Dam heat already messing things up...T-5 grow as plan B

Phytium hater

Well-Known Member
Hi, I upgraded my grow tent to one big 7.9 x 7.9 x 7.2, before I had 2 half that size (so together same m2) but this new has more height .
Before I was using one in each TD-350 Silent exhausts and fans, it worked ok but not perfect, so i thought if I get one big space and more height and upgrade my exhausts to 2 TD-800 Silents , I would get everything much more in the sweet spot...I am using the same reflectors Sun Systems Irradiator with 600w HPS , so 4 x 600w in my set up with 2 x TD-800 exhausts ,I was pretty sure it would be a whole new ballgame ,,,but DAM not so, the temps outside is only 41 F. and inside my tent its like 86 F. ...shitt fuck..and the grow is just in its first 4 weeks so it finishes around end of july when its really warm outside....and NO there is no change of using aircon unit...I live in an apartment building where there can not be any installed equipment/noise/more electricity usage..
So the only thing comes to my mind is to use T-5 in stead for summer period...
Any ideas ...do I get lame as yield with T-5's ,,,,anyway heat is not going to give any yields either..


Well-Known Member
Consider changing to 315w CMH lights. Heat of a 250w HPS but yield of a 500w HPS.

T5s would be a step backwards. They're not as efficient so you'd be decreasing wattage/heat and dramatically cutting yield too (or same wattage/heat and still less yield).
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Well-Known Member
You would be surprised how much the hood/reflector itself traps and creates heat.

I scrapped mine for a vertical orientation. Most of them are ported for air cooling, for me it was more trouble than they are worth.

Where are you exhausting the hot air?

Phytium hater

Well-Known Member
I haven't really used them but I was looking in to them some time ago and came to the conclusion that they are not the answer because heat is pretty high anyway....+ expensive and i would need at least 4 of them...good for vegging ..but not so much for flowering ( well neither is T-5's of course)...but I do have T-5's already so I might turn of 1 HPS and put 2x 4 bulp system for 4 plants in the same tent and keep the rest with Hps , and if it gets too hot I take an other off and do those 4 plants again with T-5's so keeping at least 2 600 hps on and 4 x 4 bulb 54w T-5 systems

Phytium hater

Well-Known Member
You would be surprised how much the hood/reflector itself traps and creates heat.

I scrapped mine for a vertical orientation. Most of them are ported for air cooling, for me it was more trouble than they are worth.

Where are you exhausting the hot air?
Good question..I was exhausting it to my lung room ,but now when its not winter any more I just now changed it to a window (different room than the intake air comes from)...but yep can only direct tubes towards the window a hand away from it..other wise somebody could see them from outside,,,now lights came on night side and feel pretty ok...its just in veg they do go on until 6 pm..so in flower they will shutt off at 12:00 noon and back on at 00:00 so lower night temps will be better for the extra heat...one problem is the intake air window..to get air in well i would be too exposed and having those thick curtains in fron of the open window ain't really letting the air flow either....so there would be something to get fixed, I,we seen some videos and plans of this and that panels etc. but that is not going to look normal...all I would like to get my curtain set up so that nobody can see my things fro outside,,we have balconies right outside so people fro above can easily see right in downwards and people from underneath can see right upwards so even I have blinder and curtains I need to be really careful , have you ,who use blinders, and lived in the false sense of security . ever stood underneath a apartment on the street at night when the lights are on in the flat..at certain angle you can see inside the apartment from low angle upwards quite a lot like there wouldn't be any blinders at all...(if the blinders are turned downwards)..I realized that with a shock few years ago , and my grow tents where right in the bedroom front of the windows with the blinders shut to the downward angle...came thru the yard with the lights on in my room when it was dark outside...and dam..you could see the upper half of the tents ..
so window security is big thing...just had a similar experience of angels from balconies today when I had rolled the bottom of the curtains a bit looser to get some air...


Well-Known Member
a false box over the window frame, with a hole cut out then lined with black fabric is how I would do it.

85 degrees with lights on in soil grows if you can get the light off temp down enough will really make them grow big time.

Phytium hater

Well-Known Member
There isn't really anything I can do to get temps down, I spent huge amount of money for building a top notch silent box in a box with
layer after layer of all the best existing silencing mats, sound dampening materials to get the 2 800 cm3 exhausts whisper quiet..that was my plan of temps control...if you have pics of good stealth window ideas involving curtains please send or links of simple but great solutions...there shouldn't be any problems for me to figure it out by my self but there can always be some use of outside ideas what I would't had thought of...

Phytium hater

Well-Known Member
That looks awesome ...that is perfect...give us report how you grow and how much yield you get with T-5 lights and why you use them..


Well-Known Member
There isn't really anything I can do to get temps down, I spent huge amount of money for building a top notch silent box in a box with
layer after layer of all the best existing silencing mats, sound dampening materials to get the 2 800 cm3 exhausts whisper quiet..that was my plan of temps control...if you have pics of good stealth window ideas involving curtains please send or links of simple but great solutions...there shouldn't be any problems for me to figure it out by my self but there can always be some use of outside ideas what I would't had thought of...
I meant getting the temps downs during lights off and not being overly worried about the temp as long as they are under 85 during lights on.

The box over the window is light proof so if you were to look at it would appear as unlit room so your drapes are of no consequence, blinds in the other direction eliminates being able to see up and in . The depth of the box, just spit balling. Would have to be 2-3 feet deep to create the illusion of a darkened room.


Well-Known Member
You mention these 2 "800" whisper exhausts. Whats CFM are they rated. How large is your intake? Do you really need 4 600s? My room is half the size and I get by on one 600 and it produces better than a lb now at harvest.

Just is strange that with 41 degree intake air temp that you would not be able to control the highs.

Phytium hater

Well-Known Member
Hi, the TD-800 Silents are rated with the slower set up 800 m3/hour and the faster set up around 900 m3/hour..
I am using them with the 800 m3/hour set up, my intake tubes for fresh air are sucked in by 2 x 160 mm tubes which I have on the one corner on the tent floor. My exhaust fans are each connected one 1000 m3 carbon filter and 2 x 600 hps light reflector hood.
So 2 filters 4 lights, in the beginning the fans are using 200 mm tubes which when reaching lights are converted to 160 mm and after lights converted to 125 mm tubes, and the tubes continue after 125 mm conversion an other 5 meters.

I have 2 x Atami Wilma 8 wide systems so each light is above 4 plants, so if one light is off the 4 plants are not really getting much light.
I have mounted the lights all the way up in the sealing so there is room for proper grow, before I always had height problems.

And yes its weird that it isn't cooler in the tent..


Well-Known Member
Hi, the TD-800 Silents are rated with the slower set up 800 m3/hour and the faster set up around 900 m3/hour..
I am using them with the 800 m3/hour set up, my intake tubes for fresh air are sucked in by 2 x 160 mm tubes which I have on the one corner on the tent floor. My exhaust fans are each connected one 1000 m3 carbon filter and 2 x 600 hps light reflector hood.
So 2 filters 4 lights, in the beginning the fans are using 200 mm tubes which when reaching lights are converted to 160 mm and after lights converted to 125 mm tubes, and the tubes continue after 125 mm conversion an other 5 meters.

I have 2 x Atami Wilma 8 wide systems so each light is above 4 plants, so if one light is off the 4 plants are not really getting much light.
I have mounted the lights all the way up in the sealing so there is room for proper grow, before I always had height problems.

And yes its weird that it isn't cooler in the tent..
A bit confusing. Are you feeling a decent blow from the intakes? Possibly some cheap in-line fans for them? As an experiment you might try turning of 1 of the lights? Pics might help.

Phytium hater

Well-Known Member
Whell yeah I can feel the negative pressure causing a nice suction thru the intake tubes,,, there is no good space for including extra inlet fans + I never used them either . The negative pressure suction has always worked enough...the wind inside the reflector cases is insane ..I had to tighten the screws super tight other vise the hoods were singing like Teapots...
Yep , I just have to downgrade 1-2 of the 600 hps if it get too hot during summer and use the T-5 lights over those plants...

Phytium hater

Well-Known Member
And RM3 grows some pretty things with the T-5's,,,the summer isn't easy for anybody,,,it would be nice to be able to use a mini split AC but its next to impossible to get it done , the other part would need to be screaming on my balcony and I would need to be pulling some very suspicious tubes thru my window + the power cables + the noise it would make ...all that would really draw some attention of my neighbors...
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Well-Known Member
Whell yeah I can feel the negative pressure causing a nice suction thru the intake tubes,,, there is no good space for including extra inlet fans + I never used them either . The negative pressure suction has always worked enough...the wind inside the reflector cases is insane ..I had to tighten the screws super tight other vise the hoods were singing like Teapots...
Yep , I just have to downgrade 1-2 of the 600 hps if it get too hot during summer and use the T-5 lights over those plants...
Hear ya, i bought an intake fan and it spun like it was on even when it wasn't and I removed it. I use both a 4x4 T5 and a 600 during much of flower.


Well-Known Member
And RM3 grows some pretty things with the T-5's,,,the summer isn't easy for anybody,,,it would be nice to be able to use a mini split AC but its next to impossible to get it done , the other part would need to be screaming on my balcony and I would need to be pulling some very suspicious tubes thru my window + the power cables + the noise it would make ...all that would really draw some attention of my neighbors...
Yeah!! I have already hitched my wagon to the RM3 train.
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