Iowa Caucus

You getting bumped from 33-37% @londonfog won't break ya.
Damn you low balling

I'm in favor of paying more money to the government.
All these immigrants need shelter, food, utilities and a new minivan.

Why is the "middle class" brackets only paying +9.5% more but if you
make less than $75,300 to 0 you're taxed 22.9% and $250,000 and up 22.8%.
1% less?

It's the plan he thinks he can pass. I'm not a fan, either.
Hillary owns this. The DNC is looking for an establishment candidate

But who is the elected official supposed to represent and how can you say this casually? Calmly letting it roll off your tongue (fingers)?

Regardless of who you support, why do you seem resigned to this?

This is NOT business as usual, we are NOT going back.

This is NOT over by far.

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Bernie Sanders has come from obscurity to an extremely serious contender going into New Hampshire. I think that instead of damning him because he isn't running the table, we would be wiser to note his rise and broad early support. I believe more people will back him once they see how well he's doing now.

Besides, who else is talking about the issues that really matter to our jobs, lives and wallets?

Reporting in from Sofla Schuylaar 7-11 morning coffee caucus 2 blacks supporting Hillary because they 'heard' she ran Clintons show way back..
That would be a mistake

Schuylaar predicts well placed and witty opportunities keeping in line with his campagn's promise of fair..but let me say this..there comes a time when even the nicest guy sucker punches the bully because it's well deserved.

And the crowd cheers.

Americans love the underdog who fights for good over evil.

Impressive numbers to come out of nowhere and give Clinton/establishment a run for their money..they said we couldn't do it.

But ohhhhhhhh, we have..and we have just begun to fight!
Damn London, maybe you ARE the richest dude on this site..

They still haven't called this.. That's how close it is, I'm hearing voter irregularities a possibility.:shock:

6 precincts did a coin toss- stupid ass hillbillies..smh

Hillary won all 6 coin tosses..of course.
Just remember
Sanders will win when he drops out in March.
I'm serious
Damn London, maybe you ARE the richest dude on this site..

They still haven't called this.. That's how close it is, I'm hearing voter irregularities a possibility.:shock:

6 precincts did a coin toss- stupid ass hillbillies..smh

Hillary won all 6 coin tosses..of course.

Perhaps a recount will be in order..?

We're leaving this up to coin toss?

Jesus fucking Christ!

Why didn't we just save time and instead of caucus, coin toss?

Coin toss to decide fate of our nation?:wall: