Iowa Caucus

skewed polls.


Republicans have problems with numbers. Try to follow Rove in his famous meltdown. Its nearly impossible.
"is this math that you just do as a Republican to make yourself feel better?" Too funny that.
Yeah. But you're not making decisions that affect everyone else, get it? The 1% do not care if you die, except for the sad fact that you can't keep contributing to their wealth building.
Republicans have problems with numbers.

muyloco went on for months and months and months about "skewed polls" and "oversampling democrats". he predicted a 54-40 romney win.

it still annoys him when i bring it up. he ran away like a coward from his own stupidity.

mention it to him and he'll blow a gasket. LOL
Yeah. But you're not making decisions that affect everyone else, get it? The 1% do not care if you die, except for the sad fact that you can't keep contributing to their wealth building.
i don't care how much money they have it doesn't bother me ..why doesn't it bother you bc someone has more money then you.. why should care i don't expect them to give it to me no one should expect me to give it them ..or as i don't want the govt to take it form me and give it others who dont work and living off system
muyloco went on for months and months and months about "skewed polls" and "oversampling democrats". he predicted a 54-40 romney win.

it still annoys him when i bring it up. he ran away like a coward from his own stupidity.

mention it to him and he'll blow a gasket. LOL
Oversampling democrats? What is that? "Oh, they over sampled Democrats, because they talked to more of them than Republicans". Big hole in that logic there.

Guess what? Areas with higher proportion of Republicans also count more cattle than people in those areas, or maybe corn. Areas with higher proportion of Democrats are populated with -- guess -- people! So, how would we correct this oversampling? Start polling cattle? Ask a corn stalk?

Just listening to Rove -- a "genius" among Republicans at that time -- stutter over numbers while he completely fabricates an alternative reality almost immediately refuted by Foxs' own polling experts was delicious. It kind of explains what's wrong in the right wing camp.
i don't care how much money they have it doesn't bother me ..why doesn't it bother you bc someone has more money then you.. why should care i don't expect them to give it to me no one should expect me to give it them ..or as i don't want the govt to take it form me and give it others who dont work and living off system

This is a very common misconception, the government is giving our money to extremely wealthy defense contractors and extremely wealthy farmers..not poor people..don't be naive, do a lil reading and research.
we are talking about ted cruz ..why don't you like him?? not about obama not rove ted cruz..smh
Actually, this post is about the Iowa caucus. I was talking about how badly right wingers manage with numbers. I'm a Democrat so I'll get more serious about Cruz if he gains the nomination. Some of the things you say you like about him though are kind of dumb, like his tax plan.

No Payroll tax
No estate tax
No corporate income tax
16% "business tax" -- basically a 16% sales tax
10% Flat tax

He proposes cutting taxes on the wealthy and raising taxes on you and me, assuming you are not rich. On balance, he's cutting taxes overall by many trillions of dollars ($4T to $16T) over the forthcoming decade of a Cruz plan. All of this without offsetting tax cuts with spending cuts. Under his "plan", workers of the US will pay a lot more in the form of sales taxes and see the deficit go up.

Republicans LOVE LOVE LOVE tax cuts but ignore that ugly little fact that without spending cuts, these aren't really tax cuts, they are deferred taxes in the form of debt. So, no, I think Cruz in this arena is just a bad re-run of Bush Jr .

Opposed to tariffs? Again, what is he doing to offset this in the form of spending cuts?

Opposed to raising the minimum wage? Is this somehow going to do something helpful to the economy that makes up for his tax cuts? Skeptical, I am. Counter to right wing thinking, its a myth that a raise in the minimum tax hurts employment.

As far as his evangelical Christian-backers like Dobson go, well, if they are for him, I'm against him. Its too early to tell but I'm skeptical that Cruz can avoid being pulled to the right on these issues, such as the repeal of Roe V Wade, cutting funds to Planned Parenthood, Gay rights and such.

But I'm a Democrat, through and through. You guys pick your candidate and I'll compare him against ours.
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How come you keep posting if you "checked out" a month ago? You come across as an attention whore, sending a lot mixed signals. :?

STFU should fucking talk at least he doesn't resort to puppetry once your ass is tossed.

He's actually wanted here.

Nobody would argue his citizenship. The point is obviously the fact that no one should have questioned Obama wither, yet they made years of bullshit reading out of it, especially the idiot trump

You mean the birther shit that Hillary started?