Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

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Handions work.

A Spunion is a person who over analyzes almost everything due to the ingestion of too many psychedelic drugs. such as ketamine, mdma, lsd, mushrooms, and dmt.

Spun out + onion = spunion
I was paranoid as fuck well before I Ever tripped. And it's Not the bud. I just don't trust most people, because A Lot of people are greedy and selfish back biters who you think are Honest and True and end up when backed in a corner turning on you.

There's a Book entitled "Tortured for Christ" by Richard Wurmbrand which tells of his inprisonment and torture for 14years for being a Servant of JESUS CHRIST by the "great" Soviet Union when it "saved" Romania from the Nazis. The stuff that's crazy is the deception of people and the control. You can get it for free at http://www.persecution.com

But interesting to Note, the Importance of our Right as HUMAN BEINGS To Keep and Bear Arms is demonstrated when the Soviet Union invaded Finland and Switzerland, you know to "save" them even though there were No Nazis in there land. The Finnish fought off the Soviets for a Long time until Eventually ceding a southwestern corner of their country to the Soviet Union. The Swiss kept those bastards at bay, Because Every Citizen is Required to Keep and Bear arms.!

Another book that opened my mind to the Reality of deception by people and states is "Spetnaz: Inside Story of Soviet Special Forces" by Viktor Suvorov who was a Spetsnaz Officer who "defected" to THE TRUTH and Liberty and became a Citizen of The united States of America. CRAZY Shit in that book!!! It will keep you reading Non stop, it's insane the shit they do.!

So I'm a spunion or whatever you want to call it without drugs in my system. It's just Facts and History.

Oh another to read is "Foxe's Book of Martyrs" by John Foxe, this will show you the Truth of how just for Speaking THE TRUE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST men and women are imprisoned tortured and murdered, just for Declaring HIS NAME!
So I'm a spunion or whatever you want to call it without drugs in my system. It's just Facts and History.

Oh another to read is "Foxe's Book of Martyrs" by John Foxe, this will show you the Truth of how just for Speaking THE TRUE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST men and women are imprisoned tortured and murdered, just for Declaring HIS NAME!
That is awesome You recognize You are a spunion with or without psychedelics hahaha
It is even more awesome that You follow Jesus Christ. Most spunions deny or are confused.
got sheets for days of white fluff and needlepoint
Hey bud, I'm getting low on NP. Drop a line over here, I'll be around. Used to blog about on the shroomery. Have a few teks, under the name fizikz. Started doing cakes of PF cubes, Cambodians, and my favs PESA, so I'd like to converse with an old friend, even though I might not know you, if you're a OG we know each other regardless. I'd love a reliable connect for my sunshine, tired of driving to CO every time I want some Love
Hey bud, I'm getting low on NP. Drop a line over here, I'll be around. Used to blog about on the shroomery. Have a few teks, under the name fizikz. Started doing cakes of PF cubes, Cambodians, and my favs PESA, so I'd like to converse with an old friend, even though I might not know you, if you're a OG we know each other regardless. I'd love a reliable connect for my sunshine, tired of driving to CO every time I want some Love
Well You may have to drive to Colorado every time You want some.
Or California, where They say it never rains.
I always put about a dozen hits In reserve for my self
I would do the same, I'm down to 6ish, I suppose I could make about 12 little tabs, ha. I try to put a week between trips, but it's so good I take it every other day, puts me in a good mood, and helps me navigate the endless, surface encounters that I sometimes discern, as indoctrination, and promptly turn into very awkward times for some folks. In the end though I am just being honest, sometimes brutal, mostly unfiltered, but what is love, if not pure, and honest. Anyway I'm not driving to Cali anytime soon, went all up the PCH last summer, the valley is lovely, and the girls, and the weather, and weed, but I like my spot more, very peaceful in the midst of nowhere.
from Chinacat . . .
"I got up this morning and as always took a quick look at the boards before heading to campus. Your thread got thinking about the old days as I was driving to campus. So I have decided to skip my first class and try to provide some more info.
BTW if I flunk my pathology exam next week It's your fault Learyfan

Some of this info I covered in my ODD thread LSD-Crystal to blotter.
My information is on how the Dead/rainbow/origanal family handle LSD
When LSD crystal is bought it comes in little glass viles. It's a dense crystal and a gram of it looks alot smaller than a gram of coke or flour(or other powder). Ten grams can fit in a vile small enough to hold in your hand and clentch your fist and conceal.

Anyway as I said in my other thread when you first buy crystal from the family their's 2 requirement's. 1. You have to be taught how to lay it properly and be trusted to do so on your own. 2. You have to do a thumbprint. The family believes LSD crystal should only be handled by those with the proper energy or karma to do so. There's no better way to test somebodys faith of LSD than give them a thumbprint.

Originaly thumprints were given by taking the glass vile and puting your thumb over
the top of the vile and turning it and fliping it upside down real quick. This put a coating of crystal on your thumb which was pessed into the palm of the person ,leaving your crystal imbedded thumbrint in there palm(hence the term thumprint) where it would absorb(or they might lick it off.). This was your certification

Nowadays thumbprints are eaten. Any time someone eats crystal it's refered to as a print. This way was adopted because it's more efficiant.

As for the experiance itself. All reviever's are experianced with LSD(at least they think so until there printed
) You feel it almost instantly. LSD crystal has an energy to it. Having a jar of it my pocket is enough to alter my conciousness. As soon as it touches your skin or goes in your mouth you can feel it. Alot of folks will throw up within minutes. This is an exorcism of sorts. Like all the negative energy being cast out of your body. Then you lay down and learn. As for the experiance I just couldn't do it justice to describe it. Your never the same again.
A thumprint doesn't open the door of perception it blows it off the hinges.
You melt into eternety. You let go and die into the moment which is all. There is no you anymore only all. The intensity of this can't be described, but you realize as your sliping away that it's familar.This is because it become quite clear this is exactlly what happens when you die. After an eternity you slowly start to come back in pieces. You feel reborn and a completely different person. You don't ever come completely down or back. This isn't a bad thing ,but it's very scary at first.
I won't try to describe it any more because I can't. Also after your experianced with eating crystal its a little less tramatic. Your first one is spent on the ground. After awhile I could eat crystal at shows and whatnot.

I have only seen one print go bad and I described this in my other thread. The guy says it's the most important event of his life and now lives happily so I guess it wasn't bad. His reaction at the time was.

I think psychedelics are safer in large doses(i'm not talking about thumbprint sizes though) as far as bad trips go. They override your ego's defenses in large enough doses. you can't think your having a bad trip because you can't think at all beacause there is no you.
Terrance McKenna and Andrew Weil MD have said this also.

Alright whiterasta your up

"It is hard to describe a thumbprint. Human language cannot describe an experiance that is encompasses all of life. Every cell of every creature or living thing that ever lived or will live is connected by the energy or light. When we die are body and our ego is gone. We become one with eternity or the light or God or whatever name you wish to call it. A thumbprint allows this to happen and rerturn to our physical body. My first print I layed down and quickly realized that this was my actual death. You watch the whole process unfold with complete awareness.
I didn't cling to my body I just realized my life had passed. As I was spiraling up or out I saw my life evolve through the years I lived. The happiness, the sadness,the people I loved and the people I didn't. The joy that I gave and the pain that I caused. I saw the true nature of reality and why things were the way they were. As I got higher I saw the nature of reality on the cosmic scale and saw that the reason for our evolution was to experiance love. To love is to have experianced the finest of life. Then came the moment were it was time to let go. As I did it came for me and I sobbed uncontrolabley for I realized that the light or energy we call god or creation was perfect. It was pure unconditional love.
What else could god have been I realized. That glint of innocent perfection in a baby's eye. The light was pure as the heart of Jesus Christ. I dissolved into it and died. Since there was no me only the all ,I cannot remember the rest because there was no me to remember. After forever I slowly decended into my body.
I spent days awake afterwards talking to myself. I vowed to god to spread LSD so others could see the light. I vowed to look at every person as the lord and treat them as such.
I was reborn and continue to live by the values I learned. I became as active as I could spreading LSD. Year after year in hotel rooms with a pyrex pan and watercolor paper. Hoping excitedly that some of these hit's will help guide my brothers and sisters back towards the light. LSD is a direct message from God. Period. I don't think we get another chance. We can love each other or we can kill each other ,but it is up to us. As I always say in my threads as a reminder, my work with LSD ended years ago.

As for your question about eating and going to the bathroom. I don't think I ate for a week afterwards. As for going to the bathroom I hadn't eaten before hand at my guides advise so it wasn't a problem. I remember letting go as it got dark and coming back a lttle before sunrise. I was high for along time afterwards and as I said earlier you never fully return. I feel high all the time still and its been years.
Also I did many, many prints after that. I have eaten a lot of crystal but it was never like that first time.
I must stress that I was in the company of very evolved and older people that made sure my experiances were optimal. These were kind old spirits that had been were I was going many years before and many times. They held me as a baby every inch of the way.

You have heard of near death experiances right. A thumbprint is a beyond death experiance.
I have a rich life now thats full of good fortune. A wonderful wife and 3 children who are completely wonderful. Every day is complete joy. I couldn't ask for more, but I know it will end one day for good. I await this day with no fear ,but the knowlege that that most rewarding and enlightening experiance of life is death."
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