Beaner has toooo much time on his hands!

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Well-Known Member
yeah sorry bout that, had ta bust out a yo momma...It wont let me give any of you guys rep cause i already have too


Well-Known Member
I just read this entire thing. I hope you keep us all posted as to how things are going sounds to me like you got your shit together. I have never grown outdoors (am considering it this year), but i remember something my grandfather told me about protecting gardens from pests deer,woodchucks,rabbits...basically he said most. (he didnt grow cannabis just veggies) He used to put bars of irish spring soap around his garden just sitting on the ground or hung from really low branches. Not sure why, how, or if it works but he always did it in his vegetable garden...not sure how this work out in deep woods but might not hurt to try. good luck on your grow


Well-Known Member
Well today i spent the entire day, out in the swamp. I doubt soap would help much with the deer around here, thanks though, the deer here seem to like me, much of the time today when i worked near my greenhouse several were within a hundred feet of me, eating and watching me, slowly moving closer... I don't think they will be a problem, they have tons of food everywere, i am confident that i don't even need the 100 lbs of fence i brought with will be only usefull againced woodchucks and stuff.

i havent even tried to move the fence as i just spent all day hiking probably 20 plus miles knee deep in water, with 6 big bags of soil strapped to my back. over 200 pounds on my back for 10 trips is NOT fun! i ended up with 9 deer ticks and twice as many wood ticks attatched to me by the end...

all in all i carried almost all of the soil out to the greenhouse, and stacked it all in a depression, and covered with grass. The other 30 or so bags were stashed behind a big falled tree and covered in sticks and grass for next season, i am done bringing the dirt out for this season. except for the final placement, wich is going to be almost as much work but spread out over the next month instead of one day hopefully.

i ended up buying the 16 ounce cups cause thats all i could find, and prepared 30 with topsoil and virmiculite. I am freaking out as far as time goes, because i have about a week before the plants are ready to go out, and i need to start new ones in like a few days, i need seeds and bad, starting to regret going through amsterdam...


Well-Known Member
has anyone ordered through nirvana lately? what was the return time? im thinking i might get ahold some of that bag seed if it doesn't come in a week or so, i should be germing in the next few days ideally, so they are sprouting the surface right when the others leave the room. i should have built my flowering chamber first, so i could keep more plants alive, but my limit is 30 right now...

I decided not to go apeshit with the bagseed like i had planned, because they would for the most part be hardly flowering by winter, and would grow tall and sativa like, attracting undue attention to my real plants...though the skunks will never finish in time either.



Well-Known Member
Like your surroundings there beaner.
Looks like some sort of swamp or wetland..

Oh I recall that is what you said you had to walk thru up to your knees.
Damn, I bet that was rough...

Hoping to see more pics.

Happy growing....


Well-Known Member
yeah 250 pounds of dirt on your back makes you sink that much deaper, today im taking a break, my shoulders are soooooo bruised from the straps on my pack!


Well-Known Member
I wonder if you could possibly rig a tow sled maybee a piece of plywood and maybee make more trips with less weight.
I think there should be some way to use leverage here.
maybee even some styrofoam or a raft.


Well-Known Member
a sled might work, though the trail would be grossly obvious, all the hard work is done, now ill be prepping the plots, one bag at a time, so it will be tedious but fairly easy, that is, untill i bring the fencing out, but thats only one trip.


Well-Known Member
here are the first batch that i started off half assed, the pic is probably 3 days old, they are mostly all working on there 2nd node now. one died, i need to get a better transformer for my intake fan, because it is waaaay underpowered and gets too hot when completely sealed, it has been left open all the time now, thinking about bringing them out to the swamp early, even though i can keep them in that little box for at least 2 weeks till my next seeds come. i don't think i will, but i do need to make a shelf so i can keep them closer to the lights, most don't mind the 105 watts for the 1.5 square feet but one or two are stretching for no reason. this box is only meant for 5 clones or seedlings at a time, for the 4-5 weeks veg they will need to fill in the flowering box by the time they are finished. planning on a minature BOG style grow after i get all my outdoor seedlings out for the season.


Well-Known Member
yeah no kidding, i am thinking i might bring out ten plants today or tomorow and start a one of my plots early, i am planning 10-20 plots of ten plants each, hopefully each will average around 5 females by the end. I spent an hour this morning twisting thick copper wire into circles that will fit around my sprouts in the cups for outside. that should keep the slugs from eating my little babys.


Well-Known Member
okay well i made the trip out there today with ten little babies packed in a box with my pipe and weed as a cusion. they made the trip pretty well. my coldframe is still there safely hidden. i am starting to hate that thing, it is waaay to big and im only going to need a quarter of the size of that thing. tomorow first thing im making a much smaller one closer to my final planting area, wich is another mile past this clearing and into the really deap wet part of the swamp.

My first job was to transplant the ten little buggers into there 16 ounce dixie cups, and water them, i take the jiffy cups off, because they can limit root growth a bit, i usually use the jiffy pellets because the skin comes off easier. afterward i put them back in the greenhouse and took some of the grass off the area they are under, but not all the grass, i transplanted in the evening so they will not be affected by the sun today but hopefully the plastic and grass will filter it enough tomorow that they will handle it, since i will be coming back tomorow around noon i may place them in full sun to see how they do, they were only inside for like 5 days and shouldn't get burnt. the third pic down is my babies in their temporary greenhouse. after transplant they got little copper rings to keep slugs away.



Well-Known Member
After i got done with that my next job was to hike around and start looking for 3 final spots for the 30 plants i have now. My goal tomorow is to relocate the sprouts in a smaller greenhouse, and to carry the fencing out to the edge of the deep end of the swamp, as well as about 15 bags of soil. i have decided that the safest place in the swamp would be right before the forest/swamp gives way to miles of what i could only describe as "everglades", the water here is between 3-10 feet deep filled with duckweed, wild rice, and cattails for miles along the northern edge of the area. NOBODY is ever going out there for years! there are small dunes of dry land out there with dead trees standing and fallen neer the edge, and you literally have to get soaked in swamp water to get out there, everything will be hidden behind bushes so it is only visible to the most unaccesable part of the swamp. neerby there is an old growth forest, lined with rotting leaves and logs, mosses and ferns everywhere, it is a decomposition haven and has really nice soil, wish i had known that before i spent 400 bucks on scotts topsoil. first i will find the exact spots, then mix ingredients on a canvas tarp, then fill the bags and slog them out to there watery hideout. after that a fence will be put up, i will be there all day tomorow so hopefully i get three plots with 30 bags set up. i found 5 deer ticks on me and 3 super tiny black ticks, smaller than ants but definatly arachnids, i am very worried about lymes disease...nothing however is more peacefull than watching the sunset from a nice perch in a tree overlooking my swamp, a few bowls of good bud and every little sound pops out, the frogs chirping and the cardinals and bluebirds calling for mates, turkeys bobbing around in the distance and ring neck pheasants calling. THIS is why i love growing outdoors, without this hobby those evenings would never be.

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