What is your Heritage?


Well-Known Member
You know what, if you are just going to shit on what pays for my mortgage, my kid's private school, my groceries, my booze, and my prescription drug habit, then you can just eat a dick, you dick! :lol:

it is sort of airy....gahhhhh!
so butthurt lol


Well-Known Member
What's up with you and b dub? I know I'm not the only one waiting out that marriage,he's so dreamy.


Well-Known Member
My dad only knew about Native American but some type of Caucasians was mixed in my mother's side Sicilian and Italian.


Well-Known Member
Did you like, block me bro? It seems you will not respond to my queries. :(
No, I'm not sure why I haven't replied. Maybe I felt like they were too off topic but somehow they weren't maybe, I don't know. I don't remember any specific posts in my threads that I ignore on purpose, unless it's someone posting a meme or something. I usually try to reply to everything, but for example, right now there are 3 new pages I haven't read in this thread right now.