Dr.Chronic He Turned Scam


Well-Known Member
The doc has turned into the biggest scam known to man! He used to be great, now if u get the seeds they either don't show, or don't germinate!!!!

Don't order from the doc!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Below u will see the actual email I sent him and the reply he sent me back is in bold.....

Funny that man I was only thinking today you are my most unlucky customer oh well

Chronic on the iphone ;)/
"Keep it Chronic"

On 2 Sep 2008, at 19:11, "CustomHydro" <riu@customhydro.com> wrote:

Hey Doc, I think u overcharged me! My CC was charged $395 when the receipt I have shows my cost at $261.
On top of that, my seeds never showed!!
My first order was supposedly confiscated, and my second order was bunk garbage seeds, now another confiscated order?!
Sorry, but if they don't show up I'm not going to be keeping it chronic anymore!
I could see one fuck up, but three in a row, no way!
I honestly don't think you sent my order, but it doesn't matter.

That little money u got me for wasn't shit compared to what u could have gotten if u were a true businessman.

Way to ruin your name!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
good thing i didnt order from him...keep it ATTITUDE dude..works great for me...someone from a eariler post had said that dr chronic is under a new management..and that they are screwing people over who lives in the u.s..but i dont know how true that is..


Well-Known Member
I placed an order a few days ago and he said he shipped, seeing this makes me sick. I will give it 2 weeks and post back.


Well-Known Member
thats fucked up bra, can u get any of ya $ back?
Like with your cc? Id do a fuckin chargeback on his ass if i got played like this


Active Member
That sucks man ive never had a problem like that with them... ive ordered from dr chronic 3 times and recived my seeds in less than 2 weeks each time... last week i ordered some greenhouse seeds super silver haze on a friday and i got my seeds the next monday.. but man if you didnt get your seeds the first time and the 2nd was bunk seeds, why would you spend 261$ on seeds that your not even close to sure that your gonna get?


Well-Known Member
That sucks man ive never had a problem like that with them... ive ordered from dr chronic 3 times and recived my seeds in less than 2 weeks each time... last week i ordered some greenhouse seeds super silver haze on a friday and i got my seeds the next monday.. but man if you didnt get your seeds the first time and the 2nd was bunk seeds, why would you spend 261$ on seeds that your not even close to sure that your gonna get?
the doc splits up big orders so he says.
I neva had a prob from him either but I dont spend more than 100 per order.


Well-Known Member
thats fucked up bra, can u get any of ya $ back?
Like with your cc? Id do a fuckin chargeback on his ass if i got played like this
Exactly, the credit card company will refund your money. And no the doc's company isn't listed as something incriminating, so there will be no suspicion.


Well-Known Member
That sucks man ive never had a problem like that with them... ive ordered from dr chronic 3 times and recived my seeds in less than 2 weeks each time... last week i ordered some greenhouse seeds super silver haze on a friday and i got my seeds the next monday.. but man if you didnt get your seeds the first time and the 2nd was bunk seeds, why would you spend 261$ on seeds that your not even close to sure that your gonna get?
How was the stealth on a 1-10 scale?


Well-Known Member
Exactly, the credit card company will refund your money. And no the doc's company isn't listed as something incriminating, so there will be no suspicion.
I bet they run on the same principle as porn sites, too embarrassed to call about it.


Well-Known Member
good thing i didnt order from him...keep it ATTITUDE dude..works great for me...someone from a eariler post had said that dr chronic is under a new management..and that they are screwing people over who lives in the u.s..but i dont know how true that is..
If that is true about them screwing over US customers, I would say the reason is because there is nothing you can do. Thats fucked up but may be a reality. The only way to get back at them is to post on every grow site you can about their service. Lets be real!! There is MUCH dope being grown in the US!!! And there will me more growers everyday. Anyone who does not care about getting American Business is crazy. Does not the USA rank #1 in consumption? Think about it. I am hearing good things about Attitude seed bank. Maybe they get it!!


Well-Known Member
Ive ordered from them 3 times. I live in california and twice I had them in my hands by the 4th day and my last order I got them on the 3rd day. +rep to royal air mail.


Well-Known Member
Ive ordered from them 3 times. I live in california and twice I had them in my hands by the 4th day and my last order I got them on the 3rd day. +rep to royal air mail.
Holy balls, I have never heard of anything, I mean ANYTHING getting here that fast.


Well-Known Member
I know it sounds incredible but its true. I deposit the money in my moms bank account and it shows up in her name and eery time shes given them to me I think how in the hell am I getting these seeds so damn fast? And then the third one that was here in 3!? Im going on a seed splurge and see if I have the same luck. Why would I be getting my seeds that fast?


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to say, I think he has turned scam. I'm on the east coast, and I ordered from the doc on August 3rd and according to an email from him, they shipped on the 4th and 5th. I'm still waiting, hopeful but realistic that they will never show. I read one of these threads that someone waited 9 weeks once. Fuck That!! They didn't wait 9 weeks for the money. Has anyone ever used hempdepot or seed boutique? How do these places do with delivery?


Well-Known Member
I get all my orders from him np,
but these big orders aren't coming to the pple on here.
And to whoever said theirs not much you can't do you can do a chargeback and get every penny back.