While out looking at a potential new spot I stumbled upon someone else's.


Well-Known Member
I took a hike today to a spot I have been eyeing up and it seems someone else has the same location in mind. A few holes were dug, some soil, shovel etc under camo tarp . I'm an honest dude so I left everything as they were. Will I go back during harvest season? Nope ,, I believe in karma so if I'm not messing with someones else's crop I would hope someone won't mess with mine. But I know better.

Should I have left them a note ? "Hey man ,I found your spot, I won't mess with it I promise,, grow on! ". Lol.. Seriously I wouldn't,,,, or should I just go back and kick things around so they know said spot has-been compromised.
I took a hike today to a spot I have been eyeing up and it seems someone else has the same location in mind. A few holes were dug, some soil, shovel etc under camo tarp . I'm an honest dude so I left everything as they were. Will I go back during harvest season? Nope ,, I believe in karma so if I'm not messing with someones else's crop I would hope someone won't mess with mine. But I know better.

Should I have left them a note ? "Hey man ,I found your spot, I won't mess with it I promise,, grow on! ". Lol.. Seriously I wouldn't,,,, or should I just go back and kick things around so they know said spot has-been compromised.
I would never rip someone's crop either, but if your on public land doing a gorilla grow and find somebody's else's spot, I believe proper etiquette is to remove a prime top cola, but leave the rest be. Best to let them know their spot is too easy to find..
IF that was my crop or friends that I know we like to watch crops when there close to being ready to harvest..When you removed that prime top cola it would be your last cola you would ever get to cut.The best thing to do if you find a crop is just get the hell out and never go back or tell NO ONE...ky
IF that was my crop or friends that I know we like to watch crops when there close to being ready to harvest..When you removed that prime top cola it would be your last cola you would ever get to cut.The best thing to do if you find a crop is just get the hell out and never go back or tell NO ONE...ky
You gonna kill somebody for taking one bud from your grow on public lands? LOL!
I dam sure would not even wait to see if one was all they would take.WHEN you cut THE FIRST ONE it is boom time here on the first one.Some people would kill you for just being in the wrong place at the rite time if they did not know you.Being on public land has nothing to do with it.Dont take it the wrong way but some people would kill you for a lot less then one bub.
FFs - it's a plant.
To kill another for something as minuscule as that is plain stupid.

Would you shoot the old lady that clips a rose blossom off of the bush at the end of your driveway for her ailing hub to appreciate?
GTFU & act like an adult.
if that old bitch cut a rose off I would kill her ...lol but anyone can take one bud of my plant if that's all it is so long as they let me know if I caught them in the act that "dude you grown some dank arse weed here"
for anyones info I certainly wouldn't do no more than maybe a busted nose on the arsehole that takes anything of a plant of mine...I aint going to jail for hurting someone so bad just for natures plant no way
FFs - it's a plant.
To kill another for something as minuscule as that is plain stupid.

Would you shoot the old lady that clips a rose blossom off of the bush at the end of your driveway for her ailing hub to appreciate?
GTFU & act like an adult.
We are not talking about a rose bush.And like I said iam not going to set there and watch a person cut my work down.the first cut is boom and that's just how it is here.ky
not trying to cause an argument ky you seem ok but if its an illegal grow really what right does the grower have to kill someone over a plant...now if you stumbled on a organized crime crop that's different I don't think anyone would have the balls to take a bud
Just how would you know if it was a organized crim grow?That is why you don't mess with stuff that is not yours.If you find a pot patch you know first thing its not your grow.then you just leav and tell no one and every one stays happy.
FFs - it's a plant.
To kill another for something as minuscule as that is plain stupid.

Would you shoot the old lady that clips a rose blossom off of the bush at the end of your driveway for her ailing hub to appreciate?
GTFU & act like an adult.
IF they still one bud they will still again or they could have you set up and bam PRISON time that's no fun.I WILL give you and expampal.There was some men watching a 3 acer pot crop on top of a 80 foot high cliff.One dum ass shot in the air guess what when the 3 theffs ran 2 ran over the cliff and the third person called the law to get the other two help and the cops busted them people.They stayed in prison for that pot a long time while the 3 thefs lived.iF it would have been me in that cass I would have had a talk with the thiefs and it would have depend on them what happen next.
Don't take it the wrong way I would never wount to hurt no one.KIDS I dam sure would not hurt,but if you are watching the crop you can see what is going on.