A cop or cops just got shot and or killed in Dallas


Well-Known Member
You got to move the power from the federal government to the states again. Decentralize it. It wont fix things but the federal government is not doing its citizens any favors.
And how do you suppose we do that? By a peaceful protest? Please. So what will we do about the unconstitutional Federal Reserve?


Well-Known Member
Violent protest will not get what you want it will just end up with a lot more people hurt and killed. People need to elect people who will serve the citizens, not the government.
Even if we got lucky and Trump turned out like JFK he will be dead just like JFK. If violence is good for them why ain't it good for us?


Well-Known Member
Can we get a straight answer for the record?

What is your view on the 5 officers who were killed yesterday?
What is your view on the 1 dead 4 shot in Tennessee today with black guy randomly shooting white people on the highway?

My viewpoint is simple, it was wrong to kill those cops, it was wrong to kill random white people on a highway, and it was also wrong for the police to kill those 2 black men this week.
Perfect answer and truthful...


Well-Known Member
when i grow up, i want to make multiple sock puppet accounts where i pretend to be a woman on a pot growing website.


Well-Known Member
and now just to be honest with you fine folks, here is some weed that is actually mine.

fetches about 2 a unit here in denver, although i could get 22. i'm just not greedy. it is always gone before i can even fully cure it.
tiny shitty unfinished weed


Well-Known Member
Obama in his speech this morning described the Dallas shooter accurately as (in my words) another nutjob who found an excuse to commit mass murder, more like the Orlando shooter and the Charleston church mass murderer than anybody else.

He has as much to do with Black Lives Matter as the Orlando shooter had with ISIL. Both just used it as a cover for an act of cowardice.