Alien x Triangle auto comparison by The Vault

Third smoke report: great taste and long lasting effects. Most of the time, I need another hit or two within 45 minutes of finishing my initial bowl. I didn't hit my bowl again for 3 hours, because I didn't need to and I think hondagrower may be right: the high does not appear to have a "ceiling" meaning the more you smoke the more intense the high. This is a rare find and I can't think of anything else that would compare to it. Had I used better equipment, I would say that I could at least place in any competition worldwide and at least place 3rd overall against any other participant. Pretty unreal stuff.
1 Downside to them AXL'S ..Munchies constantly lol..Lingering effect was a surprise.Excellent Strain which is pretty fool proof.10out of 10 for me!!!.Thanks again to Jack,George& The Vault(Rollitup)..I wil
Catch up with you guys on the new comparative grow(Won't start mine till 1st week in May as off on Holidays in few weeks& will be taking tent down & kit put away from any prying eyes. Kids 18 & her mates will be in & out the house.I've managed to keep it stealthy from the world for 1year& will continue to do so.I believe in Rule Number1 ..Tell NO Cunt lol)...
Second smoke report: For some reason, after finishing my bowl, the question came to mind: "What would I tell Jack if he called to follow up on the results of my grow?" and then I laughed hysterically because, first of all Jack probably would not hunt me down just to follow up with me and second this movie scene came to mind:

Love that movie!
I have only smoked some scissor hash from trimming it up (which was nice) but as soon as it cures a bit I am ready!

Quick after harvest update:
Dried for 10 days and then trimmed, largest plant was 3.5oz of bud and others were pretty close to that. Couple pics below, one of the smaller plants pre trim and the main cola trimmed also a pic of the largest plant all trimmed out. The angry kitty smell is strong with 2 of the plants while opening the jars of the other 2 is a sharp and frosty lemon blast that is really nice plus it's the first lemony weed I've ever smelled. Can not wait till they cure for a while.

Thanks again Jack, George and Mephisto, hope everyone has enjoyed this as much as I have. :clap:

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How long from sprout?
How well do those Wally bags hold up? Do they soak up posture like the aero bags do?

They've done well on eggplant and tomatoes, so I figured I'll try them and see how the do. The Wally bags actually just changed to cheap thin bags that rip before you get them home. The older ones were stronger. But Target just changed to stronger bags, so I'm trying those now. I haven't had to poke holes in them for drainage yet. They haven't blown over in the wind yet either. I figure if they work, I'll keep using them. Fifty cents to a dollar for these grow bags... I only use my bags once because of all the growth (moss, white stuff etc.) that ends up all over them by the end of flower.

If these don't work out, I'll probably switch to square pots. I've been noticing the veggies I have in square pots haven't been getting root bound.
Some atx after a few months jarred. Really awesome in the bong. Full of berry and coffe flavors and instant body and face tingle to numbness. Waves crash over the head for the first few minutes then total chillness....very easy to smoke and get lost in thought. But if ya get up its....a little whistling while I clean then the crave to chill and flip on some fallout 4. Over the next hour there's brief waves of a little raciness but no paranoia feelings. Great smoke!
Edit. As others have said, there seems to be no ceiling on the atx. One or two rips from the bong is all that's needed. Anything after that just gets ya higher and higher till those cry balls won't stay open and yer out for a nap lol