Breeders Boutique


Well-Known Member
Freebies sound awesome too, looking forward to some deep blue x livers in my life
Some of the finest freebies I've ever grown are the DBxL, you're in for a treat. I've kept 2 of the 3 flowered, if I had the space I would have kept all 3.

Been smoking a lot of Dog the past few days, love this strain such a great taste and devastating stone. Got two phenos, short with rounded buds and tall with christmas tree shaped buds.

Dog #1
Short pheno,
P1130711 - Copy.JPG

Dog #2
P1130713 - Copy.JPG

Close up of #2
P1130713 - Copy 2.JPG

Thinking CQ48 and Psycho Killer for my next purchase


Well-Known Member
First bowl was about an hour and a half ago...still zooming. Talk about an energy rush. Straight to the dome, and instant flying. Hig h is intense, and total eurphoria. Instant happy. would be worthy of many many more runs. Reeks very similar to the pysho killer musty pheno I had, only sweet in the background as well.

She made about 50 seeds from my stray pollen, super dark turtles, so I am blaming it on the sour cherry male that was floating around.