Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member

Just so we are clear what "retarded" means.

I am using retarded to describe you Cezar, and you nitro, and you Flaming. Because you are very foolish or stupid. You are mentally less advanced than someone else your age.

And you, Cezar are a whining little bitch who is both retarded and possess a very tiny penis.

The word retarded is not derogatory, it is used to describe foolish, stupid, less mentally advanced individuals. Republicans.


Well-Known Member
He obviously has no idea what he's doing. Especially since he said "anther". He either can't ride or he can't build.
you two used to be respected members of this forum and this website. now, you two are regarded as pariahs due to your bigotry, racism, hatred, and intolerance.

how does it make both of you feel to be on the same side as the guy who wants obama to go back to kenya?

that was semi-rhetorical, i know neither of you will actually answer that.


Well-Known Member
The white privilege rape culture is huge in your post uncle bunk but the comment about the retardican is very offensive to be people with mentally disabled friends. You're an asshole bigot
What words should use in place of "retarded" when I don't want to gratuitously hurt their or their family members feelings?


Well-Known Member
you two used to be respected members of this forum and this website. now, you two are regarded as pariahs due to your bigotry, racism, hatred, and intolerance.

how does it make both of you feel to be on the same side as the guy who wants obama to go back to kenya?

that was semi-rhetorical, i know neither of you will actually answer that.

My original intent was to cause you grief. By your constant display of tears, I'd say I've succeeded. :)

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Ok, I see,...Let me clear it for you,....Yes bankruptcy is harmful and is never a goal to reach. There is nothing positive about it. It`s an option that allows the boss to crumble but through mandated management the plant can remain open. The other option is for the plant to close and vendors to fight for what`s owed.

Trump has 11 failures, but nobody counts successes. If you have 11 failures and 350 successes, you are not doing that bad unless the failures were in critical areas.
We're not going through this shit again again you're clueless, somehow touting multiple failures is a feather in your cap in your world.

Don't worry one day you'll get it!



Well-Known Member
We're not going through this shit again again you're clueless, somehow touting multiple failures is a feather in your cap in your world.

Don't worry one day you'll get it!


No, you`ll never get it.

If someone lost 13 drag races in their career, and has won over 200,.... they are on top of their game.
Your right, I`ll never understand how you can hold few failures above ten times the successes.
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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
In typical Retardican fashion, you repeat the same stupid shit over and over.

The best part of it all? You haven't spammed shit in the past few pages, you've been having to defend yourself. Because you are a weak old racist and you're too fucking stupid to see what's right in front of your face. You are so easily manipulated and so fucking gullible.

You're my bitch. I own you. Go make me a sandwich.
I see you got your belly full of candy. Thats good, so we can get back to your bitch. How's your bitch holding up? You seem to be over looking the fact that you are repeating your self but are to stupid to realize it. Were you wearing your Klan hat when you were stuffing your mouth with candy? TRUMP!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
The National Border Patrol Council made history in late March when it endorsed Donald Trump, marking the first time in the history of the border agents' union that the organization had endorsed a presidential candidate.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
He obviously has no idea what he's doing. Especially since he said "anther". He either can't ride or he can't build.
Hey fdd, It sounds like the chain broke or something came loose, Because I am very hard on clutches . My experience with clutches is I either burn them up or break a shaft or a belt. I run dry clutches so I can run a belt primary. That way when a belt breaks it doesn't take out guards and covers. That chain can rip some shit apart when it fails. It sounded like a real bummer. nitro.
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