Eshine GrowSun 320W Complete Grow. Dark Devil Auto, 45L AirPot.


Well-Known Member
A powerful light like the one u suggest would not work in my box !
yeah if your area isnt big enough or tall enough then start with a 190 or so. but carefull now the 5 watt diodes ahve to have at least 18 inches so they dont fry your plant. If you have height issues then get a 3 watt diode setup. then you can get the plant 3 inches away with out frying it. research. if i had a limit space i would buy a few chinese ufo's they will grow and are cheap you can always have an extra 1 around cause you know they will break down right in the middle of flower.


Well-Known Member
A powerful light like the one u suggest would not work in my box !
Check out BLM Horticulture Spydr 600 ($999). It uses OSRAM diodes and consists of 6 individual bars (passively cooled ) that can slide on a 3ft spine. I like the fact that it provides broader, more even, light distribution over the canopy

Coverage is said to be 4 x 4

You can select your own blend for one bar then the rest are the same

I just selected spectrums for one that should do nicely for both veg and flower

You can also purchase individual bars

Come by my thread if interested


New Member
hi pal , im me again,
i got the light, 320v, fro where i live and the money i want to invest, this was my best option.
now i have a problem, i dont know how to setp the time .
for example, i start at 6 pm putting my pots under the light, then , y choose seedling, then i put the time, like, 18 on , and 6 off, ont he configuration side, but didint get any results, i really dont know how to used it, or how is suppose to be used, please pal, can you help me, how is this stuf work, i need to doit before my seed get wasted. hope you can give answer back ,

Alpha & Omega

Well-Known Member
Hi mate, rightyo, we didnt use the built in timer on the LED as it was on 24/0. so if your growing autos or vegging, dont use it, keep it on 24/0.
But...if you like your ladys to sleep a bit or flowering etc...i can see why the timer could be useful.
Hmmmm it does seem a bit weird dont it? sets the time ok, did the same thing for me tho, turned off when should of turned on.
i think its backwards mate. On = Off and visa versa.
Will keep investigating that mate, good find.
For now tho just use a external timer innit? makes life simpler.

Heres a instruction sheet i just found....looks straight forward but i still think they might of got the On and Off bits the wrong way round.
Try it the other way round anyhoo, let me know how you get on as my LED is not with me but still with my tester.
Remote Control instructions.jpg

Alpha & Omega

Well-Known Member
Yo dudes!! sussed it once and for all!!

The timer issue thingy on the Eshine...., its all based on the LEDs clock

24 & 00 = Midnight & 12 = Noon. on the Eshines Digital Clock

So to set the timer to turn the light on at 9 am in morning and turn off 9 at night would be

09 - 21.

Get it?

On - Off on the timer doesnt relate to how many hours the light will be on or off for... it relates to what Time you want the LED to turn on or off on the Eshines Clock.

so for constant light, set to 00 - 24 (same as turn on and off at exactly the same time, which it doesnt, it stays on)

if it was 01 - 24 it would come on at 1 am and turn off at midnight.

And so on and on.....

Hope that helps .

Happy LEDing! .


Well-Known Member
I had the same issue with my Sentinel MDT timer

I was using HPA at the time.

Plants would look awesome while lights were on, then each morning they were all droopy

Took me a while to figure out that they weren't getting fed at night


Well-Known Member
Interesting read thanks for posting.

Although I looked through the grow log and found something, looks like the EXIF metadata is stripped from the images? I know you already listed dates etc but just wanted to check for myself but found only stripped EXIF unless of course I have missed something here which could explain the missing EXIF? May not be uber important right here and now for this particular log but for people like me who doing research regarding eshine and their lights without any real knowledge about led lights it could potantially raise some questions overall.

Just a point though, again thanks for posting results which more eshine growers could do that, create informative grow logs that is.


hello Alpha & Omega.
Can I make a few questions about the lamp?
I have the same lamp (320w), but I don't think it works the way it should.
Is it normal that the temperature is always no less than 55 ° Celsius (131 ° - 132 ° F)?
I have two air extractors in the box. With 325W CFL I have never had problems.
Is it normal that the fans are so noisy?
I think the loudest is the one of the power supply .
I'm planning now to replace the fan on the heatsink, hoping for less fan noise.

But I do not know what to do with the fan inside the power supply.
The only way to not feel the noise is lowering the lamp power to 10% power. But it seems absurd.
Can you give me some advice?
Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
hello Alpha & Omega.
Can I make a few questions about the lamp?
I have the same lamp (320w), but I don't think it works the way it should.
Is it normal that the temperature is always no less than 55 ° Celsius (131 ° - 132 ° F)?
I have two air extractors in the box. With 325W CFL I have never had problems.
Is it normal that the fans are so noisy?
I think the loudest is the one of the power supply .
I'm planning now to replace the fan on the heatsink, hoping for less fan noise.

But I do not know what to do with the fan inside the power supply.
The only way to not feel the noise is lowering the lamp power to 10% power. But it seems absurd.
Can you give me some advice?
Thanks in advance
Not sure if this will be of much help. But i have the 160w of the light at least for a few more days, got it up for sale. PSU fan is not very loud on mine also it cycles the fan comes on at 42c. I never saw mine over 44c. Did you get yours from Eshine? If so contact them see if they will send you a new PSU or fan maybe. Also ask them if that is normal for the temps. Maybe you need a new unit.


Did you get yours from Eshine? If so contact them see if they will send you a new PSU or fan maybe. Also ask them if that is normal for the temps. Maybe you need a new unit.
thanks for the reply.
I bought my lamp directly from Eshine.
I asked them about the noise and if I could replace the fan on the heatsink.
With this fan:
They told me that I can.
I do this test tomorrow.
But for the fan of the PSU, I do not know what to do.
you think is it possible to replace the PSU with an external PSU-PC?

It happened to me also this:
When I opened the back cover. Some screws were defective
the hanging kit is of poor quality
because the hooks have succumbed under the weight of the lamp.
When I opened the back cover. Some screws were defective
the hanging kit is of poor quality
because the hooks have succumbed under the weight of the lamp.
Their answer was: About the screws and the hang kits, could you fine the them at your local store ? It's the first time we have such a problem with the hang kits. When you or your friends need any lights from us next time, we will send you more screws and one more set hang kits.
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Alpha & Omega

Well-Known Member
hello Alpha & Omega.
Can I make a few questions about the lamp?
I have the same lamp (320w), but I don't think it works the way it should.
Is it normal that the temperature is always no less than 55 ° Celsius (131 ° - 132 ° F)?
I have two air extractors in the box. With 325W CFL I have never had problems.
Is it normal that the fans are so noisy?
I think the loudest is the one of the power supply .
I'm planning now to replace the fan on the heatsink, hoping for less fan noise.

But I do not know what to do with the fan inside the power supply.
The only way to not feel the noise is lowering the lamp power to 10% power. But it seems absurd.
Can you give me some advice?
Thanks in advance

hi mate,

JavaCo is bang on, (cheers bro!), sounds like your unit is faulty, the problem is probably the controller board inside mate, The team at Eshine are aware of this problem and will send out a replacement part straight away if needed, I myself have just replaced the board inside mine, one of the LEDs went, but it wasn't the LED, it was the board inside.

(If you look closely at the pictures, you can see the main power cable to the controller board is all burnt out, this was caused by the power cable connections being crimped down by the power supply when the back panel is lowered.

Easy solution, re-route the cable around near the fans, as in the picture, Eshine have already been informed about this aswell and are well prepared for any possible problems.

But if any people reading this want to check their units for this, or just give them a clean then check with the team at eshine before you do so, just incase you Void your own warranty,

I do think learning how to maintain and clean these LEDs is the main key to their lifespan, so its important to give it a clean now and then.)

This board also controls all the fans, when they come on etc.. so it would be a good place to start, as far as your power supply fan making noise,,,hmmmm again..could be a faulty fan.

I own the GS320 and two GS160's aswell and all of them are almost silent running, the 320 can reach temps to 55C no problem as the whole case is aluminium, so the whole thing acts like a heatsink aswell so it does get quite hot to the touch. But your fans should come on a lot sooner then that,,

Its easy enough to replace the fans inside the unit tho, any PC cooling fans will do the job, even high speed ones, 3000+ RPM.

just attach the black and red wires to the fan connection on the controller board.

You could even replace all the heat thermal paste for a higher quality silver one aswell if you choose to, it does help dramatically.

Eshine cant use it due to many reasons, so they use the best they can, which is good, but not the best if your into that sort of thing.

so overall diagnosis,,,controller board fault & Power supply fan fault, both need replacing as the power supply cooling fan isn't really replaceable, I certainly wouldn't open one up, not worth the risk as its a juicy old power supply.

ill post some strip down pictures to help you on your way bro.
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Eshine 320 Strip Down Pictures.
View attachment 3175224
thanks so much for the photos.
I see the label of the fan. I know well these fans, they were on my old PC.
I I replaced with queste:
only 1350 RPM
Airflow: 74CFM / 126m? / h
max decibels: 24

Now I am convinced that the noise is generated by the PSU.
The PSU makes more noise than the air extractor.
is absurd to.

thank you all for your time

Alpha & Omega

Well-Known Member
Hi all,

ive just had another 'LED Tester' come back with the same fault, this time it was a bit more serious....

He sent me this report that he has also posted on other forums to warn people, thus I am doing the same.

"hi all, Sad Sad news about Eshine and the GS320
thought id post this straight away as i have had quite a alarming fault with my GS320 unit
And it is very alarming indeed, so if you own one, PLEASE READ
It all started when one LED went out, so i swapped them over for another good LED and that went out aswell.
So, opened up the unit, and see straight away the main power cable was almost burnt through!!!
now it was so burnt it was only hanging on and still connected by few single threads of wire!
what would of happened if the wire had dropped off and down onto the cooling fins of the LED below? <and that gets
really hot.>
As the other end would still be connected to the power driver,,,,making it still live with 320W
yup, BANG. lucky for me it didnt.
I looked further into it and it had burnt out the controller board, Eshine admitted knowing about this fault,,,,
that also worried me, how come they didnt withdraw them then?
They sent me a replacement part anyway so i fitted it myself, well i had to, theres no way i was gonna send this
whole unit back to them!
i also fitted a new power cable and re-routed it through the Fans.
The main problem it was getting 'crimped' by the power driver above it when the back panel was shut, it pressed the
power driver down onto the power wire connections to the controller board.
Making it literally melt, not good, could be a fire hazard!!!
we did inform them of this a couple of days ago but no reply.
So here i am, with pictures!
So, please please everyone who owns one of these, take the back panel off and check it!
Eshine dont seem to care, you want to see the reply i got from them when i said people should know,
infact i will
here it is
"From: Ivy Shine []
Sent: 23 July 2014 13:03
To: Borg
Subject: Re: GrowSun 320
Yeah, DO post all the words without any modification.
If you post modified information, hell is where you will go soon.
God is watching...
so, ive done my duty to warn people. My main aim as a tester is to also keep people safe aswell.
Peace Out."

Now..... if eshine are going to treat customers like that and ignore this potential Fire Hazard then I can only say 'Buyer BEWARE!!!'

This LED could potentially be life threatening. 320W Meanwell power drivers do pack quite a punch...

Heres the pictures he sent me aswell of the burnt connection....I was shocked. they tell the story better then words

Then even more shocked at Eshines response........WTF? indeed.

As Borg says, it is our duty to also warn growers of potential faults and dangers with ANY LED, no matter where it comes from.

And if that's Eshines Response? well, im very disappointed in them.

We are not Sales, we are reviewers. Nuff said, over n out.

Burnt Live Wire and Connector (1).JPG

Burnt Live Wire and Connector (2).JPG

Burnt Live Wire.JPG

Faulty Board Removed.JPG
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Alpha & Omega

Well-Known Member
Update for the GS320

I had received this LED back from LED Borg and after a thorough inspection, all is clear.
No scorch marks on the power wire or the controller board power connector
The only thing that was noticeable was some 'pressure' marks on the power cables themselves where the power suppoly is still pressing against them

But as LEd Borg has just used this light at for another 77 days, its nothing to worry about.
The re-routing of the cable has solved this problem so I strongly suggest any owners of this type of LED to open their units up and re-route the power cable like I did.

So, good news, its not a major electrical problem, just the power driver pressing down on the connections, easily solved by re-routing the power cable to the side instead of underneath the driver.

Pics for all to confirm my findings..

Unit Re - Checked (1).JPG

Unit Re - Checked (2).JPG

Unit Re - Checked (3).JPG

Unit Re - Checked (4).JPG

Unit Re - Checked (5).JPG

Power Driver all ok, no corrosion or over heating signs on the wiring or the connections.

Unit Re - Checked (6).JPG

Og Kushman

Active Member
Interesting read thanks for posting.

Although I looked through the grow log and found something, looks like the EXIF metadata is stripped from the images? I know you already listed dates etc but just wanted to check for myself but found only stripped EXIF unless of course I have missed something here which could explain the missing EXIF? May not be uber important right here and now for this particular log but for people like me who doing research regarding eshine and their lights without any real knowledge about led lights it could potantially raise some questions overall.

Just a point though, again thanks for posting results which more eshine growers could do that, create informative grow logs that is.
You think he took his time to help ppl out by showing what a light can do(amazing results) and answering everyone's question's and he is not honest. Seems like your trying to hint that he is lying.