Starting Temples

guess the ones that must see in black and white,

would place anything as ONLY right or wrong. there are a few religions out there like that, state your case why they-are-wrong @kelly4 :neutral: Is it true you were affiliated with Jonestown Guyana? How was it, did you enjoy the process?

I'm only advocating for an individuals freedom of choice, regarding what is right for them, at any given moment.
you were just weasil trolling anyway, but i thought id give you a pat on the head
My buddy started a temple he said it was easy. I'm probably going to be starting a very successful one soon. I can't give out to much info but it's going to be legendary. I even got a few celebrities willing to join. the media attention will be quite choice.
If anyone needs tips on starting a successful temple hit me up. I haven't officially started one yet but I got the blueprint for success. Anyone can start a temple, Starting a temple that will succeed is a whole different monster..

Fact,,, most temples don't last longer then a few years.

Fact,,,, I'm here to change that.
I remember as a freshman in college a business law prof asking the class, 'there's 247 religions currently practicing on earth, what makes you think yours is right?'
I think that Fin's choice of a religion that uses cannibis as a sacrament and the possibility of religious legal protections provided, is a good start to answer why his religion is best for him. :leaf:
Now if you have a church/temple and it is a registered as non-profit, that would mean that you would get a brake on taxes, including expensive annual property taxes. In not sure about the property taxes, I'd have to look that up but that could result in a huge savings for your temple over time.