The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
morning pomps, nice chunk to keep you happy this summer. or is it an oot the door and new kitchen floor job?

Christ my ex had ounces spent afore they were grown. mind i did too like but on way better stuff.

woke up with man flu today. this week can take a running jump so far.
some of its it spent m8 but need to save some really as the kids brake up soon for 6 weeks and will be hell if i havent got any money to take them out lol just gotta clean the tent out and get them cq48 and the gg going


Well-Known Member
just put another on ignore, no choice his posts read like he has keeled over and hit the keyboard with his head, man flu is e contagious don im gonna get some lemsip

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
just put another on ignore, no choice his posts read like he has keeled over and hit the keyboard with his head, man flu is e contagious don im gonna get some lemsip
i'm away for some cold n flu tabs from morrisons, i've two hour jujitsu session tonight, and i'm out of puff sparring for two mins as is.

how come we've never seen them spice heads all fucked up like that in the uk. I've smoked it had heart palpitations and fucked it off. not seen anyone trying to plank ona a fire hydrant yet?!


Well-Known Member
its the price don, cheapest hardest buzz for the proper wreckheads,its huge in the UK aswel, homeless n prison, think they not long ago finally banned it and made illegal tho.

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abe supercro

Well-Known Member
synthetic spice/k2 has been listed as a schedule 1 drug here for several years, but it's still sold by those who are willing to risk it.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Its good to see that our society is finally beginning to recognize addicts as a health problem, rather than something entirely placed on the criminal justice system.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
a while back my boss was buying it cos he couldn't get any weed. said he hit a pipe full then head off home in the motor got half a mile and had to pull over he'd 'forgotten' how to drive, had to sit for a half hour and chill.

I tried the hash version and it just gave me palpitations and para so i fucked that right off.


Well-Known Member
What is it with people and their fucking dogs? It's not even 11 and I've already had a fight and swung the lead at this stupid bitch's dog.

Not before I've called her a cheap bitch, questioned why I have problems with her every time, does she want the lead in her face also, etc

We literally couldn't pass her and she can't pull her dog back. I told her pull him and she can't or doesn't even try. Monty retaliated a bit when I started shouting and swinging. She got a mad mongrel mix, quite big but only a year old and very aggressive. There gonna be problems.. And worst of all, she'll instigate it, we'll win and then I'll be fucked coz he's a pit. Cnts. Rant over. Have a nice day.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
when we started to get medical herb legit voted in a few states, dang k2/spice was also news erywhere - bad press anchors also callin it marijuana, like herb and it were similar.


Well-Known Member
What is it with people and their fucking dogs? It's not even 11 and I've already had a fight and swung the lead at this stupid bitch's dog.

Not before I've called her a cheap bitch, questioned why I have problems with her every time, does she want the lead in her face also, etc

We literally couldn't pass her and she can't pull her dog back. I told her pull him and she can't or doesn't even try. Monty retaliated a bit when I started shouting and swinging. She got a mad mongrel mix, quite big but only a year old and very aggressive. There gonna be problems.. And worst of all, she'll instigate it, we'll win and then I'll be fucked coz he's a pit. Cnts. Rant over. Have a nice day.
That really winds me up too, I've got a big american bulldog, who's really placid until he gets attacked by another (off lead) dog. It happens all the time and sometimes I just feel like letting go of him and sorting it out for himself, but I know it's us who'd end up in the shit.


Well-Known Member
I'd My lad on the lead all the time till we moved...fucking travelers have ponies n horses feeding the football pitch n all not to mention all the fucking stray dogs about so ive him off the lead but on heal so if shit goes down he's space to fuck have em...