What are these spots?


Well-Known Member
I noticed my 2 lowest fan leaves had these spots on them the other day so I removed them thinking it would stop from spreading. Now I see it forming on the next set above that. What could this be? Any info would be helpful. Strain is either Gorilla Glue or Hells Angels Kush, but from bag seed, so who knows. We have had a good 2 weeks of 90's temps and high humidity and intense sun. Fan leaves seem to hang down in evening so I have watered daily in morning around 6:00 a.m.. No chemicals at all, only rabbit poo tea and crushed poop pellets mixed into top couple inches of soil about a month or so ago. I just upsized my pot from about 3 gallon to a 21"x18" tapered pot today. Sorry for long post, just wanted as much info as possible for best advice. 20160813_134341.jpg 20160813_145945.jpg


Well-Known Member
its either a toxicity or a deficiency it's been a while since i had look up the symptoms for one sorry.

inbetween vains like that maybe something like to much potasuim idk sorry. (toxity)

Whats the npk of your wabbit poop ? and how often and how much do you feed it ? be precise and someone will help.

its a qiuck fix just so you know :)


Well-Known Member
NPK values are 2.4 1.4 .60. I made my tea at 1 gal to 5 gal water. I watered with that solution at 1/2 strength each day for about a week, then have used straight water for last 2 weeks. Spots began about a week ago. I removed the 2 lower fans about 3-4 days ago, and just noticed these today.


Well-Known Member
I noticed my 2 lowest fan leaves had these spots on them the other day so I removed them thinking it would stop from spreading. Now I see it forming on the next set above that. What could this be? Any info would be helpful. Strain is either Gorilla Glue or Hells Angels Kush, but from bag seed, so who knows. We have had a good 2 weeks of 90's temps and high humidity and intense sun. Fan leaves seem to hang down in evening so I have watered daily in morning around 6:00 a.m.. No chemicals at all, only rabbit poo tea and crushed poop pellets mixed into top couple inches of soil about a month or so ago. I just upsized my pot from about 3 gallon to a 21"x18" tapered pot today. Sorry for long post, just wanted as much info as possible for best advice. View attachment 3756678 View attachment 3756681
not sure whats wrong,but seaweed juice an little cal mag fix most of my problems


Well-Known Member
How do I look for/treat for mites? I am big on 100% pure organic, so no chemical cures for me.
For mites neem oil will do the job

Spinosad works very well but may be slight over kill

and Permethrin based products work and it degrades in around 2 days

also lacewing larvae can do it some nematodes can work also

PH always matters people think it don`t matter so much in coco or soil or outside, but it does matter more so when its wrong ph should swing from 5 to 6 or even 7 over a time to give the plant access to everything then later in flower lower ph`s or higher pk helps the plant bud up more

but organic soil mixes if you get them right are then most "let it do its work" kinda grows you normally get still go to ph once in awhile


Well-Known Member
Awesome! Thank's for all the help and advice! I was more worried about a mold or mildew issue. I will get cal mag and neem oil asap!
you might also want to spray with something to stop mould and PM if you think that`ll be a problem I do recall there`s some lactose based products or some that use malt or something can`t remember

I use an anti fungal early in veg to cut down on that kinda stuff


Well-Known Member
Awesome! Thank's for all the help and advice! I was more worried about a mold or mildew issue. I will get cal mag and neem oil asap!
I use neem oil from garden safe (found at Walmart and Lowes) it works well as a preventative for mould, mildew, and some insects. I've since switched to Einstein oil its the same in a sense, neem oil is its main ingredient. Hindsight being 20/20 I'd wish I had gotten dynagro neem oil, because I use protekt from Dynagro. Protekt is an emulsifier, also a silicon supplement, it helps keep things mixed, with added benefits of making plants more resistant to drought, heat and stress, it also thickens cell walls to help naturally fight against pest and disease. You also want a good surfactant. Many use dawn dish washing liquid. I use non concentrate myself, just a drop. Any neem oil should help. Make sure plants aren't under any kind of stress water wise, more so, if you think they need water, water them before treatment. I just learned that the hard way. Plants were slightly under watered, and I hit them hard with oil. Burnt leaves and stress was the result. Be careful, start small, and may the grow gods bless you.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a soil analysis? I see on the tomato to the right a blaring calcium problem. I think this is calcium issue and it may be that there is too much water and not enough drainage. I would drill a lot of holes in that pot.


Well-Known Member
NPK values are 2.4 1.4 .60. I made my tea at 1 gal to 5 gal water. I watered with that solution at 1/2 strength each day for about a week, then have used straight water for last 2 weeks. Spots began about a week ago. I removed the 2 lower fans about 3-4 days ago, and just noticed these today.
"""Even when applied fresh, rabbit manure will not burn plants. Gardens with rabbit fertilizer consistently applied most often yield much better results! Because of this, gardeners may be willing to pay for manure or composed manure for a higher cost. Because of the complimentary nature, many rabbit raisers also raise earthworms (or Red Wigglers)."""

from your link ^^^ it looks like you got a deficiency then like the guys above said, looks impossible to toxic and you haven't feed them for 2 weeks ..... so deficiency of what the guys said above ^^^ would be my assumption.

update us all with the results of the fix :) if not update us for the result of the death plant just for a laugh.

hope this helps :lol:


Well-Known Member
No I do not. I used Miracle grow moisture control potting soil and a Mirical grow compost at 50/50. I also mixed in a good amount of rabbit poo ground up for added benifits of the manuer itself. I am going to be using a duck poo tea for flowering as it has very low N but almost mirrors rabbits PK values. I will get some cal mag into the garden also! Thanks!