Club 600


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear D :( Cant find words they seem empty but im sending good vibes your way

Just wanted to share a few pics but most turned out shitty so ill just leave it at the SourAmnesia x Dog bx2 poly/diplo/triplo i dont know what the right term is i just call it freaky :D
DSC_0080.JPG DSC_0079.JPG ¨
White Berry 1


Well-Known Member
Please spare a thought for my brother in law who is lying in a coma in hospital in South Africa with cerebral menangitis unable to breath himself. It really is some hectic shit. They think it came from Nigeria where he had just come back from business. World turned upside down last night. Peace DST
Thats crazy man! From a business trip? Just insane! Hope he gets better! I almost lost my mother in law in a similar way with her in a coma due to a freaking cold that she let run for a while cause her orgens started to fail.

I dont even know what its like in South Africa but I hope he is getting the help he needs to get better. Keep us up to date bro I got him on my mind and hope he is alright.



Well-Known Member
Im so happy with my last harvest minus the seeds if coarse. My unknow bag seed that i have dubbed Queso Chem, taste cheesy and chemical and is white with trichs so i think the name fits, turned out to be some tasty fire. Im glad i made clones and have a mother from clone to run phenom a few more times, i will be going through the rest if those seeds soon might find something special. I really shoukd have taken more clones for thus round of flower, only 3 this time. A little under prepared i guess, i hope my half assed scrog will help.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Double post ...just wanna say I'm lovin the green thats being posted! A good view that brings tears to my eyes on how much I miss seeing it... Even after my first grow! Cannabis is such a blessing I must say!
I'm loving the bud porn too...but I feel for you not bringing in a harvest. Did you lose your whole OP in the fire? Maybe you did say it but I wasn't around for that explanation.



Well-Known Member
Afternoon 6'ers! Just wanted to say we had a Baby Boy early Saturday morning !
Was knida scary for a bit but but the lass done ever so well and Baby was born in Ambulance, everything all good and no real problems.
Home now and the night shifts have started !!! Im on tonight so instead of being out getting DRUNK, I better get off and try get some kip while everyone's out. This is my FOURTH and it just get's better, so chuffed :-D
Congrats 'jambo best to your family. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:



Well-Known Member
It took a while but I think it's ok now.
@DST, my prayers to your family.
I'll be posting pix from the BB frost monsters later the HDxSC is just amazing now, Blue Pit
is giving it a run for it's money.
By the way thanks for all the suggestions on my computer probs but you guys
might as well speak Latin as computer lingo. lol


Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
It took a while but I think it's ok now.
@DST, my prayers to your family.
I'll be posting pix from the BB frost monsters later the HDxSC is just amazing now, Blue Pit
is giving it a run for it's money.
By the way thanks for all the suggestions on my computer probs but you guys
might as well speak Latin as computer lingo. lol

Did you download the security guide?



Well-Known Member
My brother in law is still in a coma. By all accounts he has cerebral malaria not meningitis....basically same severity, same brain swelling, same possible post illness issues. Sorry to be the downer.

Lovely looking pron folks.:)