In House Genetics Thread


Well-Known Member
LMAO. I wish I would grow that house mix. Useless just like GGG Diamonds and Dust freebies they passed out.

useless lol... it's not for nothing they called diamond and dust because, find some awesome pheno 3female keeper and lot of gorgeous male in just 15 seed..., you didn't grow them but still saying they are useless how do you know???


Well-Known Member
Useless because of uncertainty. I don't have space in my garden for an open pollinated cross of 2 of 33 strains. Who buys that? Freebies should be something a breeder wants a grower to eventually buy.

So yea after multiple males and wasting my resources on D&D beans I have concluded that they are useless and not worth further efforts. Thats how I feel about the house mix.

I want to have some general idea about what I am growing.