Government officials (Team Hillary, too) respond to DEA’s pot rescheduling denial


Well-Known Member
You must be fooling yourself it's never happened like it did over the last 15 years.

We have witnessed unparalleled Partisanship and Obstruction.

I have studied and followed every election and politics since 1980 when I voted for Reagan,
You do know Obomber has us in war in 9 nations don't you? Fuck Democrats at least Trump is reasonable and willing to work with Russia to end terrorism. Hillary and Obama want to let terrorists in just like what's going on in Europe I can't remember the last time a week has gone by with no terrorist attacks in Europe. That will be home if Hillary wins.

But fuck it Hillary Clinton just armed and funded ISIS no big deal. Dumb Dee dum dum dumb.


Well-Known Member
Typical one liners of the unknowing.......that's ok be your Partisan self. ( ignored not worth my time )
The point being it's been getting done for years and years and years and years and years and yes it keeps getting worse and will continue to keep getting worse each party kicks it up a notch when they are the majority. It is kind of like saying oh I killed five people yeah but then you'd killed seven people, yeah but you then killed 10 people, yes so I killed 15 people, okay well I'm going to kill 20 next time...who's worse they're all bad...


Well-Known Member
The point being it's been getting done for years and years and years and years and years and yes it keeps getting worse and will continue to keep getting worse each party kicks it up a notch when they are the majority. It is kind of like saying oh I killed five people yeah but then you'd killed seven people, yeah but you then killed 10 people, yes so I killed 15 people, okay well I'm going to kill 20 next time...who's worse they're all bad...
Except Obomber is so much worse than Bush was which Bush was pretty bad. Only Hitlery will be worse after all she was secretary of state in a regime worse than Bush's.


Well-Known Member
Would probably also comment that no president has been more divisive then Obama who has done everything he can to keep the two parties separated and at each other's throats. He made the promise that he was going to work with both parties and try to bring them together, and from the day he stepped into office he did the exact opposite, and has continued to do so. He has done nothing to unite the parties or the American people. I would welcome a day to have Bill Clinton back in office but Hillary is no Billary...


Well-Known Member
no he's not you bumbling bag of half sucked dicks.

he is the 'law and order' candidate and cannabis is illegal. he is butt buddies with chris christie who is staunchly opposed to any form of cannabis.

post a picture of your knee.
Trump is an amazing business man and has great business sense. He knows the value of marijuana to help and revitalize the economy. I think he is hinting at this, but can't say it directly due to some of the base.


Well-Known Member
In a very strange way I almost welcome Hillary taking office of president, she will then have nobody to blame! She can't blame Obama, she can't blame Bush, she will only be able to blame for all her mishaps and she will be out of office in 4 years, if she doesn't keel over and die from whatever problem it is that she's having right now.


Well-Known Member
Would probably also comment that no president has been more divisive then Obama who has done everything he can to keep the two parties separated and at each other's throats. He made the promise that he was going to work with both parties and try to bring them together, and from the day he stepped into office he did the exact opposite, and has continued to do so. He has done nothing to unite the parties or the American people. I would welcome a day to have Bill Clinton back in office but Hillary is no Billary...
If there were a Republican party worth compromising with I'm sure he would have tried harder but the Republicans don't even know what they stand for anymore. They're the anything but Democrats party. You can't repeatedly give a voice to batshit legislators without them drowning out the sane ones. You know the pedophiles, adulterers and racists who pass wasteful discriminatory legislation. You did this to yourself.


Well-Known Member
In a very strange way I almost welcome Hillary taking office of president, she will then have nobody to blame! She can't blame Obama, she can't blame Bush, she will only be able to blame for all her mishaps and she will be out of office in 4 years, if she doesn't keel over and die from whatever problem it is that she's having right now.
Only problem with that is we will be in WW3 before she gets voted out.


Well-Known Member
If there were a Republican party worth compromising with I'm sure he would have tried harder but the Republicans don't even know what they stand for anymore. They're the anything but Democrats party. You can't repeatedly give a voice to batshit legislators without them drowning out the sane ones. You know the pedophiles, adulterers and racists who pass wasteful discriminatory legislation. You did this to yourself.
Laugh my ass off @ adulterers all I can think of is Bill Clinton on that one... I think both parties are equally divided on all those counts...


Well-Known Member
Honestly I believe we are already in it it just hasn't gotten the Press yet and is not to a big enough scale to be called that yet
We are certainly close to all out WW3 but we do have a chance to get Russia and China to chill out just not with Hillary. Look at these Democrats every time we are hacked they blame Russia with no evidence whatsoever! Then we have that ex CIA agent who will be right in Hillary's regime who wants to covertly kill Russian and Iranian troops. That alone will cause WW3.


Well-Known Member
Laugh my ass off @ adulterers all I can think of is Bill Clinton on that one... I think both parties are equally divided on all those counts...
Bill Clinton isn't passing laws condemning gays and claiming marriage is only for "good" Christians like those disguised pedos and racists called Republicans.


Well-Known Member
You do know Obomber has us in war in 9 nations don't you? Fuck Democrats at least Trump is reasonable and willing to work with Russia to end terrorism. Hillary and Obama want to let terrorists in just like what's going on in Europe I can't remember the last time a week has gone by with no terrorist attacks in Europe. That will be home if Hillary wins.

But fuck it Hillary Clinton just armed and funded ISIS no big deal. Dumb Dee dum dum dumb.
So, between you and me... Obama is the founder of ISIS and wants to see them take over the world. Right?


Well-Known Member
Would probably also comment that no president has been more divisive then Obama
wait a second, you plagiarize racist propaganda from white supremacy websites, and you call obama divisive?

the GOP fought against health care for 9/11 first responders simply because obama supported it. they opposed the payroll tax cut because obama supported it. they even shot down their own ideas of cap and trade and the DREAM act because obama got behind them.

you'd probably even stop making child pornography if obama said he was for it. too bad for all those kids you victimize that obama is firmly opposed to child pornography, unlike you.


Well-Known Member
Hillary is 3rd term Obama, they even said that. Nothing to make you believe it will be any different with her.

if my 401k triples again, i can pay for the next gay wedding while smoking legal weed.

is there something wrong with 70 straight months of job creation resulting in 15 million new jobs?

or do you just hate black people and women?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
In a very strange way I almost welcome Hillary taking office of president, she will then have nobody to blame! She can't blame Obama, she can't blame Bush, she will only be able to blame for all her mishaps and she will be out of office in 4 years, if she doesn't keel over and die from whatever problem it is that she's having right now.
Seems like an insensitive thing for a parent that has a terminally ill child to say. You should be ashamed of yourself. You also spend way to much time on the internet, time is precious dont waste it on strangers..