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my friend who hasent smoked in a few years ( recently out of a place no man wants to spend a few years ) and he swears up and down left and right ( even backwards ) that he grew some MJ and dried the plant still in VEG and then proceded to smoke several bowl packs of the leaves....and says he coped a decent buzz..... i do actually believe it as ive just now done it myself , altho my method was smoking a few fat joints ( and off of a male plant at that! ) and i cant say i was high....but i sure as hell had one dirty feeling buzz * dirty in a chemical kinda way * so my question to rollitup is as such : why do MJ plants produce THC even when their not flowering? and what is the THC level in most plants threwought their veg state? theirs obviously some! if i had to guess i would say couldent be more than .5 - 3 % as it took me 3 fat ass joints of sun leafs in order to feel this slimy buzz. and why do male plants even have thc! as a matter of fact i dont know the plants reason for making canabinoids at all