subs supersoil

Not to put down play anything you guys said but ive been using subs super soil for about two years now and have nothing but positive things to say about it. Plants always a lush green, few deficiencies, nice fade, potent and smooth smoke with a great taste. Are their better recipes? Im sure but im content with what I have now. Before I started growing I had a dealer. I dealt with him strictly. Didnt matter if some new guy around the corner had better quality or cheaper prices.
Not to put down play anything you guys said but ive been using subs super soil for about two years now and have nothing but positive things to say about it. Plants always a lush green, few deficiencies, nice fade, potent and smooth smoke with a great taste. Are their better recipes? Im sure but im content with what I have now. Before I started growing I had a dealer. I dealt with him strictly. Didnt matter if some new guy around the corner had better quality or cheaper prices.
You can keep the same ingredients if you want, you're spending too much money...

My biggest thing is don't layer your soil. Evenly mix everything in your pot. Your roots aren't slowly creeping down to the bottom, cannabis roots don't work that way.
Not to put down play anything you guys said but ive been using subs super soil for about two years now and have nothing but positive things to say about it. Plants always a lush green, few deficiencies, nice fade, potent and smooth smoke with a great taste. Are their better recipes? Im sure but im content with what I have now. Before I started growing I had a dealer. I dealt with him strictly. Didnt matter if some new guy around the corner had better quality or cheaper prices.
How often did you water it while it was cooking? And did you mix it up for a week or did one good mix and stored it
You can keep the same ingredients if you want, you're spending too much money...

My biggest thing is don't layer your soil. Evenly mix everything in your pot. Your roots aren't slowly creeping down to the bottom, cannabis roots don't work that way.
So evenly mix the sub soil with a base soil is what you're saying
Tell me what you got bro let's work out a good grow plan for you
6 bags of roots organic
3 bags of biobizz light mix
20 pounds of dolomite lime
Alfalfa meal
Oyster shell
Blood meal
50 lbs of worm casting
Kelp meal
Blood meal
Humic acid
Azomite rock dust
Epsom salt
Fish bone meal
High phosphorus bat guano
Organic perlite
Clay pebbles
Great white mycorrhizae
6 bags of roots organic
3 bags of biobizz light mix
20 pounds of dolomite lime
Alfalfa meal
Oyster shell
Blood meal
50 lbs of worm casting
Kelp meal
Blood meal
Humic acid
Azomite rock dust
Epsom salt
Fish bone meal
High phosphorus bat guano
Organic perlite
Clay pebbles
Great white mycorrhizae
How many plants? What size pots? Cause a lot of that stuff we're gonna save for your next round, so let's figure out what you need for this one.
Not to put down play anything you guys said but ive been using subs super soil for about two years now and have nothing but positive things to say about it. Plants always a lush green, few deficiencies, nice fade, potent and smooth smoke with a great taste. Are their better recipes? Im sure but im content with what I have now. Before I started growing I had a dealer. I dealt with him strictly. Didnt matter if some new guy around the corner had better quality or cheaper prices.
No offense, and I mean this with the utmost respect... But if you're approach to growing is "ahhh... What I've been doing is good enough." than you're cheating yourself...and your teaching others to cheat themselves when you pass that aestic around.

I get the whole if it ain't broke don't fix it mentality, but you should always be trying to learn and improve. And I get it to if you're just a hobby grower and you don't want to push yourself.

But just some perspective, this is a product that people still rob, kill, and arrest each other for. Even in the legal states...if you're willing to take that risk, why aren't you willing to educate yourself more and push yourself to improve your capabilities?
Well the good news bro, is you are Hella stocked up for a while, I'm on the road right now writing this from a stop light. I got some good advice for you let me write it all out once I'm safely out of the car lol.
Okay. I can wait drive safe lol
Yea water only approach and from seed. I can get molasses if I need it.
Aight let's get down to it! I would start your seeds in that bio bizz light mix, whatever of that you have left after start your seeds I would mix with your roots organics bags. That'll give you about 58 gallons of soil or more. More than enough to fill up five gallon pots, although I would encourage you to use 7 or 10 gallon pots if you haven't purchased already.

So you've got your 9 cubic feet of roots organics together with maybe some of that biobizz stuff.

Mix in your amendments...I would just do two cups of each of these that you bought:
Alfalfa Meal
Oyster Shell Flour
Kelp meal
Humic acid
Fish Bone Meal

Let that all cook.

Hit all your seedling with plain water until they form their first leaves that look like cannabis leaves. Then top dress each seedling with about 1/4 cup of worm castings. Once they're big enough to repot, repot them into the cooked up mix. Put that mycorrhizae in each hole before you transplant, making sure it comes into contact with your roots. After you repot top dress with 1 Cup of worm castings, and retopdress more every couple weeks. Every three or four weeks you should top dress a half cup of kelp and alfalfa meal. And you can just do the plain water thing.

Give me a minute and I'll have a post about what to do with when to use your leftover materials.