
Also the pics taken were right before chop and yeah I made an error with the lighting when I took the pic but I didn't know it would matter eventually, I posted some dryed nug shots in the organic bud shots thread that do look better. The plants were awesome lemon pinesol goodness. I can't wait for the next one. Someone told Loki it would be something purple.
All of those mistakes are more reasons you would make a terrible tester.
there you go. Try to do that for next time. Maybe they'll pick you. Maybe not, dunno but these are testers im running so it worked for me.

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