she eats moose burgers!


Well-Known Member
yep.. when he dies she will be fine, what with her no experience.. i mean can you really see her running the country? who the fuck is she? a soccer mom that won gov.

on local news they were interviewing people and 50% of people would vote for mccain because of her now.. just when i thought we had it in the bag.

not only is mccain old enough to be her dad, hes actually older than the state of alaska.. :)


Well-Known Member
Nancy Pelosi is a "soccer mom".

If McCain pisses you off so much, don't go with Obama, go with writing in Ron Paul. I keep saying, if everyone who was dissatisfied with the two main runners would write in this one man's name, it could turn into a landslide.


New Member
Well, just keep saying it and they will come,~LOL~. sounds like a line from a disney movie. They aint coming. get over it.


New Member
Got more of a chance than a 20 year old woman's fetus, now a days.
Womens choice. I believe the fetus doesn't become a spiritual being untill that first breath, but I'm sure I'll be opposed here on this site by the carload. When God grants that first breath, you are a human. Before that, you are just globs of DNA. I can hardly wait for the hate mail.


New Member
Conception: Chromosomes, Your Genetic Blueprint

23 chromosomes (like chrome, as in hubcaps)+23 chromosomes=46 chromosomes, or a new human life.

Now if we want to debate how big it is before we aren't allowed to kill it, or if states should be allowed to dictate if they want to kill it, that is a debate. Life starts at the moment of conception. This is not up for debate.


Well-Known Member
she just got 7 mins of my time before i changed the channel. she wouldn't shut-up. 4 mins of "thanks for the warm welcome". then she started in with "i did blah, blah, .......". then a bunch of McCain ball sucking. i'm done with her.


Well-Known Member
im gay for obama and biden lol

a hot bitch and a old craka in office,you can say shes a nurse to change the diappers of mccain

no one has heared of her till the other day,its like wtf you couldve choose joe libberman or someone with better crudentials


New Member
im gay for obama and biden lol

a hot bitch and a old craka in office,you can say shes a nurse to change the diappers of mccain

no one has heared of her till the other day,its like wtf you couldve choose joe libberman or someone with better crudentials
Crudentials? Obama has got 'em, lots of 'em.


Well-Known Member
im gay for obama and biden lol

a hot bitch and a old craka in office,you can say shes a nurse to change the diappers of mccain

no one has heared of her till the other day,its like wtf you couldve choose joe libberman or someone with better crudentials
He needed a woman, he is an old rich white guy running against a "black" man


Well-Known Member
McCain is wrong for the country,we had 8yrs of the new depression and succession,do we really need 4more?why not 4 or 8yrs of peace and happiness?do we really want to live in struggles still?we need to have some change in this country,witch alot of people are afraid of change,one word to that....EVOLUTION


Well-Known Member
Three days ago this was a close election. A statistical dead-heat. After the VP debate in St. Louis, the election will be a land-slide. Mrs. Palin will win or loose the election for John McCain.


New Member
im gay for obama and biden lol

a hot bitch and a old craka in office,you can say shes a nurse to change the diappers of mccain

no one has heared of her till the other day,its like wtf you couldve choose joe libberman or someone with better crudentials
Talking about CRUDEntials .... you've got them in spades. :blsmoke:
