Found out yesterday the bottom layer of a 2 layer tile floor contains asbestos. So I did extensive research last night, talked to a few friends, and dug up my old asbestos safety manuaIs from work. We had annual asbestos training there required by OSHA...but I never paid attention to it until now, as I never had to deal with it at work much.
Old floor tile asbestos can't release fibers into the air unless you grind, saw, cut or break it. As a precaution, you mist it down to minimize dust in case you fuck up. Most of it stuck to the top much newer layer that is not asbestos...
Another 12 hour tedious day...some of it didn't just come right up like the pics above...had to super gently tap a wide scraper under some of them to get them up intact and unbroken. 1959 Armstrong Corlon and Excelon tile contain 6.4% to 10% asbestos depending on color...
Some of it was Goodyear vinyl that doesn't have asbestos in it...but you don't know till you get it up and flip it...
I only broke 3 tile out of hundreds... danger is my middle name.
Actually...the asbestos in a vinyl matrix is not in the high danger zone like insulation or pipe wrap. I wouldn't be doing if it wasn't safe... most was layed over sticky black tar...but water damage from 3 inland hurricanes, a blown hot water tank and a toilet supply line leak made this a lot easier...half done, back at it tomorrow.