Welcome New Members!


Active Member
Legal buds are pretty much crap. The most you'll get from them are a tiny buzz if that. Like what you would get form a menthol cig if you don't normally smoke them.


Well-Known Member
Just another noob here. Seen a lot of pics from growers on this site, wow, really good lookin stuff!> Anyway, just wanted to say hey. I've got a few ?'s just like any other noob, I'll try to post them in the right forums. I've got my first grow about done, and yes it went horribly wrong, light issues, suspected nute lock up, etc... I'll be posting Peace


Well-Known Member
go to newbie central..................its a great way to ask questions that might be stupid or not but u will get good advice and people will be willing to help you no matter what the topic is...it has helped me and my friend out greatly....keep asking questions bro


Well-Known Member
Just another noob here. Seen a lot of pics from growers on this site, wow, really good lookin stuff!> Anyway, just wanted to say hey. I've got a few ?'s just like any other noob, I'll try to post them in the right forums. I've got my first grow about done, and yes it went horribly wrong, light issues, suspected nute lock up, etc... I'll be posting Peace
Welcome to the forum rich, since you have some experience we expect you will be posting a journal, don't forget the pictures. Send me a link. :eyesmoke:VV


Active Member
so im new to growing and a friend gave me a few seeds to try and its been about 10 days and my plant is about 5-6 inches tall and very bushy and was wondering if this was normal not sure what strain it is pics will be up later today


Well-Known Member
hey everyone i can't seem to get pictures of my plants on here does ne one know y this is.....can anyone help me with this??????please help me....i have an 8 foot plant i want to post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
hiya peeps im kinda new around here thought id pop mi head in n say hi i live in uk and im having a go at growing my own
i have grown 1 plant succesfully from seed to buds the harvest wasnt a brilliant yeild but was bagweed seed i was given so now im trying a few diff types that i do know name of i am growing mazar x afghan and moroccan x afghan some northern lights and last but not least some thai so im gonna be looking for any tips i can get that will help me on my way i have a very limited funds and im growing with a 600 watt hps in a 2ft x 2ft x 4ft growtent in soil so please shout if ya can advise me on anything thanx guys n girls


Active Member
Hey whats up every one. just started up on here and have three plants that are growing. Two are about 2 and half feet tall. how do i tell if they are males or females????


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody. I'm relatively new here, been posting for about two months. I didn't say what's up because I didn't have anything worth showing yet, but now I do.

If you want to check out how simple, cheap, and amazingly effective a DWC system can be check out my thread. This is my second experimental grow and it is going awesome!

You would be amazed what you can do with some bag seed!




Well-Known Member
Hey whats up every one. just started up on here and have three plants that are growing. Two are about 2 and half feet tall. how do i tell if they are males or females????

There's the part of the GrowFAQ that deals with sexing, but to give you the basics, the males will have balls, and the females will have little hairs.

How old are your plants?


Active Member
I am friggin' excited about this site. I grew up around pot, opium, hash, etc...

I am lucky enough to have a mom that once I got out of high school enjoys smoking with me and my wife. This summer is my first attempt at growing and to say the least it has not been what I expected. After some more reading in the forums I might be starting a thread but time will tell.

My screen name came from my grandmother that nicknamed me that. All my friends call me "Weed" and I don't think my dad has called me anything but that.

Thanks for the site and all the great threads. I look forward to all this site has to offer. bongsmilie


Active Member
Im confused.....when in the veg stage and I see 24/7, does that mean 24hrs on and 7 off or 24hrs 7days a week??????????