leaves color getting lighter after a week flip


Well-Known Member
Good day guys,
run into some problem again...
My plant scrog in 5x5 tent started showing def.
I am not sure what problem am I having.
I wonder if I could be light burn. I just switch to COB led for the first run.
6 pcs cbx-3590 2 feet above plants @1400ma
All the feedback and quick check out are appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
Your top pic looks fine, so is it one leaf or many leaves? If just a couple, no big deal. If many, maybe a cal/mag deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Your top pic looks fine, so is it one leaf or many leaves? If just a couple, no big deal. If many, maybe a cal/mag deficiency.
Thanks for the feedback!
Ther are not all turn yellow yet, but I can see leaves color overall turned lighter, and few leaves show sign like pic 2.
I use maxibloom and 2ml/gal cal mag last time I feed


Well-Known Member
Good day guys,
I think I still have problem there...
leaves color still turn yellow, plants drinking less than usual.
I use feed- water- feed, so I add some cal-mag when I water as I might be cal/meg def.
can see some pistols coming out now, but they dont look heathy to me. I usually add liquid Koolboom when I see pistols.
As they are still wet, and they drink slower theh usual. what should I do right now?
Any feedback or advise are appreciated

leaves turn light green, and some lower leaves turn yellow
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This is the one that looks fine, but can see some burn on tips.
I dont know how can they get nute burn when I feeding them with EC 0.3?
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Well-Known Member
@budilicius thanks for your feedback
I use maxibloom and some cal-mag, as I know maxibloom is 5-15-14.
Do you think that is still too high on for Phosphor? I only use maxibloom veggin for about three weeks. dont know why have problem lately.

Any one use maxibloom here?
any feedbacks still welcome.
really appreciated
happy grow


Well-Known Member
I just feed them with maxibloom and some Flora grow to take up the N.
tap water EC 1.0 PH 6.5
I measure the run off water
the one having lighter color run off water PH 5.5
The other one leaves does not turn lighter run off PH 6.2
Am I having PH problem on the roots zone?


Well-Known Member
I was assuming it was with nutrients added.Right now there is a big demand for nutrients... The flip to flower is key.. The plant is pulling nutrients from where it can to supply fuel for flower propogation, up your ec slowly until you start to see tip burn.I think I'd go up maybe another. 3


Well-Known Member
@Resinhound @VenomGrower6990 Thanks for feedback really appreciated that.

Tap water EC should be 0-0.1
EC 1.0 is after adding nutes

I did rise EC when I fed them. I am more worry about my PH
I set it 6.5 and run off with 5.5. Isnt that means roots zone PH too low?


ya run off outta soil wont tell ya true ph of soil. Maybe do a " slurry test " 2oz of soil and water.mix thoroughly and then test the media.
I just feed them with maxibloom and some Flora grow to take up the N.
tap water EC 1.0 PH 6.5
I measure the run off water
the one having lighter color run off water PH 5.5
The other one leaves does not turn lighter run off PH 6.2
Am I having PH problem on the roots zone?


i have no experience with the PH of the Soil also no experience with your Maxibloom. My Soil should be a PH of 5,8-5,9 (info on the packing)

But i can say, when you have a EC of 1.0 after adding some nutrients, iam sure you can add some more. But in my opinion more Nitrogen than Phosphor.

Resinhound says more Ph and N. - i hope you try this. Have patience, this could take a week until you see a positive or negative result.
If it gets worse immediately, then you realize that so and so.

As i already say, iam not a gardener thats only my experience after 3 grows and many question to a gardener also internet and books i read. I also experiment a little with each grow, I like that, because I just have the feeling that I really see a change. You also see that not every sort and not every plant of the same sort is the same.

In my opinion you can experiment with nutriets but dont overstate it, but i think Epsom isnt bad when you add this everytime in a low dose.

I have found this for a long time



Well-Known Member
Good day guys,

It didnt get any better last time I fed them with more N
As they are more then two weeks after flip, I add some KoolBloom to take up P and K
STILL NOT getting any better....still have leaves turn yellow, especially the lower turned yellow and drop.
Pls Help me out to solve this Def.
into 19 days after flip, I can tell this can harm my harvest
any feedback are welcome
thanks guys
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Well-Known Member
Imho It def looks like ph is off. Do you have lime in soil?
Thanks for the feedback. I don't have lime in soil. I don't have anything to measure the ph in soil, except measure the run off by use ph pen. What do I have to do now? I know this is most important stage of grow right now. Please advice what you would do if this is your grow.
Much appreciate and happy grow


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert either and I'm doing hydro BUT (and I am sorry if this is obvious) don't overwater. Other than that I don't know.